
Singer Nadya Ruchka – interview about creativity and happiness in life

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazineThe popular and talented singer Nadya Ruchka became widely known as a member of the “Brilliant” group. However, the love of creativity in her woke up in early childhood. Already in kindergarten, Nadya happily took part in various concerts, performances and attended a ballet studio. One of the fateful events in the life of a celebrity was a visit to her hometown of Nikopol (Ukraine) by Alexander Serov, who noticed the young talent and offered help if Nadia decided to conquer Moscow.

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The brave girl did not miss her chance, and soon went to the capital of Russia. Unafraid of difficulties, Nadia worked as a model, promoter, and casino administrator. In 2001, the singer was invited to become a soloist of the musical group “Party”, and in 2004 she got into the “Brilliant”.

Currently, Nadia is building a solo career, and also writes poetry and songs for other popular artists. However, the main “job” now is the upbringing of the little son.

Nadya Ruchka told about this and many other things in an interview for our website.

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– Nadya, please tell us what you are doing now? Enough time for creative development or building a career in a new field, or taking care of Leo (editor’s note – the son of Nadezhda) takes all the time?

– You know, it’s all about discipline. She is very helpful when you want to be in time for everything.

True, the first six months after the birth of a baby, when you have such a tender lump of happiness in your arms, somehow you don’t think about a career at all.

– Surely, you have already experienced all the delights and nuances of motherhood. What turned out to be the most pleasant for you, and what caused difficulties?

– Being a parent is a great gift, and any chores are definitely a joy to me.

Of course, now all your plans have to weave the baby’s schedule. And already a hundred cases cannot be redone as before.

But all this is nothing compared to the happiness that he gave us by choosing as his parents.

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazine

– Who helps in raising your son? Do you ask nannies for help?

– While doing without the help of a nanny.

My family, my mother, husband helped me a lot and continues to help me. Especially in the first year, when the baby was still very young and defenseless.

– Many colleagues in show business fly abroad to give birth. You stayed at home. Why did you make this decision?

– I do not see any reason to fly abroad to give birth. We have excellent doctors in our country!

You just need to trust yourself with a proven clinic and a professional doctor, and not run for prestige to fashionable centers.

– Have you attended any courses to prepare for childbirth, read books – or do you think that you need to prepare for this process on an intuitive level?

– No, I have not read any special books, and have not attended courses. I didn’t want to “hook” unnecessary information along the way and wind myself up with a bunch of fears.

Especially when you find yourself on forums or discussions on social networks, where ordinary women, without medical education, advise each other on something incomprehensible, intimidate and shake in a collective panic.

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazine

– How do you spend your free time with your child? Do you communicate, and is your baby friendly with other star kids?

– We try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, to walk. We have a huge green park next to our house, where we spend most of our time. Lyovushka’s daytime sleep takes place in the same place …

In fact, his best friends are the girls in the neighborhood. But he meets star kids only on common holidays.

– Nadya, despite the “staff turnover”, you have been the soloist of the “Brilliant” for more than 10 years. Why do you think you managed to “stay” – and, with an eye to the time: what do you think is necessary for successful development in a musical group?

– I think it is extremely important to love what you do.

And yet – every day it is necessary to grow above oneself of yesterday, to constantly develop. And then you will be in the profession as long as you want.

– Do you communicate with any of your ex-colleagues? Is there friendship in groups and in show business, in your opinion?

– I communicate with girls.

Only in a group, as in any collective, there are more and more colleagues than friends. And that’s okay.

It is important to “stick” these two concepts, and not to look for the absolute where there is no need for it.

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazine

– In general, do you have many friends? Are there those who are with you from the earliest years of life: school or even kindergarten?

– I don’t have many friends, and all of them, for the most part, are already from adulthood.

And my childhood friends, it just so happened, scattered across the globe. We keep in touch by phone.

– What place does music occupy in your life now? Are you currently giving a burst of creative energy – singing, writing songs?

– I started working on a solo album. True, while others write songs for me.

The songs that I wrote before were, for the most part, for male performance. Hopefully, over time, I will write myself a couple of texts.

– You position yourself as a poet and writer. What are you writing about? When did you become attracted to this art form, and where can you read your creations?

– I have been writing since childhood. Later she began to compose lyrics for ready-made melodies. My songs are performed by Dima Bilan, the Dynamite group, Lolita, Alexander Marshal and a number of other artists. So it’s easy to find and hear them.

I publish my poems in my micro-blogs. Look in scrapbooks or under the hashtag #handmadethings if you love poetry.

I also released a fairy tale “House of the soul”. It has been translated into English and can be found on Amazon. It’s simple.

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazineNadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazine

– Have you already had a rest this summer, or your vacation is not “tied” to the season? Where have you been, or where do you want to go in the near future?

– This summer we were visiting friends in Georgia. During this trip, we traveled almost all of it, and remained indescribable delight!

We fell in love with Georgia very much – and it seems to have loved us. We will definitely return there more than once!

– Do you travel long distances with Leo?

– We just flew with him. And there they spent 3-6 hours on the road in a car.

Everywhere they took him with them. Lyova sleeps well on the way.

– What is the best vacation option for you?

– I prefer a passive vacation somewhere by the sea, ocean …

And so that it was still very green around.

– Can you tell us about the most extreme actions that you did? In general, extreme is about you?

– No, extreme is not my romance. I have enough bright plots in everyday life.

Nadya Ruchka - interview specially for magazine

– How do you see yourself in 10 years – both creatively and in life?

– I am not an oracle … But I am sure that the next 10 years will be good for me.

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Especially for Women’s magazine

We thank Nadia for a very heartfelt interview! We wish her a creative take-off of thoughts, creative ideas, many like-minded people, successful self-realization – and, of course, happiness in her personal life!

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