
Hicks training contractions – how to distinguish from real ones

Braxton Hicks contractions are usually called random painless training contractions. They were named after the English doctor J. Braxton Hicks, who first characterized these contractions in 1872. By their nature, contractions are a short-term contraction of the uterine muscles (from thirty seconds to two minutes), felt by the expectant mother as an increase in uterine tone.

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Braxton Hicks training contractions - how to distinguish them from real ones

The content of the article:

All about training fights – educational program for expectant mothers

False contractions are necessary for a woman during pregnancy… The uterus needs preparatory training in order to cope with the labor load without problems.

The target of Hicks fights is preparation for labor – both the cervix and the uterus itself.

Braxton Hicks training contractions - how to distinguish them from real ones

Features of false precursor contractions:

  • Shortly before the onset of labor, contractions are harbingers contribute to the shortening of the cervix and its softening. Earlier, when there were no ultrasound devices, the appearance of preliminary contractions predicted near-term childbirth.
  • Contractions – harbingers arise after the twentieth week of pregnancy.
  • They are short – from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. The mom-to-be, during Hicks’s training contractions, experiences cramps in the uterus. The tummy hardens or stiffens for a while, and then returns to its previous state. Often, women in labor confuse false contractions with genuine ones, and arrive at the maternity hospital ahead of time.
  • With increasing gestational age the frequency of occurrence of Brexton Hicks contractions increases, and their duration remains unchanged. Many women may not even observe the appearance of such contractions.

Women who experience discomfort during training contractions should try to distract myself… A leisurely stroll or relaxing break is a great option.

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Need to learn relax and breathe properly, listen to your body and understand what it needs.

How to behave during Higgs Braxton contractions?

Training bouts are usually not accompanied by pain, but with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, it can become more frequent and bring a feeling of discomfort. All phenomena are personal and depend on the sensitivity of the expectant mother.

Contractions – Harbingers can be triggered by the following:

  • Maternal activity or active movements of the baby in the womb;
  • The worries or worries of the expectant mother;
  • Dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman;
  • Overcrowding of the bladder;
  • Sex, or, to be more precise, orgasm.

Braxton Hicks training contractions - how to distinguish them from real ones

During contractions – the harbingers, every pregnant woman should know how to behave and how to help herself. The best thing – try to avoid situations that cause false contractions

If the process has begun, you can alleviate the condition in the following ways:

  • Take a warm shower, as water relieves muscle spasms;
  • Change the position of the body;
  • Take a leisurely walk, when walking, the smooth muscles of the uterus will relax;
  • Drink some water, juice or fruit drink;
  • Do breathing exercises, due to which the access of oxygen to the baby will increase;
  • Try to relax, lie down, close your eyes and listen to pleasant music.

Learning to distinguish false contractions from real ones

Having noticed the beginning of any contractions, the pregnant woman should take a piece of paper, a pen and record the time and duration of the first and all subsequent contractions. They will help you figure out whether you have real contractions, or false.

Braxton Hicks training contractions - how to distinguish them from real ones

  • Compared to labor pains, training contractions, painless, and can easily pass when walking or when changing the position of a pregnant woman.
  • Labor contractions are regular, but training contractions are not. In genuine contractions, contractions appear in the lower back and extend to the front of the abdomen. The interval between contractions is ten minutes, and over time it decreases and reaches an interval of thirty to seventy seconds.
  • Unlike false contractions, labor pains do not disappear when walking or changing positions. They are characterized by constant gain. In case of outpouring of fetal waters, the baby should be born within twelve hours, otherwise the infection can enter the uterine cavity and harm the baby and the woman in labor.
  • With labor pains, bloody or other discharge appears. This is not typical for training bouts.

Attention – when you need to see a doctor urgently!

By their very nature, Hicks training contractions are considered completely normal. But – there are times when you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Braxton Hicks training contractions - how to distinguish them from real ones

Among the warning signs are the following:

  • Reducing the frequency of fetal movement;
  • Waste of fruit waters;
  • The appearance of bleeding;
  • Pain in the lower back or lower spine;
  • Watery or bloody vaginal discharge.
  • Repetition of contractions more than four times per minute;
  • Feeling of strong pressure on the perineum.

Remember: if you have a long term and you feel intense, regular, prolonged and frequent contractions – perhaps your baby is in a hurry to meet you!

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The website warns: if you find alarming symptoms during labor, do not hesitate and do not self-medicate, but be sure to contact a specialist!

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