
How does pheromone perfume work? Real reviews.

In the arsenal of a woman there are many means that are designed to enhance her sexuality and beauty, to attract male attention. These funds now include perfumes with pheromones, discovered in the 90s of the last century by Dr. Winnifred Cutler.

But today there are so many conflicting opinions about whether perfumes really work with pheromones, or whether this is the notorious “placebo” effect, so this issue needs to be dealt with especially carefully.

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What are pheromones? From the history of the discovery of pheromones

Pheromones are special chemicals that are secreted by the glands and tissues of living organisms – animals and humans. These substances have a very high degree of “volatility”, therefore they are easily transferred from the body into the air. The sense of smell of a person or animals picks up pheromones in the air and sends special signals to the brain, but these substances, at the same time, have absolutely no smell. Pheromones are able to enhance sexual desire, stimulate attraction. The very word “pheromones” comes from the Greek word “pheromone”, which literally translates as “attracting hormone”.

Pheromones were described in 1959 by scientists Peter Karlsson and Martin Luscher as specific substances that have the ability to influence the behavior of others. There are many interesting findings and evidence on the topic of pheromones in science, these substances, as scientists believe, have a huge future and are fraught with a huge number of new discoveries. However, the ability of these “elusive” substances to influence the behavior of others has been scientifically proven, and has found its application both in the medical field and in the field of perfumery aromas and beauty.

In simple terms, pheromones are nothing more than volatile substances produced by the skin of a person or animal, transmitting information to another about the readiness to mate, relationships, and availability. In humans, pheromones are produced most of all by the skin area in the nasolabial fold, the skin area in the groin, the armpit skin area, and the scalp. At different times in each person’s life, pheromones can be released more or less. The maximum release of pheromones in women occurs during ovulation, in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which makes it very attractive and desirable for men. In men, on the other hand, pheromones can be released evenly at the stage of maturity, and fade away with age.

What is a perfume with pheromones?

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The discovery of such a miracle cure, which at one time can endow a person with sexuality, make him attractive and desirable to others, happened in the last century, created a real sensation – many wanted to have a means of faithful seduction of the opposite sex. But, since real pheromones do not have any smell, it is possible to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of these perfumes only for a certain period of time.

The first perfume called “Realm” with pheromones was produced in 1989 by one well-known American company “Erox Corp”. These perfumes had both pheromones and a perfume composition. But many consumers did not like the scent of the perfume, and the company has come to grips with the development of more attractive perfume “bases”. Eventually, perfumes with different scents began to appear in the world of perfumery, including recognizable popular brands, only with the addition of pheromones, as well as the so-called “odorless perfume”, which contained only pheromones, but did not have a perfume “veil” … The fragrance-free pheromone perfume can be applied to the skin and hair, in parallel with your regular perfume as desired, and also to be added to many skin and hair care products – creams, lotions, shampoos, hair balms, etc. .d.

This perfume is known everywhere, it has been around for over twenty years. But the attitude of consumers towards them remains polar – from rave reviews and reverence to sharply negative statements and complete rejection. Why?

How does perfume with pheromones still work?

“Magic”, well-known perfumes with pheromones are quite expensive – much more expensive than their competitors in the world of perfumery fragrances. This is due to the fact that pheromones are very difficult to “procure” – after all, they are of animal origin, and it is not possible to obtain them chemically. Pheromones of human origin are also not contained in perfumes – they add “attracting hormones” obtained from animals.

These perfumes very often contain the aromas of amber and musk – this is done in order to bring the smell of these magic perfumery agents closer to the smell of the human body, “disguising” pheromones in the bouquet. That is why many perfumes with pheromones that are known have a fairly strong, pungent scent initially. It is due to its harshness that this smell regulates the amount of perfume applied to the skin – a very small amount is needed, it is unacceptable to “douse yourself with this perfume. Perfume with pheromones, odorless, should also be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, instead of seduction and attractiveness, a woman can get the exact opposite effect. These funds must be applied in small amounts to the skin “above the pulse” – wrists, elbows, under the earlobes.

How does perfume with pheromones still work? Perfume smells, in which pheromones “hide”, cannot reduce the degree of their action. Receptors in the nose (vomeronasal organ, or Jacobs organ) of other people of the opposite sex are able to “recognize” volatile pheromones, and immediately send appropriate signals to the brain. A person who has received signals about the attractiveness and desirability of another person subconsciously seeks to communicate with him, be in close contact, and show attention.

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What should be considered when using perfumes with pheromones?

  1. Perfumes with pheromones exert their “influence” only on those representatives of the opposite sex (we are talking about men) who are in the immediate vicinity and who are able to smell the perfume. It must be remembered that pheromones are extremely unstable substances, and they quickly disintegrate in air.
  2. It is worth realizing that these “magic” spirits with pheromones have the ability to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but they cannot fall in love with a person. The sphere of communication, success in contact with a person is beyond the competence of these magical spirits.
  3. A person who has sensed pheromones and subconsciously received a signal for rapprochement may nevertheless succumb to his modesty, self-doubt, habits, and not show signs of attention.
  4. Perfume with pheromones cannot be used thoughtlessly. Their use may be undesirable and even somewhat dangerous if an inadequate, drunk person is nearby. When using perfumes with pheromones in the composition, every woman needs to carefully choose her society, avoiding dubious companies and unnecessary communication.

Reviews of perfume with pheromones

Anna: At the pharmacy, I liked the men’s perfume with pheromones. I liked the smell very much. I wanted to buy it for my husband’s birthday – but it’s good that I realized it in time. Why draw the attention of women to him?

Maria: And I do not believe in pheromones, I think this is just a marketing ploy, which attracts buyers and tries to sell them perfumes of not very high quality. Some of my friends tried to “use” perfume with pheromones, the result was zero in all cases.

Olga: Maria, many do not believe in the Universe either, but she doesn’t care, because she is. It is written that pheromones do not have any smell, therefore, we cannot detect their presence in perfume. But, at the same time, I want to say that the result of using such perfumes by my friend is simply stunning – she met, received a marriage proposal, got married in one year. She is a modest and shy person, she has always avoided society, and the spirits helped her take the first step in winning happiness.

Anna: Olya, absolutely right, I think the same way. And then – many are afraid to use perfumes containing pheromones for one reason – that crowds of suitors will flock to them, and what will they do with them? But in fact, such spirits are not the magic tune of the rat king from a fairy tale, who led the crowd. These same pheromones will be felt and subconsciously “caught” by only a couple of people who will be close to you. Well, think about how to be temporarily close to the people you need, on whom you want to make an indelible impression.

Tatyana: I hear and read so often about perfumes with pheromones that I have long had a strong desire to test them myself. Tell me, where can you buy high-quality “magic” perfume, so that you don’t cheat?

Lyudmila: I have never looked for perfumes with pheromones in stores and other institutions, so I may not know all the places where they are sold. But I definitely saw such in the pharmacy, in front of me the girl asked about them, and I paid attention.

Natalia: Perfumes containing pheromones are sold in online stores. Buying these products – as well as all the others – is necessary only in those markets that have a good reputation. Such shops can be “figured out” on forums where perfumes with pheromones are discussed. Such perfumes are sold in “sex shops”, and they are in any city and on the Internet.

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