
The best lice remedies, how to get rid of nits?

How to get rid of lice – by what means, what actions can and cannot be taken? Experts from the COLADY magazine report.

Such a disease as head lice (or, in Russian, simply “lice”) is known, unfortunately, to many parents. And many are trying to remove lice at home on their own. Do not think that lice appear only in children from disadvantaged families. The wealth of parents and their care for the hygiene of the child, of course, will prevent many diseases. But infestation with head lice can occur completely unexpectedly: sometimes it is enough just to sit at the same desk with an already infected child.

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head itches
Colady illustration

What if a child brought this living creature in his hair from school or kindergarten? How to get rid of lice and nits quickly?

Causes of head lice. Where do lice come from?

It seems that in the modern world this phenomenon should gradually come to naught. But, oddly enough, the incidence of head lice among children is very high. The risk of catching parasites is most serious in girls with long hair – lice cling to them much faster. And the traditional games of “Hairdressers”, which girls love so much, are not beneficial if common hairpins and combs pass from hand to hand. Lice do not come out of nowhere – the source is always an infected person. The causes of head lice are always contact. How is head lice “caught” most often?

  • Kindergarten and school.
  • Children’s camps and sanatoriums.
  • Other common areas.
  • The use of other people’s hats, combs, towels and other personal items.

Dermatologist, cosmetologist Kristina Titkova talks about the fight against lice

Christina Titkova

Head lice is a parasitic human disease that is caused by lice. Most often, children from 3 to 10-12 years old become infected and get sick. A high incidence of head lice prevails in the summer, due to favorable conditions for life and the transmission of lice.

There are three types of head lice:

  1. Head lice cause head lice.
  2. Body louse – head lice.
  3. Pubic louse – pubic lice (phthiriasis).

Infection occurs through direct contact, contact with the hair of a person infected with lice, or when using the infected household items (combs, towels, hats). With head lice, lice and nits (lice eggs) are localized more often in the occipital and temporal regions of the head.

Symptoms include severe itching. (like an allergic reaction to saliva that gets into the skin during bloodsucking), crusts, there can be various rashes in the places of bloodsucking and, of course, the detection of lice and nits themselves.

How to cure head lice? Individuals of lice can be mechanically combed out (if these are single individuals), in pharmacies there are special combs for combing out lice. Before this, the hair is washed and rinsed with a 4.5% aqueous solution of vinegar. Destruction of parasites by high or low temperatures. For example, boiling laundry or ironing clothes, and as for hair, this is an iron treatment to straighten hair.

There is a wide selection of drugs in pharmacies that kill lice. The scientific name is pediculicides. These can be preparations in the form of lotions, shampoos, aerosols, creams. Particular attention should be paid to adherence to the recommended treatment regimen, which is indicated in the instructions. Treatment of head lice in a particular patient is carried out simultaneously with anti-epidemic measures in the foci (families and organized groups), which include the patient.

Mechanical removal of lice and nits. Recommendations

Remedies for lice and nits are different. Chemicals to combat head lice are prohibited for use in young children. In older children, they are used in accordance with the state of health. But it is worth remembering that no lice remedy will have an effect without manually removing the nits.

  1. First, carefully (under a bright light) examine the child’s head.
  2. If the child does not mind, it is better to cut him to the maximum length of hair. Fighting nits on long hair can take a very long time.
  3. Wash your hair with a shampoo conditioner (it will make it easier to comb).
  4. Comb the hair thoroughly with a special comb with a small distance between the teeth (no more than 2 mm).
  5. Separating the strands, comb each of them, gradually transferring them to the already checked part of the head.
  6. After brushing out each section, dry the comb on a paper towel. When finished combing, boil it for ten minutes.
  7. Perform this combing every day for two weeks until the parasites are completely gone.
  8. Do not use hair conditioner before applying the lice product.
Photo Unsplash

For easier combing, you can use Neath Free mousse. It dissolves the glue that holds nits to the hair, making it much easier to remove nits and lice. If you did not manage to comb out lice and nits on your own, you can contact the specialized Pediculosis Assistance Center “Lais Away”. The center guarantees their elimination in one day without the use of toxic drugs. The period during which it is on the market, a large number of positive reviews, the provision of a guarantee and a free re-procedure indicate high efficiency and confidence in successful treatment.

The best remedies for lice and nits: folk and pharmacy

Lice are a big problem. Folk remedies for nits, judging by the reviews, are very effective. The main recommendation when lice are found in a child is to see a doctor. Especially, in cases where the child has not yet reached the age of three, is allergic or asthmatic, or has other diseases… Treatment of head lice should be carried out without harm to the child’s body.

Recommended for pregnant women and babies only mechanical removal of nits and, maximum, compresses from natural products (cranberries, etc.).
So, what pharmaceutical and folk remedies are used by modern parents to eliminate these parasites?

  • Oil mask. Olive oil (mayonnaise, petroleum jelly, etc.) is applied to the hair at night. A plastic cap is put on top. In the morning, the mask is washed off, and the nits are combed out of wet hair with a fine-toothed comb.
  • Rosh Tov. A product made from natural ingredients.
  • Nyuda. One of the most effective modern dimethicone-based lice control agents. The drug enters the respiratory tract of lice, which leads to the death of insects from suffocation. Eliminates both adult lice and nits.
  • Varnish “Prelest”. After washing, the head is treated with a whole bottle of varnish (of course, in the air). Then they wrap it with a towel (or put on a plastic cap) and leave it overnight. The principle of action is similar to that of Nyuda. The only difference is in price (Nyuda is much more expensive than a bottle with this varnish). In the morning, the varnish is washed off several times and the surviving nits are combed out. It is clear that you should first check if you are allergic to this agent.
  • 5% benzyl alcohol solution. Relatively safe remedy.
  • Cranberry. Fresh cranberry juice (three handfuls) is rubbed into the hair roots, the remnants of the squeeze are applied to the entire length of the hair. The hair is hidden with a plastic cap (and a towel on top) for three hours, until completely dry. Further, according to the standard scheme – washing and combing out.
  • Pharmacy productscreated on the basis of components of neurotoxic action. These include Couple plus, Nittifor, Nyx etc. These drugs are effective only at the stage of lice detection (no nits). After ten days, a re-treatment of the head is needed. It is unacceptable to use these drugs more than three times due to their high toxicity. After applying the drug, wait a couple of days with shampooing.
  • The radical method – shaving head… Of course, it will not suit everyone.
  • Kerosene and gasoline. It is better not to use these funds. The consequences can be dire – from allergic dermatitis and scalp burns to hair loss.
  • Hair coloring. In this case, you need to choose a paint containing hydrogen peroxide.
  • Flea shampoos for cats and dogs (sold in veterinary pharmacies).
  • Dust and tar soap.
  • Wormwood decoction.
  • Parsley or mint juice.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Vinegar. Add a couple of tablespoons of the product to a glass of water. Apply the solution to the head. Brush out the nits thoroughly. Vinegar helps dissolve the glue that holds the nits in your hair.
  • Lavender or tea tree oil.
  • 15% benzyl benzoate ointment
  • 20% benzyl benzoate emulsion.
  • Sulfuric ointment.
  • Spregal.
  • Vodka compress. Vodka is sprayed onto the hair from a spray bottle (you should first cover your eyes with a bandage). Rubbed into hair roots. After that, a plastic cap is put on and a towel is wound on top. After twenty to thirty minutes, the compress is washed off, and the nits are combed out. An effective remedy. Not recommended for small children.
  • Chemerichnaya water.
  • Crest Anti

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