
Is it possible for a pregnant woman to massage – permissible types of massage during pregnancy and important rules

Is it possible for pregnant women to have massage and for how longAlmost every mother knows firsthand about fatigue, the feeling of “bricks” on the lower back and edema during pregnancy. Emotional and physical stress makes itself felt from the very first months, but, alas, not all the usual ways of relaxation in such a situation are permissible. One of the ways to relieve tension is massage. True, not everyone, and with reservations.

What type of massage is allowed for the expectant mother, and how to do it correctly?

The content of the article:

  1. Is it possible to massage a pregnant woman?
  2. Useful types of massage during pregnancy
  3. Contraindications for massage during pregnancy
  4. Massage rules for a pregnant woman

Is it possible to massage pregnant women – indications and contraindications

Opinions about the admissibility of massage during pregnancy are usually divided into “still like”, “in no case” and “you can, but with caution.” Moreover, even the opinions of specialists in this field are divided: some believe that massage helps to relieve stress and helps prepare the body for childbirth, others categorically declare its inadmissibility, motivating their prohibition with risks to the fetus.

It is worth noting that an independent appointment of a massage course to a future mother is unacceptable. This decision can be made only with your doctor, which will tell you what types of massage will be acceptable, with what intensity, and what zones need to be bypassed.

Typically, indications for such a procedure are:

  1. Puffiness.
  2. The need to increase blood circulation.
  3. Spine problems.
  4. Back pain.
  5. Fatigue and stress.

Regular massage and massage during pregnancy – what are the differences?

A massage for a mother-to-be, like a classic massage, is designed to relieve back pain, eliminate muscle tension, calm the nervous system and increase blood circulation. This is where the similarities end.

Because when a mother-to-be is being massaged …

  • Sharp and strong hand movements are prohibited – only calm and soft, without pressure on the body.
  • Not all areas of the body can be affected (exposure to the abdomen is prohibited).
  • The procedure is carried out not in the usual position, but comfortable for the expectant mother and safe for the baby.
  • The state of health of a woman and her emotional state are of great importance.
Self-massage during pregnancy - scheme
Massage light strokes that can be done during pregnancy

Useful types of massage during pregnancy – all the benefits and benefits

If the massage is performed correctly, taking into account all the features of the condition of the expectant mother, and by a professional, then such a procedure can only be beneficial.

For instance…

  1. Calm the nervous system, relieve stress and fatigue.
  2. Accelerate blood circulation.
  3. Eliminate heaviness and back pain.
  4. Relax the muscles, relieve tension from them.
  5. Prevent the appearance of stretch marks and edema.
  6. Ease the condition in the presence of varicose veins.

What massage is allowed for the expectant mother – types of procedures

In the first 3 months experts do not recommend massage – the procedure can provoke a miscarriage.

Only light strokes are allowed – relaxing and soothing. That is, self-massage, or a procedure by the hands of a loved one.

As for massage of the abdomen – it is prohibited at any time!

