
Electronic gadgets for kids 10 years old – 8 popular gadgets for kids

Today our children master the mouse and keyboard earlier than pencils and paper. Disputes about the dangers and benefits of electronic gadgets will probably never subside, but everyone will agree that in our time it is practically impossible to do without them. Some technological innovations help in the development of children, others provide a constant connection with the child, and others are already an integral part of life. Therefore, the task of parents is to keep up with the times, confidently maintaining a balance between “offline” and the impact of progress.

Read also: The best sports gadgets for the whole family.

What gadgets would be useful gifts for a modern child of 10 years old?

Electronic gadgets for a child of 10 years old

  1. Children’s netbook PeeWee Pivot
    Not a toy, but even an “adult” own computer. It was created especially for children. Of the features, it is worth noting a rotary touch screen, the ability to use a computer as a tablet, powerful “adult” technical characteristics.
    Electronic gadgets for a child of 10 years old
    The netbook has a waterproof case and keyboard that will withstand rough handling, parental controls, tutorials, and a removable handle. In addition to special programs, the netbook contains educational games, a supply of RAM, Wi-Fi, etc.
    Average cost of a PeeWee Pivot netbook – about 600-700 dollars
  2. E-book
    The latest models of this device are equipped not only with the ability to read books, but also watch videos and listen to audio files. Such a device, as noted by many mothers, awakens the child’s interest in books. The main plus is the large memory resources. Parents can upload a whole library to the e-book, both books from the school curriculum and books “for fun.” The child can take the e-book with him on vacation or on a trip.
    Electronic gadgets for a child 10 years old - PocketBook Basic reader New
    The most popular models are PocketBook Basic New reader (maximum “similarity” to paper in sensations, proven safety for eyesight, the ability to install a 32 GB memory card, battery power is enough to read 20 books) and Story Book inColor (slots for memory cards up to 16 GB, easy control, photo viewer, MP3 player).
    Average cost of e-books – from 1500 to 6000 r
  3. Children’s camera
    The most popular baby camera is Kidizoom Plus. Features: the presence of a memory card and a flash, a rubberized case (the camera does not slide in the hands of a child), rotation of the lens by 180 degrees (if desired, the child can shoot himself), the ability to shoot video with sound from those specified in the program, create audio clips, slide shows and animations, logic games, easy controls, children’s design.
    Electronic gadgets for a child 10 years old - kidizoom Plus children's camera
    All captured frames and videos can be transferred to a computer via USB and even watched on a TV screen.
    Average cost of a gadget (according to characteristics and capabilities) – from 1500 to 7000 r
  4. Solar Backpack
    Not all parents know about such a novelty yet. This gadget will become a very useful thing for a child both at school and on vacation. Features: practicality, fashionable design, environmental friendliness and, most importantly, the presence of a solar battery.
    Electronic Gadgets for Child 10 Years Old - Solar Backpack
    The child will be able to charge the dead batteries of the phone or other device, and the parents will not have to worry once again, unsuccessfully calling their favorite “dumbass”. The backpack itself is charged from the sun and any light source (about 8 hours of continuous lighting), from the mains and from the USB port.
    Average cost of a backpack with a solar panel – 2000-8000 p.
  5. Digital voice recorder
    Is your child “sleeping” in class? Not very attentive? Not able to quickly outline the topics of the lessons? Buy him one of the modern digital voice recorders. A lecture from a teacher can be recorded and listened to at home, the lesson itself can be transferred to a notebook, and you will be aware of all the problems that arise with teachers. The choice of voice recorders today is very large, and their capabilities are widening.
    Electronic gadgets for a child 10 years old - Digital voice recorder
    For example, voice activation, extremely small size (almost a keychain), automatic recording of voice on and off when it fades away, noise canceling function, large memory capacity and an external microphone, easy control, uploading files to a PC via a USB cable. Some voice recorders have anti-counterfeiting protection of recordings, so that audio files can be used as evidence in case of legal proceedings.
    Average cost of a digital voice recorder – 6000-10000 p.
  6. Digital microscope
    The assortment of this fashionable gadget is also quite wide, moms and dads can choose the device according to the size of their wallet. Why is a digital microscope interesting? Firstly, it is an excellent alternative to the traditional optical microscope and will be a nice gift for any young researcher (eg DigiMicro 2.0). Secondly, the image from a digital microscope can be directly displayed on a laptop, TV screen, etc.
    Electronic gadgets for a child 10 years old - Digital microscope
    Also, its features include a removable / built-in display, the ability to take photos and videos, save frames to a memory card, convenient software, study microparticles and measure objects, power via a USB port, etc.
    The cost of such a device will be from 2500 to 100000 r
  7. Electronic telescope
    An even more interesting device with which a child can engage in astronomical research / observation. The choice of the model will depend on both the financial condition and the technical characteristics (whether you need a device to broaden your horizons, for scientific purposes, or just as a gift “so that it was”).
    Electronic gadgets for a child 10 years old - Electronic telescope
    Electronic modern telescope is a fashionable design and the ability to take photos / videos, universal USB output, picture accuracy, etc.
    The cost of “star pleasure” – from 3500 to 100000 r
  8. SpyNet Mission Watch
    Not a single young spy will refuse such a gadget, because with it any secret mission is simply doomed to success.
    Electronic Gadgets for 10 Years Old Child - SpyNet Mission Watch
    Features of the spy watch: fashionable design, LCD display, night vision function, the ability to record audio, photo and video files, search for bugs, timer with a stopwatch, lie detector, download games and missions from the manufacturer, snake camera (for secret observation from around the corner), the ability to download files to a PC, etc. Average cost – about 4000 r

Of course, bombarding your child with fashionable gadgets in order to free up 2-3 hours of free time for yourself is a bad idea. Remember that it will be almost impossible to pull the child out of the world of technological innovations later.

See also: Phone and baby – does a child need a phone, and which one?

Use gadgets exclusively for the development and protection of your childso that later not to worry that the son (daughter) has forgotten how to count in his mind, does not want to go out and refuses to communicate with people “offline”.

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