
How Madonna is raising her six children

Madonna was a famous party girl, and turned into a diligent mother. True, some consider the dancer too harsh in relation to her children: she does not allow her heirs a single gram of sweets and not a minute of reading magazines. They must comply with a strict curfew and will be punished for every toy thrown on the floor.

What is this – reasonable justice or obsession with strict restrictions on the part of a pop diva?

Six children, of whom four are adopted

madonna with children

Once upon a time Madonna was a “rip-off”, famous for her endless parties and addictions: the singer admitted that she had tried all existing types of drugs. But now her old friends would not have recognized her: the artist has become an exemplary mother, raising her six children in austerity.

The girl has repeatedly admitted that motherhood has radically changed her: before, Madonna Louise Ciccone herself was the eldest girl in a family with six children, and now she has exactly the same number, and she can raise them without repeating the mistakes of her parents.

However, only two of her relatives: Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon, whose father is Cuban coach Carlos Leon, and 19-year-old actor from his marriage to British filmmaker Guy Ritchie.

The rest of the children in the star family are adopted… For the first time, she received guardianship more than 10 years ago, when, during a charity trip to the African country of Malawi, she met two weatherwomen living in poverty: a 9-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl. In 2016, the celebrity returned to Malawi, and from there returned with two more twins, who had previously been raised in an orphanage.

Organic food and the ban on TV or relationships

children of the madonna

Young heirs live in love, but at the same time they are surrounded by harsh rules. In the singer’s house, harmful snacks, newspapers, magazines and even evening TV shows are prohibited. The singer believes that television is trash and poison.

And the whole life of star children is scheduled by the minute: their mother personally draws up their daily schedule of affairs and activities. Staying in bed in the morning or returning home after curfew is unacceptable!

Once the father of the family, Guy Ritchie, even worried about the rationality of such prohibitions.: For example, he is embarrassed that children eat exclusively vegetarian and macrobiotic foods. The man worries that children are being taught too unhealthy attitude towards food. They are prohibited from all sweets, fast food, sugar, salt, preservatives and even dairy products.

And also, children are not allowed to use a smartphone until they are 15 years old or have a relationship with someone until they are 18. Only once did Madonna allow her daughter Lourdes to enter into a relationship at 16. But at the same time, she sent a bodyguard with the girl every the time she went on dates.

Severe punishments even for minor disobedience

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If the artist sees an uncleaned toy, then the thing is immediately sent to the trash can, and it can only be returned by doing housework – Madge basically does not hire housekeepers, believing that children should learn to do housework themselves from an early age.

At the same time, punishment awaits for laziness: once the singer took most of her clothes from her daughter Lourdes when she forgot to clean up. The girl believes that children should certainly be punished if they do not adhere to the rules established in the family. So, Madonna somehow put her daughter under house arrest when she found out that she smokes.

“If the kids misbehaved, I don’t even read them a bedtime story. My daughter loves to throw clothes around her room, so if I find them on the floor, I take them away. And Lola has to work out every thing, putting herself and her room in order, making the bed and neatly folding clothes, ”the singer said in her interview for Harpers & Queen.

And only occasionally in the family can you relax: for example, sometimes the singer allows her children some indulgences on Sundays, and when their father Guy Ritchie comes home, most of the prohibitions immediately disappear.

“I follow the discipline. But Guy spoils them. When daddy is at home, children eat chocolate and other sweets and goodies. I’m more organized, worried about their dental health and want to make sure all of their homework is done. I keep track of their schedule and make up their daily routine. My kids don’t watch TV. They are allowed to watch only some films on Sundays – and then only if they were not capricious and behaved well, ”the girl said.

But why was Rocco Richie, brought up in strictness, arrested for drugs?

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Madonna believes that the reason for the bad habits of her own son, Rocco Richie, was that at one time he was given too much freedom. The boy hoped to repeat the fate of his mother and had previously starred in films, but drug addiction kept him from his grandiose career.

“He could meet his friends, eat fast food, he didn’t have an early curfew. The fact is that his father manipulated him, ”said the star.

Now the singer is not going to let go of the heirs from her “iron grip” in order to make them successful.

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