
Singer Demi Lovato talks about how important it is to be yourself

By the age of twenty-eight, actress and singer Demi Lovato had come a long way: she began her career with participation in various projects of the Disney studio, but later switched to music and was able to completely get rid of the role of a cute girl from fairy tales.

Today, more than one hundred million followers on Instagram and a huge army of fans in real life are watching the life and work of a successful girl. On The Drew Barrymore Show, Demi talked about some of the stages of her development and how she completely freed herself from prejudices and complexes.

Over the past few years, a lot has changed in the life of the singer Demi Lovato: the girl decided to radically change her image and role, stopped struggling with her weight and was not afraid to openly talk about her health problems. The star admits that now, without diets and filters, she feels happier than ever.

In addition, now she was finally able to correctly prioritize and understand what is most important to her. How she came to complete harmony and understanding of herself, the girl told in the recent issue of The Drew Barrymore Show.

Demi Lovato
Photo @ddlovato

About music

Many remember Demi Lovato as a Disney girl, but the star herself considers her acting as an intermediate stage on the way to a musical career, which she now preferred.

“The camera has always been present in my life. You know, acting became something I started doing to pay for music lessons because my family couldn’t afford to pay for them. It was an investment in my music. “

“If there is no camera in my life, it will change, but everything will be fine. My voice is my second self. And all I need in my life is a room with good acoustics, or a microphone and a stage. This is how I live. The microphone and stage make me feel fulfilled. All my projects, all my songs, they are like my children. “

Read also: Demi Lovato gave up exhausting diets and announced that she is proud of her lush hips: “I am more important than my weight.”

Demi Lovato2
Photo @ddlovato

About beauty and finding yourself

For a long time, the star struggled with her weight, desperately trying to lose weight. This led her to bulimia, from which she then took a long and painful treatment. Fortunately, all these problems are in the past.

Now Demi is a supporter of body positive and encourages all girls to love themselves and not be ashamed of their appearance. The singer often uploads her honest, unretouched photos, in which stretch marks and cellulite are clearly visible. By the way, fans support the star and admire her courage.

“Instead of feeling judged by everyone, I just said, ‘Look, your opinion of me doesn’t matter to me. I do only what I need for myself and my well-being. ” Now I put myself first in my career, which I have never done before. I used to be very anxious to appear as a sexy, feminine pop star and I just ignored who I am, ”- Demi Lovato.

Earlier this year, the singer cut her hair short, which greatly surprised her fans, who are used to seeing her with long luxurious hair. As it turned out, it was not just an experiment with the image, but a way to get rid of gender and other stereotypes.

“I cut my hair short because I wanted to free myself from all gender norms and sexuality. And when I cut my hair, I felt so liberated. Because I didn’t sign up to be perfect anymore. And now that I have become myself, I feel happier than ever, “- admits Demi.

The star also emphasized that being honest with herself and with the audience also helped her feel happier, because secrets are a dead end and do not lead to anything good.

Demi Lovato3
Photo @ddlovato

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