
Dmitry Iskhakov after the divorce decided not to marry again

This year, Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov were supposed to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary, but broke up instead. Now Iskhakov decided to share his feelings and thoughts after the divorce – it turns out that now he does not think that he will ever consolidate his relationship with a “stamp in his passport”.

Love story: wedding a year after the first date and divorce six years later

Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov

The couple met 10 years ago, at the singer’s photo shoot. She really liked the work, and she remembered Dmitry so that she knew exactly who to turn to in the future. And not in vain: three years later, the artist needed shots for the poster of the concert tour, and, of course, she called Iskhakov. He decided not to lose the chance and persuaded the beauty to go on a date with him.

Six months later, in the capital of France, on the “Bridge of Lovers”, the man proposed to Gagarina, and six months later they signed. Dima fell in love with the singer’s son from his last marriage and accepted him as his own.

But in the spring of this year, rumors appeared about discord in their family: they say, they no longer live together, and, despite two common children, they barely even communicate – the head of the family even quit his wife’s company.

“I never believed in marriage. Then he fell in love and believed. Fool?!”

Polina Gagarina and Dmitry Iskhakov 2

After the photographer confirmed the suspicions of the fans in his Instagram account, and the other day he made a new publication there, in which he decided to speculate about life after the divorce.

It turns out that the story sounds quite dramatic: Dmitry thought that he would never marry, but having met Polina, he gave the marriage a chance. And he did not justify himself: six years have passed, and now, with a broken heart, he is dealing with the red tape in order to break the marital chains. However, in any case, he is grateful to fate for his wife and son.

“I never believed in marriage. Then he fell in love and believed. Fool?! May be. Do I regret anything ?! Not! Am I grateful ?! Certainly. A lot for that. Will I ever want to marry again ?! I strongly doubt it. I don’t know almost a single happy couple who have lived together for a long time. Those who are holding on, they are, but there are very few of them. And another big question is whether this is not a habit or inertia. And I love my family very much and will always love it. Is there something more important and more expensive ?! No! ”, – he wrote in a post.


Polina never once said anything about the divorce: only in the YouTube show “Of course, Vasya!” she noted that she did not want and did not want to ever share her personal life – “that’s why she’s personal.” She even hid her second pregnancy until the last month.

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