
Psychological test – what did you see in the picture?

With the help of picture tests, psychologists can easily reveal the character traits of different people. Today, Colady’s editorial staff is ready to please you with an interesting, and most importantly, accurate psychological test, which will not only describe, but reveal your main purpose. It is based on a painting by Mexican artist Octavio Ocampo. Ready? Then let’s get started!

Take a look at the picture and tell us what you saw FIRST.

test picture
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Test results


Male face

You are an excellent psychologist. See right through people. It is difficult to deceive you, others feel it. You are a first-class manipulator. You know how to convince you that you are right, you have good public speaking skills. Your main skill is the ability to understand people. Pretty vain. You like to know that someone depends on you, needs your help. Have a good memory. You are probably one of those who went to school at “5”. And this is not surprising, because nature has endowed you with a large number of different talents.

Small houses

If you clearly discern 2 houses in the picture, then most of all in your life you value home comfort. Family is the foundation of your happiness. You live by making other people happy. We are ready to give ourselves without a trace, but do not forget about the natural need of every person to RECEIVE love and care.

You are considered the life of the party. The fun is everywhere on your heels. You are a master of creating a pleasant atmosphere, so friends always invite you to visit.


Only creative personalities will be the first to see the artist writing the picture in this picture. About people like you say that he is not of this world. There is something special, unique in you. Your charisma attracts, interests and conquers people. You have a great imagination. You have many talents, moreover, undisclosed ones. Perhaps you are not even aware of your enormous potential! Love art. Often reminiscing or fantasizing about the future. You often direct your thoughts in a creative direction.


In psychology, trees symbolize wisdom. If you saw them first, then you are a person who strives for self-development. Curiosity is inherent in you by nature. You are always learning something and get real pleasure from it. You have a high level of intelligence and developed intuition. Do not stop the cultivation process!

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