
How to make a wish for the New Year in 2022 correctly?

On New Year’s Eve, we take stock, analyze mistakes and, of course, dream. This is probably why it is so popular to make wishes for the new year. Millions of people claim that New Year’s wishes come true. Why is this happening?

According to esotericists, it’s all about the power of egregor. On New Year’s Eve, many people are united by positive energy that can change life for the better. It is on this powerful energy impulse that their dreams fly into the Universe.

The psychologist COLADY revealed to the readers the secret of how to make a wish for the New Year correctly, so that it will come true 100%! Take note!

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See also: New Year’s omens and family traditions – how to attract happiness to a family?


What should be New Year’s wishes – the rules for making a guess

  • Your request should not be related to the fulfillment of side desires. For example, you cannot want money for a trip – you have to ask for the trip itself.
  • The fulfillment of desire should cause a feeling of satisfaction., and not the fuss of thoughts of new desires. For example, if you want to get married, then you need to make a wish about a happy marriage, and not about a meeting with the chosen one. See also: New Year for Singles – How to Make the Holiday Happy?
  • Do not wish others harmotherwise it will turn against you.
  • Don’t make wishes with others, even the closest people. The New Year’s wish should apply specifically to you.
  • Keep your desire positive. and carried good in itself.
  • Conceive desire responsibly, in a solemn and beautiful form.
  • If you are writing down a wish then use the best pen and paper in your house.
  • Anticipate the result and the consequences fulfilled desire and think how important it is to you.
  • Don’t tell others about your secret.
  • In the text of desire, do not use the “not” particle.
  • Believe firmly in the fulfillment of what you want.
  • Be realistic in your wishes.
  • Imagine the fulfillment of your desire for the New Year in great detail.
  • Formulate a phased plan achieving the desired goal.
  • Feel free to voice, confirm and repeat the wish silently or aloud.
  • At the moment of making a guess, you need to have the most kind mood
  • You can’t fight with loved ones the day before or after your holiday ritual.

When do New Year’s wishes come true?

Christmas tree
Photo by Pixabay
  • Write down what you want on a thin sheet of paper., then fold it in four. Before the chime of the clock, have time to light it on a candle and put it in a glass of champagne. After 12 beats, drink the champagne to the bottom.
  • Jump high at midnightmaking your wish in flight.
  • Before the end of the chimes, have time to eat 12 grapes and make a wish.
  • Cut out pretty paper snowflakes. On each write dreams, and after 12 at night, throw them off the balcony so that they slowly circle in the gusts of wind. You can also hang them on the tree.
  • Shortly before the New Year, write a letter, in which write down all the plans, hopes and dreams for the next year. Seal it in an envelope and don’t open it until next year. It is better to use colored sheets of your favorite shade as paper.
  • Take 12 leaves and fill them with wishes. Then add another blank piece of paper and fold the folded scrapbook under your pillow. In the morning, take out a leaf at random. What is written on it will come true in the new year.
  • If you just want to avoid quarrels and troubles, then do the maximum cleaning and throw away all unnecessary things far from home. Read also: Original New Year’s traditions in other countries.
  • If you want a sweet life, then dress up the tree with candy… If you need love and attention, then with hearts. And if you crave for profit and gain, then in coins.
  • So that good luck accompanies you in the New Year, go out and treat 10 strangers to sweets
  • Take the cracked dishes out of the house and smash them cheerfully. on the street, talking about their desires. Don’t forget to remove the debris from the road.
  • After midnight draw your wish any paints other than black.

In addition to desires, on New Year’s Eve, thank the universe for what you have. And if some desire is not fulfilled in any way, do not repeat yourself. Probably – this is not what is needed for your happiness.

We wish you that the kindest, most useful and beautiful wishes come true on New Year’s Eve, and that all the bad is left far behind!

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