
How to become a singer, how to build a singing career

Well, what girl does not dream of standing on stage and, squinting under the dazzling light of spotlights, singing loudly and sweetly to the applause of the audience? But what can I say, a considerable part of adult women already dream about it. Only here someone lives with dreams all their lives, and someone goes to this dream, like the powerful icebreaker “Arktika” – through any obstacles, to glory and recognition.

See also: How to become a model – 9 steps to a career as a model for a girl.

What do you need to do to become a singer? How to make your dream come true?

How to become a singer

  • External appearance
    The singer is not just a girl singing in the bathroom or while washing dishes. This is a public figure. Accordingly, it should look great. So that everything is perfect – your makeup, your hairstyle, your skin, and, of course, your own unique style. Moreover, you need to look like a king at any moment in your life. Even at night. In short, we get used to the new status in advance – so it will be easier to tune in to victory.
  • We fight complexes
    Naturally, no one will pay attention to you if you are embarrassed, shy, blush – and this is even before you go on stage. And on stage you completely forget what to sing, how to watch, and why you came here at all. Therefore, we begin to deal with our complexes in advance. If we cannot cope with them on our own, we turn to specialists at trainings, read useful articles, experiment with relatives, in companies of friends, at parties, etc.
  • Vocal lessons – instead of lunch, on weekends and holidays
    It is good to have perfect pitch and a powerful voice that explodes faceted glasses. But a correctly placed voice is a completely different step. And any vocal specialist will immediately determine whether you are an amateur or have already curbed your voice. Therefore, run to the teacher’s appointment! For the best, preferably. We do not spare money, a lot depends on the chosen vote. There you can also make useful acquaintances and learn about the most secret secrets on the topic – “how to sing so that everyone around is stunned with delight.”
  • “The song helps us to build and live”
    If you are already attending vocal lessons, this does not mean that you need to rest the rest of the time and take care of the nerves of your neighbors – sing everywhere! Practice, practice and only practice. Before going to bed, in the shower, at work during lunchtime, in karaoke bars or at home using the microphone. Don’t miss a single vocal competition, no opportunity to showcase your talent. It happens that a miracle happens so unexpectedly that you don’t even have time to get lost – and already a star!
  • Voice is your future work tool and your business card
    Therefore – take care of it. If you are mowed down by a terrible ARVI, and it is like a skein of barbed wire stuffed down your throat, do not try to sing. And not only sing, but even talk or whisper. It is also worth refraining from singing at elevated temperatures and during critical days.
  • Mastering musical instruments
    With this extra talent, you will get noticed faster. And the prospects are becoming wider. If you master 1-3 musical instruments, then the long-awaited dream itself will turn to meet you, and the opportunity to get into any musical group multiplies.
  • Learn special programs on your computer so that your voice sounds perfect in the recording
    Only then can you demonstrate your talent to the producer. No skills or capabilities? Contact your friends.
  • Learn to move
    Not only standing with a hair dryer instead of a microphone while shading, dancing a hopak or swaying like a mountain ash in the wind – but present yourself on stage like an artist. That is, to move so brightly, dazzling and bewitching that even Shakira would envy you. Use the entire arsenal of tools for this – articles, video tutorials, courses, training from specialists, communication with professionals on forums, etc.
  • Want to dazzle the world?
    Do not sing other people’s songs when you go on a stage or even to your friends in the kitchen with a guitar – write your own songs. You can, of course, turn to the professionals, but this is expensive, and a novice singer is usually tight with money. Therefore, write yourself or ask friends for help. Surely there are talented poets in your environment, and maybe even novice genius composers.

How to become a singer

Have you already written your song? And have you honed your skills? And you are not ashamed to show yourself?

So, it’s time to look for exits to the big stage.

What are the options?

  • Burn your own disc in the studio and send your song to all radio stations, to all potential producers and in general wherever they may be interested in you. Do not be afraid if you are denied, ignored or completely rude: the path to the stars – it always lies through thorns.
  • Record a clip and do the same with it. And also put it on the Internet, not forgetting to send the link to all your acquaintances, friends and useful people. For help in creating a clip, you can contact the studio, or you can record it yourself. By the way, many modern musicians started with home videos on YouTube.
  • Remember, when you burn a clip or disc, get sincere support, approval and constructive criticism of their acquaintances (although criticism from the outside is always more useful and honest).
  • If everyone likes your song – to friends, relatives, strangers in social networks, if the number of likes under your video is growing rapidly, and neighbors are knocking on your battery, demanding an encore – do not rush to crumble into golden stardust, move on. Record a new song! Let your songs wait like rain in the middle of the desert, surfing the Internet every hour – isn’t there something new?
  • And – believe in yourself. Even failure is an experience. Draw conclusions, correct mistakes, and try again and again until recognition comes to you.
  • Have you already started getting offers? Do they call, write “important people”, offer to appear in a video, sing on the radio, perform at a corporate party or in a club? Be careful! In the best case, you can run into scammers, in the worst … We will not talk about the worst. Just be careful. Before agreeing to anything, check the contacts of the caller and the veracity of the offer. If “it seems, really …” – take with you a friend, husband, a stronger guy, so that no one even has an idea of ​​offending you.
  • If you do not like something in the received offer, refuse. Look for someone you can trust.
  • Look for musicians to start a band with. A musical group with a bright soloist will be noticed faster than one soloist. And it will be much easier to break into clubs with a group. And from the club the path to the stage is much shorter. An exception is if people stop in the middle of the road because of your voice to burst into tears of happiness and ask for an autograph. Then you can do it alone.
  • Look for your own style. Original, unlike anyone else. In clothes, in presentation of oneself, in music, in lyrics. So that, listening to you, people say – “Wow, how great! I’ve never heard anything like it. ” Look closely at the multicolored and vocal-varied “mass” of show business – a rare rarity when you can single out someone specific, not like the others. But you do not want yourself a “one-day” fate, do you? Therefore, work for the future, and not for a momentary result and a sold-out in a karaoke bar.

How to become a singer

Forget the words – “I can’t, I can’t, I don’t want to, I’m tired, it’s all in vain”! Only positive and self-confidence! Otherwise, really, everything is in vain.

Don’t hope it will be easy – get ready for a long and difficult journey. Although miracles have not been canceled. Especially for those who believe in them.

See also: The highest paid professions for girls without higher education in Russia.

How to start a singing career correctly? Share your experience in the comments below!

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