Starting from the 4th month …

  • General massage – light kneading and stroking of the legs and arms, shoulder girdle and collar zone, back, feet. Performed only by a professional and only once a week for a maximum of 30 minutes. From the 7th month, you can perform the procedure every day, but only if there are no contraindications.
  • Back massage. Due to the growth of the breast and the fetus in the abdomen, the load on the spine during the entire pregnancy is extremely serious – there is a shift in the center of gravity, compression of organs, deflection of the spine and muscle tension. Massage helps relieve symptoms and improve overall well-being. This procedure is carried out only in the “on the side” position, and the massage technique changes according to the stage of pregnancy. It is forbidden to touch the spine during massage.
  • Foot massage. Relaxation procedure and elimination of heaviness in the legs. It is recommended to exercise it regularly to relieve stress on the legs, improve blood circulation, and prevent swelling and cramps. Usually they use the technique of stroking, circular rubbing, kneading.
  • Anti-cellulite massage… Many mothers do it in order to prevent the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. Of course, there are risks that after pregnancy the beauty will wither a little, and on the beach you will have to tie a scarf around your hips, but much more important than this beauty is the risk of miscarriage. It is important to remember that almost every method of such a procedure is a risk factor. Only the following techniques are allowed (and even then not for everyone, and only with the permission of the doctor): manual light massage of the buttocks (you can wear special / gloves), massage with spoons with minimal effort.
  • Vacuum massage. A variation on the superior procedure. Suppose, with the exception of the abdomen, and is carried out only on the recommendation of a specialist (not a “doctor” in a beauty salon, but a gynecologist!).
  • Neck massage. It is carried out in a sitting position for no more than 10 minutes. The result is muscle relaxation, elimination of fatigue, acceleration of cerebral circulation. It is forbidden to touch the spinal column.
  • Facial massage. Not prohibited and useful. You can do it yourself to relax the muscles of the face, restore elasticity to the skin, and remove headaches. The main thing is not to overdo it with cosmetics.

What do you need to remember?

  1. Some “experts” mistakenly call the procedure of massage of the perineum popular today as a method of preparing for childbirth and preventing ruptures. It is important to remember that in fact, such manipulations do not give such an effect, but they can easily increase the tone of the uterus, cause infection and provoke the birth process.
  2. Thai massage, whatever the sweet-voiced employees of beauty salons sang, is not just prohibited during pregnancy – it is number one in the list of prohibited types of massage for girls “in position”.
  3. It is important to avoid “abortive” zones when massaging. In addition to the abdomen, these include even the wrists and ankles, the sacrum and coccyx.
  4. It is not recommended to get involved in breast massage either. It is one thing – light massaging movements when bathing, another thing – an intense massage involving the areola and nipples. These actions are prohibited due to an increase in the tone of the uterus and a possible contraction of its muscle tissues.

Useful massage for pregnant women

Contraindications for massage during pregnancy – when should a pregnant woman not be able to massage?

You should be especially careful and careful about external influences on the body during pregnancy. Any careless movement can turn into a tragedy, so it is better not to risk it – all risks should be minimized.

Especially in the 1st trimester and 1st weeks. Even a light massage of the sacrum and heels can lead to termination of pregnancy during this period.

But in the last weeks, massage is necessary and important (but only with the permission of the doctor!) – it will help prepare the body for childbirth – and, in some cases, stimulate childbirth (only a specialist does this!).

Massage is categorically contraindicated in the presence of …

  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Dermatological problems.
  • Respiratory or chronic diseases.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • And also with the ban of your gynecologist.

Rules for conducting massage for a pregnant woman

The most important thing when massaging an expectant mother is to reduce the risks of possible consequences to zero and the hands of a professional. No active procedures, no ad and post-course specialists – only qualified specialists with relevant documents, work experience

Be guided only by the recommendations of the gynecologist, not your girlfriend or neighbor!

Massage during pregnancy is an important rule.

  1. Forget about massage in the 1st trimester!
  2. From the 4th month: no sudden movements – only light strokes and soft rhythmic rubbing.
  3. The masseur is only a professional, and the procedure is only with the permission of the gynecologist and taking into account all contraindications.
  4. Careful with essential oils! They are not prohibited, but not all of them are known to be “equally useful”. For example, oils based on sage and mint, lavender and wormwood should be avoided, but orange and geranium oils will help in eliminating swelling. Recommended oils are rosewood, ginger and lemon, wheatgrass, and carrot. But it is better to make the choice in consultation with a specialist.
  5. “Limit” of sessions: no more than 1-2 times a week and a maximum of half an hour.
  6. Only manual massage is allowed! As a last resort, with gentle use of gloves and brushes or spoons. Electro-massagers, cups, belts and vibration mats are prohibited!

The website warns: an incorrectly chosen massage can harm your health! Use all the presented tips only on the recommendation of a doctor!

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