
How to enroll a child in a camp on State Services online

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructionsAfter a busy school year, schoolchildren begin their summer holidays in June. Parents think in advance where to attach their children so that they do not get bored at home, but have a fun and exciting vacation. Someone will be sent to visit their grandmother in the village or taken with them to a resort, while someone will not want to be released from the disciplinary framework – and will be enrolled in a children’s country camp.

The content of the article:

  1. Registration on the portal of state services
  2. Who can apply
  3. How to find the registration service to the camp
  4. How to fill out an application
  5. When vouchers are distributed
  6. Reasons for refusal
  7. Benefits and compensation for tours

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

Registration on the portal of state services

You can enroll a child in the camp through State Services without leaving your home. The portal of state services of the Russian Federation was created with the aim of making it as easy as possible for people to quickly receive the necessary services: enroll children in a school or kindergarten, a health camp; to make an appointment with a doctor; create an application for maternity capital; pay state fees, fines and much more.

To use the portal, you need register

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

As a login, you can use either a phone number or SNILS number. The password is used personal – or generated by the system. After registration, you are logged in using the created data.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

To receive the service, you need to fill in personal information: Name, date of birth, address of registration and residence, OMS policy, TIN, e-mail, passport data, driver’s license, data on children.

It is important to correctly indicate the region of receipt of the service. It is determined automatically, but it should be noted that not all regions of the Russian Federation provide registration of a child to children’s camps. If this service is not provided in the desired region, you can manually change it to a nearby one.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

Who can apply for a voucher for a child to the camp through the portal “Gosuslugi”

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can apply for a voucher to a children’s camp: a parent, guardian or guardian of a child from 6 to 18 years old living in the selected region.

First, an application is filled out with the consent of the full payment of the voucher or the right to receive a voucher free of charge is confirmed.

Free vouchers are issued:

  1. Families with many children.
  2. For children of war veterans, invalids of I, II groups.
  3. Disabled children.
  4. Orphans.
  5. Children from families with an income per person below the subsistence level.

The right to receive preferential services requires documentary evidence.

Registration of the application has its own term. If, after 15 minutes, the application was started, but not registered, the system will generate an error, and you will need to continue filling out.

The data entered in the application form is automatically saved, so any errors can be easily corrected and completed. Services on the portal are provided free of charge.

How to find the service of registration to the summer camp in the catalog “State Services”

After filling in your personal information, you need to go to the “Go to Public Services” tab, then “Services” – and select the “Family and Children” section.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructionsHow to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

After clicking on the “Family and Children” section, a list of services opens. In the lower right corner there is an entry to the camp. The next action is to navigate to this shortcut.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

Next, you should choose camp view, the application to which the applicant is ready to make.

The choice is presented in two types:

  1. Country camp for recreation and health improvement of children.
  2. Sanatorium and health-improving children’s camp.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

After choosing a camp, you go to the “Get a service” tab.

How to enroll a child in a summer camp through State Services - step by step instructions

How to fill out an application for a child’s voucher to the camp

The application form for a voucher to a children’s camp will open after clicking on the blue button “Get a service”.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

In the first paragraph, you choose:

  1. Camp view.
  2. Full or partial payment of the cost of the tour.
  3. The name of the camp.
  4. Shift number.

Can choose several shifts at once… Not all camps in a given region may be included in the list of camps. Most of them accept applications for vouchers only with full payment of its cost.

To receive a voucher with a decrease in its value due to the availability of benefits, the applicant will have to personally apply first to the certificate issuance point, and then to the camp office.

But there is another option for obtaining a voucher to the camp by filling out an application on the State Services portal on preferential terms – this is receiving compensation after full payment of the cost. In the application, you are asked to indicate your agreement or disagreement with the terms of compensation. This form is located immediately after the list of shifts.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

In the second paragraph, information about the applicant is indicated. They are not required to be entered, since they will be automatically entered into the form, according to the data entered when registering on the portal.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

Registration to the camp through the portal of State Services is carried out for a specific child… In the third paragraph of the application, you must enter his data. The applicant will need documents for the child: SNILS and a birth certificate. If the teenager is over 14 years old, then his passport is required. The following are entered in the corresponding windows: series, number, date of receipt and issuing authorities.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

The page ends with the opportunity to add another child. If there is no such need, then the application is considered completed and it can be sent for consideration. The final action is to press the blue button “Apply”

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

Immediately, a notification will be sent to your personal account on the State Services portal that the application has been accepted by the regional education department.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

Performing the steps presented step by step, it will be possible to enroll the child in the camp through the State Services within 15 minutes.

The final stage of receiving the service is a response from the regional department of education. Notification with a response will come within 24 hours to the applicant’s personal account.

How to fill out an application for a voucher for a child to a summer camp on the State Services website - step by step instructions

If the decision is positive, the applicant is provided with a ticket to the specified camp and shift. To get it in your hands, you need to go to the MFC branch with a package of documents.

When will the vouchers for children’s summer camps be distributed?

It is worth taking care of sending the child to the children’s camp in advance. Already from April 1, work has been organized with applications from parents or other representatives of children. Throughout April, vouchers for 1 shift are issued. The deadline for the second shift is May 20. You can sign up for the third shift until June 10. The terms are valid subject to the availability of free vouchers.

After the indicated dates, you can also submit applications, but – if the vouchers are available from the organization of health improvement and recreation. Within three days after the closing of the acceptance of applications, all vouchers are distributed.

It is advisable to get the voucher 1-2 weeks before the start of the camp shift.

Why you were denied a voucher for a child – possible reasons for the refusal

The applicant may receive a notice of denial of a municipal service.

The grounds for a negative decision can be:

  1. Lack of free vouchers.
  2. Failure to pay the voucher on time.
  3. Errors in the preparation of the necessary documentation.
  4. Inconsistency of the submitted data of the applicant with the present reality.
  5. The child is over 18 years old at the time of receiving the voucher.
  6. Already received voucher for a child within the current year.
  7. Inconsistency of the data of the original documents with the data of the electronic application.
  8. Failure to submit the original documents by the applicant within five working days of the date of sending the electronic application on the service portal.

If there are errors in the application, it remains possible to repeat the attempt with the introduction of reliable data. The portal offers either to re-fill the application, or to make changes to the saved data.

Receiving benefits and compensation for a voucher

You can apply for a preferential entry to the camp through the State Services portal. It is important that the e-service is provided in your area of ​​the country. You need to submit an application with documents confirming the right to benefits.

Orphans has the right to visit a sanatorium-resort organization free of charge on the basis of a medical opinion. The state pays for their travel to the place of the sanatorium and stay in it.

After full payment of the cost of the voucher, parents can reimburse part of the costs by receiving compensation. Payments come from the regional budget, so you must fill out an application for the need to receive it.

The applicant will be required collect a package of documents, confirming the right to receive monetary compensation for the trip. You can get it after the arrival of a child from a children’s camp located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The package of documents includes: parent’s passport, SNILS, child’s birth certificate, income confirmation, application for compensation. In addition to the originals, copies of some documents will be required.

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