
Hooponapono – Hawaiian Mantra for Purification of Consciousness

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice aimed at clearing thoughts, accepting situations, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Based on the traditions of their ancestors, Hawaiian healer Morrna Nalamaku Simeona and her student and like-minded person, Dr. Ihaliakala Hugh Lin, modernized the Ho’oponopono method and advise to practice it at any time.

The Ho’oponopono method is a search for harmony and inner peace in the midst of the chaos of modern life This is a real challenge for those of us who want peace of mind and peace of mind. Ho’oponopono adepts believe that this goal can be achieved by chanting a specific mantra (or prayer) that promotes spiritual healing.

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If we parse semantically the word “ho’oponopono“, Then in Hawaiian it means:

  • Ho’o – “start action”
  • Pono – “kindness, honesty, morality, moral qualities, correct and just actions.”
  • Ponopono – “to put things in order, clean up, act correctly.”

bookEditorial advice! For a better understanding, we recommend you the book Ihaliakala Hugh Lin (co-authored with Joe Vitale) “Life without limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Acquiring Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness“.

The essence of the Ho’oponopono method

This method is based on the awareness of universal love and the confidence that we are all one. This is a certain technique aimed at cleansing the subconscious. The main idea is to find fluidity and flexibility, rather than dwelling on problems or trying to solve them in terms of rigid logic and cold mind.

Read also: Mindfulness Meditation: A Practical Guide to Being Truly Here and Now

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Preparing to recite the Ho’oponopono mantra

  1. Sit back and relax… Think about your problem and dive into yourself to connect with your inner light. Breathe calmly so that you are fully aware of your breathing and the functioning of your own body.
  2. Now render a square… Inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for another 4 seconds, now exhale for 4 seconds and again hold your breath for 4 seconds. Perform this breathing exercise at least 7 times until you feel inner peace.
  3. Recite the Ho’oponopono mantra from Morrna Simeonathat helps in difficult situations and connects you with your divine energy.

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What does the Ho’oponopono mantra sound like?

If you translate it from Hawaiian, then it will sound like this:

Divine Creator, father, mother, son – all are one.

If I, my family, my parents and ancestors offended your family, your parents and your ancestors with thoughts, words, facts and actions from the beginning of our creation until today, we ask for your forgiveness.

Let it all be neutralized and released.

Let all memories, blockages, energies, and negative vibrations cease.

Let all these unwanted energies turn into pure light.

Yes will So!

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