
How to Get Rid of Parasite Words in Speech in 8 Steps – Speak Correctly!

How to speak without words of parasites?The term “parasite” is known to everyone. Its meaning is in the life of one organism at the expense of another. It would seem that there is no connection with speech. But speech rubbish radically changes the perception of expressed thoughts: words-parasites simply eat up the general meaning of what was said, mercilessly buried under the endless “shorter”, “well”, etc. In the beginning, as you know, there was the Word. And this word was clearly not “actually”, not “shorter” and not “well”.

How to get rid of these “parasites”, and why is it needed?

The content of the article:

What are parasite words – their pros and cons in speech

Few people can boast of pure speech without parasitic words.

They appear for various reasons.

The most common:

  1. Extremely limited vocabulary. Its deficiency forces a person to use junk words for communication and expression of their thoughts.
  2. Low speed of transformation of thoughts into words. In this case, the pauses between phrases are automatically filled with words and sounds like “uh-uh”, “like”, “mmm …”, etc.
  3. Ordinary laziness and lack of understanding of the culture of speech.
  4. Excessive agitation when expressing thoughts.
  5. Deliberate use of “garbage” in speech (when the communication style is part of the “fashionable” image).

Of course, it is impossible to judge the education or the level of intelligence of a person by the use of parasite words. Sometimes the “gopnik in the gateway” expresses himself culturally in beautiful and pure Russian, and some famous professor, speaking on TV, on the contrary, speaks like that same gopnik from the gateway.

It should be noted that words-parasites everyone has their own, and their “set” can be quite wide.

The most common junk words are:

  • “Mmm …” or “Uh …” This “hum” is common to many. The brain simply does not keep up with the language, and while the phrase is pondering, peculiar sounds appear. Naturally, the number of listeners for such a speaker will rapidly decline. As, in fact, and the image: after all, such “parasites” say a lot about the level of unpreparedness.
  • “As if”. Also a very common “parasite”. Listeners perceive this word as the speaker’s doubts about the correctness / sincerity of his own words. And the speech with such garbage looks pretty ridiculous.
  • “Actually…”. A word that is a substitute for the above mooing, like, “uh”.
  • “Here”… This “parasite”, unfortunately, has long been perceived by people as the norm. The word does not carry any semantic load, and from its presence in speech its perception is drastically reduced.
  • “Well”… A popular “parasite” that annoys even people who use it themselves.
  • “Briefly speaking”. This “rubbish” is used even at official events, and even by cultural figures. In terms of popularity, the word confidently divides the step of this pedestal with “well”.
  • “That is”… A dangerous “parasite”, cleverly disguising itself as a word for a bunch of phrases. At first it is so, but before you have time to look back, “that is,” already clutters up the speech, complicating its understanding.
  • “Generally”… A word that clearly demonstrates the speaker’s uncertainty.
  • “E-mine”, “damn”, “tryndets”, “like” and other “fashionable” words. They usually stick in the company, on the Internet, in the society where they are used most often. Speakers with such a “vocabulary” are simply not taken seriously – this is the style of an immature person who does not control both his actions and speech. These rubbish words are perceived by people as disrespect of the speaker for the audience.
  • “English-speaking”. It is good to learn from other countries useful experience. But English-speaking words litter the purity of the Russian language, turning information into content, good / good in ok, songs into singles, security guards, lifting in lifting, etc. Of course, there are moments in which borrowing is justified, but in most cases of “English-speaking” are used due to a lack of vocabulary or an attempt to impress everyone with their “erudition”. It should be noted that the Russian language is self-sufficient and does not require such borrowings at all.

It is unlikely that anyone will have doubts that you need to get rid of the rubbish in speech. And there are many reasons to start fighting it.

A person using parasitic words …

  1. Gives the impression of a careless, illiterate and insecure person, unable to control himself.
  2. Not able to express a thought clearly and purely, turning his monologue into a useless stream of water.
  3. Not interested in others. Nobody will take seriously, for example, a business partner who pours right and left with words such as “in short”, “scribe”, etc. Parasitic words cause irritation, and nothing more.
  4. Confuses himself. When we purify our speech, we also purify our thoughts.
  5. Gives out his secrets. For many “parasites” it is possible to form a certain opinion about a person – in which society he or she rotates, what he is, etc.

