
The 2020 Russian Marathon Championship in Sochi has been postponed indefinitely.

Now officially:

Russian Marathon Championship – postponed indefinitely (the race must take place before May 31, 2020)

Information from the organizers.

The Sochi Marathon 2020 was seen by many as a replacement for London, Paris or Boston. And, what surprises me, literally until the last days.

A lot of people wrote to me in a personal and asked: “Vasily, will Sochi pass?” For more than a month now I have always answered – no!

They even started arguing with me, they assured me that they could go without spectators, and so on.

I did not argue, people continued to prepare, which amazed me.

That is why I did not write anything about Sochi-2020 in the public space. I know the classics too well and I remember poor Cassandra 🙂

Kazan Marathon 2020 has also been postponed – to August 15-16, 2020. A very strange decision imo. In May, it is already too hot, and in mid-August it was really hot in Kazan.

All health and running!

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