
Diet for blood group 3 positive (+)

Developed by the nutritionist D’Adamo, the positive blood group 3 diet is based on the theory of the division of human blood into groups in the process of evolution. Forty thousand years ago, according to this theory, there was only one blood type – the first. This was at a time when people ate mainly meat, which was obtained exclusively from hunting.

What should be the blood type 3 positive (+) diet? What foods does it include and what doesn’t? An expert nutritionist answers.

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vegetables on skewers
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Health features of people with 3rd + blood group

Fifteen thousand years later, plant food appeared in the diet of a person who learned to cultivate the earth – at that time the next, second blood group, appeared. The appearance of dairy products, in turn, contributed to the emergence of the third group, and the fourth blood group arose as a result of mixing the third and second, more than one and a half thousand years ago.

On the basis of this highly controversial theory, D’Adamo created an individual diet for each blood group based on foods that became the basis of the diet of distant ancestors. An American nutritionist presented a list of harmful and useful foods for people of each blood group, thanks to which today people have the opportunity to use it to improve the work of their bodies and lose extra pounds.

A person with a third blood group is distinguished by the ability to quickly adapt to the environment and to changes in nutrition. It has a very strong immune and digestive system, is omnivorous and can be eaten on a mixed diet.

The “nomad” type of people, who, as a result of racial migrations, acquired individual characteristics (flexibility of character, high potential of a creator and the ability to maintain balance in any situation), makes up more than twenty percent of the world’s population.

The third blood group is not uncommon, but you need to include in the diet foods rich in magnesium.


  • Flexibility to adapt to changes in diet and to their environmental conditions;
  • The power of the immune system;
  • Stability of the nervous system.

Weaknesses (in case of imbalance in the diet):

  • Exposure to the negative effects of rare viruses;
  • The risk of autoimmune diseases;
  • Type 1 diabetes;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Chronic fatigue.

Diet according to the 3rd + blood group

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  1. People with a third positive blood group can quite often indulge themselves with various dishes of meat and eggs, rabbit meat, lamb, and also sea fish. It is preferable to exclude chicken, corn, lentils and sunflower oil from the diet, as well as seafood.
  2. In cereals, it is better to opt for oatmeal and rice. Soybeans, beans and legumes are required, and fermented milk, minimally fatty foods should be added to the menu every day.
  3. From drinks, you should limit yourself to soda, lime tea, pomegranate and tomato juice. And give preference to decoctions of licorice, raspberries, ginseng and coffee in moderation.
  4. People who are puzzled by overweight problems should exclude from their diet corn, buckwheat, wheat and peanuts, which contribute to gaining unnecessary pounds. These products quickly reduce the production of insulin and, retaining excess fluid in the body, slow down the metabolic process, which, further, has a very unfavorable effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Tomatoes and pomegranates should also be removed from the menu as foods that can cause gastritis in the stomach. Lean meat is the basis of the diet for a person with a positive blood group. The liver will also benefit. To improve digestion, you need to eat a lot of greens, with the exception of spinach, which leads to increased gas production. Almonds, walnuts and eggs will add tone and energy to the body.
  6. Vitamin complexes for people with a third positive blood group are required. Pay attention to the tincture of echinacea, licorice and ginkgo biloba. For general strengthening of the body, magnesium, lecithin and the digestive enzyme bromelain are also needed.

Physical activity for people with 3+ blood group

Psychological harmony and proper physical activity are the key to success for people solving the problem of weight loss. Basically, sports that combine relaxing technique and intense exercise are suitable for this blood group:

  • Walking;
  • Yoga;
  • Swimming;
  • Elliptical trainer;
  • Exercise bike;
  • Tennis;
  • Treadmills.
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Diet tips for people with a 3rd + blood type

Due to the fact that most foods are easily digested by nomads, they can use completely different diets, mixed and balanced. With a few exceptions, people of this blood group can eat almost all foods.

Wheat glutein causes a decrease in metabolism in this group of people. Accordingly, insufficiently processed food in the body is not fully utilized as an energy fuel, but is deposited with extra centimeters on the body. Most of all, the combination of wheat with buckwheat, peanuts, lentils and corn is unacceptable.

Given the excellent digestibility of both foods rich in carbohydrates and foods containing proteins, people with this blood group are allowed to consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables, and meat, oils, cereals and fish are more than useful (do not forget about the exceptions).

What you can eat:

  • Eggs;
  • Liver;
  • Greenery;
  • Lean veal, beef, lamb, turkey, rabbit meat;
  • Porridge – millet, oatmeal, rice;
  • Kefir, yoghurts;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salmon;
  • Rosehip berries;
  • Bananas, papaya, grapes;
  • Carrot.

Healthy drinks:

  • Green tea;
  • Raspberry leaves;
  • Ginseng;
  • Juices – cranberry, pineapple, cabbage, grape.

What you can’t eat:

  • Tomatoes, tomato juice;
  • Seafood (shrimp, anchovies);
  • Chicken, pork;
  • Buckwheat, lentils, corn;
  • Peanut;
  • Smoked, salted, fried and fatty foods;
  • Sugar (only in limited quantities);
  • Pomegranates, persimmons, avocados;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Soda drinks;
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • Ice cream;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Rye, wheat bread.

Products that are available in limited quantities:

  • Butter and linseed oil, cheese;
  • Herring;
  • Soy flour bread;
  • Cherries, lingonberries, watermelons, blueberries;
  • Walnuts;
  • Apples;
  • Green beans;
  • Coffee, beer, orange juice;
  • Strawberry.

Reviews from forums from people who have experienced the effects of diet


And I lost weight according to the blood group, I managed to lose 16 kilograms in six months. It was not always possible to adhere to the recommendations exactly, but the effect was (and is), and this is the main thing. 🙂 I constantly drank kefir, even made okroshka on kefir. Cutlets – only from beef, veal. I had to forget about pork altogether, although I couldn’t live without it. Nothing like that, you can live. And it’s good to live. 🙂


The main thing in a blood type diet is to make it your way of life. Because, as soon as you jump off the diet – that’s it! Everything returns to normal, and doubled in size. J For three years I kept a normal weight with this diet, cheese – only feta cheese, kefir in the morning and at night, broths – only on beef. She refused spicy, salty and other things altogether. And everything was great. Then stress … and that’s it. I started eating sweets, pork and other joys went … And the weight returned. Now she went on a blood type diet again. There are no other options. 🙁


And I find it difficult with this diet. My husband has one blood group, I have another, as a result, his products are harmful to me, and mine is harmful to him. Although he was the initiator of this diet, I have to suffer. 🙂


I completely gave up wheat bread, pork, tomatoes (which are terribly delicious with shrimp and fat cheese with mayonnaise in a salad). And from everything else, forbidden. I’ve been on this diet for two months already. It’s hard, but I feel very good – it’s a pity to quit. I will continue in the same spirit. 🙂


I don’t know … I ate like that without a diet. Also 3 positive for me. I don’t eat chicken, I don’t eat pork, I don’t like smoked meats, salted foods, tomatoes and butter at all. Fruits and vegetables – these are just kilograms of them. Apparently, the body itself knows what it needs. So that’s it! 🙂

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