How to get rid of word parasites

The useful functions of words-parasites should also be noted. There are few of them, but they are still there:

  • If you are in a hurry, then a “parasite”, for example, “To-se” can express an idea faster than listing what you will do on vacation or a walk.
  • A tactical trick. If you are asked an awkward question, then “parasites” (“you see,” “how would you explain”, etc.) can take a little time to have time to formulate a thought and “bomb” your opponent with it.
  • Without parasitic words, it is difficult to play ignorant people in cinema and theater.
  • Without many words-parasites, speech would not be so emotional and understandable even if the text is sometimes reduced to 1 word. Exclusively literary speech in ordinary everyday life is like a dried mummy – without emotional coloring, naturalness and liveliness.

Why it is necessary to get rid of parasite words – we are looking for the right motivation!

It is almost impossible to make your speech sterile clean (and it is not necessary – we are not robots), but you still need to get rid of most of the speech garbage.

Why is it needed, and what will it give you?

  • Your speech will become more meaningful and understandable for others.
  • Your “parasites” are not a part of you, not a highlight or some feature that needs to be preserved. Your “parasites” are, first of all, parasites (without quotes) that you need to get rid of. However, if unclean teeth and dirty nails are also highlights for you, then you may not get rid of the “parasites” – live with them in peace and harmony further.
  • Pure speech today, unfortunately, is a curiosity. A person who is able to express thoughts clearly and clearly without garbage in words commands respect. You want to listen to him, you want to trust him. Such a person will definitely be remembered, which, in turn, can help in work, study, etc.
  • By clearing your speech of “parasites”, you also clear your thoughts. This level is not for “weaklings”, because self-control is a difficult and lengthy process.

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12 steps to get rid of word parasites in speech – instructions

First of all, we take a dictaphone (camera) and record our usual dialogue, for example, over the phone with a friend. Or we comment out loud on the film revised the day before.

If there is no dictaphone / camera, we ask a friend to help you.

Next, we write out all our “parasites” on paper – having identified the “enemy”, it is much easier to defeat him.

What’s next?

  1. The most important thing is to realizethat your words-parasites are evil that must be fought.
  2. Expanding vocabulary. If you have a deficiency of it, as a result of which you replace the Russian language with “parasites” – start reading. Better classics and every day, like a medicine that they drink regularly, by handfuls and 3 times a day.
  3. Develop self-confidence. Then you will not be afraid of pauses and awkward questions.
  4. Do not hurry. When you are in a hurry, your brain simply does not have time to give out the entire volume of information, as a result of which you have to express yourself in the words that lie “on the surface”.
  5. Write statements. Every day is like homework. We read a passage of the text, memorize, retell in writing as close as possible to the original. Over time, the brain itself will begin to get from the depths of consciousness those synonyms and definitions that you so lack in speech.
  6. Control yourself. Without self-discipline – nowhere. It is better to speak less and slower, but cleaner than fast, a lot and interspersed speech with parasitic words, slang, obscenities, etc. How to become a responsible person?
  7. Create a punishment system for yourself. For example, for each uttered “parasite” – 100 rubles in the piggy bank of a child (wife, husband, dog). Or 20 push-ups. Or a ban on sweets until tomorrow. So you will begin to control yourself much faster.
  8. Family help. Ask family members to note your self-discipline violations.
  9. Self-control. No matter how often you use words-parasites in your environment – hold on and do not let “garbage” settle in your speech. While social networks (alas, and not only) communicate in “Albany” (“padonkaff language”), misleading spelling, eliminating punctuation marks and the meaning of what is said, you continue to speak and write in pure Russian, pleasantly surprising those around you.
  10. Read aloud. Child, husband, parents. Reading aloud not only expands vocabulary, but also hones diction, improves speech style, and also contributes to the acquisition of the habit of speaking culturally and beautifully. Over time, tongue-tied language will come to naught, the angularity of speech will disappear along with the “parasites”.
  11. Personal dictionary. While reading books, write down interesting expressions, quotes, phrases, individual words in a notebook. Remember to re-read your dictionary occasionally and use the recorded expressions more often in your speech.
  12. If no one is at home, find the most hated parasite word in your speech and repeat it. until you are completely bored. Use the “radio hits scheme”: from a song played on every corner and from every iron a hundred times a day, over time, it starts to stir up and storm. From the “parasite” you should be agitated so much that it disappears even from thoughts.

And one more important tip: do not allow yourself to relax even at home in the circle of close people. Of course, they will not shower you with tomatoes for “type” and “well”, but allowing yourself an illiterate speech at home, you cannot get rid of it among strangers – sooner or later the “parasite” will jump out at the most unnecessary moment and let you down.

You must be constant in your self-control!

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