
The meaning of the name Ekaterina – psychology and numerology of the name

Each human name is unique in meaning and semantic load. Esotericists are sure that it is one of the basic factors that determine the fate of a person. Colady’s editors conducted their own research to find out everything about the female name Catherine. What is its meaning and origin, numerical expression? How does this name affect the fate of its bearer? Experienced specialists provide answers to these and other questions.

The meaning and origin of the name Ekaterina

Name Ekaterina
Colady illustration by Lara Lauren

The ancient Greeks had a beloved goddess of light, Hecate. She illuminated their path at night, gave wise instructions. The name Catherine has Greek roots. It is believed that it is one of the derivatives of “Hecate” and in translation means “innocence”, “pristine purity.”

This gripe is popular not only in the post-Soviet countries, but outside of them it has a different sound combination. For example, in America, the name Catherine sounds like Kate or Catherine.

In the minds of people, this gripe symbolizes wealth and power, it is not for nothing that it was appropriated to the royal people for many centuries. He has many diminutive forms: Katrunya, Katenka, Katya, Katyusha, etc.

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Numerology named after Catherine

We decided to present the name Katya (Ekaterina) in numerical terms. Numerologist Lyudmila Bakalina helped us.

luda bokalina

Dear Catherine!

Your destiny number is 8. It symbolizes infinity. What does this mean for you? Eights strive to find harmony in everything, especially with their inner world. They are constantly worried about something. Their mind knows no rest. They are endlessly engaged in self-knowledge. Very curious people.

By their nature, G8s are stable. They don’t tolerate chaos. Disorder in any form angers and annoys such natures. That is why they are considered excellent housewives. Also, Catherine is excellent wives and mothers. They value stability above all else. They do not like to change plans.

The character of Catherine

young woman
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Katya is a kind, sympathetic, sensible woman, not indifferent to the troubles of other people. I am ready to help anyone, even a stranger. They say about such – “big heart” or “kind soul”. She is confident in her abilities, does not retreat after the first difficulties appear, however, without the support of loved ones, she can fall into melancholy and lose interest in specific activities. She is an interesting and intelligent woman, she knows how to interest others and make them listen to herself. Those, in turn, deeply respect her.

With people whom she does not trust, Katya behaves coldly, and they cannot fail to notice it. For this reason, in her youth, enemies often appear.

Ekaterina has excellent communication potential. With her strong communication skills and good intuition, she easily makes friends and fans. Yes, she knows how to be friends. Katya’s comrades know that they can always count on her support.

Catherine is not peculiar to eccentricity. She is calm, judicious, often overly serious. Not inclined to make rash decisions. People unfamiliar to her will probably find her too modest and shy. Katenka also has disadvantages. One of them is irritability. If something does not go as she planned, she starts to get angry. The negativity experienced by the bearer of this name is quickly transmitted to others.

Its second drawback is secrecy. It is difficult for Catherine to feel respect and trust for individuals. She dislikes the majority of “outsiders” and often openly demonstrates it to them.

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Career and finance

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Such a woman has excellent self-control. She is assiduous, attentive, hardworking and responsible, therefore she copes well with monotonous work. She is not afraid of paperwork or complex mathematical calculations. Ekaterina will be an excellent civil servant, teacher of exact sciences, doctor, teacher, psychologist or manager.

She can achieve financial success in almost any field, the main thing is to be imbued with interest in work. If Katya does not feel joy in work, then her life will become unbearable. For such an uncommon nature, it is very important to systematically enjoy the craft. The money issue is not a priority for her.

Marriage and children

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A strong, stubborn, dominant man in everything is unlikely to conquer her. No, she does not choose notorious weaklings as her companions, but in a relationship she prefers to take a leading position. Such is her nature!

Katya is convinced that partners can achieve happiness in love only if she personally controls everything. Nevertheless, in men, above all, she values ​​confidence and responsibility. She is not attracted to shy guys who are afraid to demonstrate their dignity to the public. As a child, she always falls in love with actors and singers, interest in whom she never ceases to lose even in adulthood.

Having found a kindred spirit among men, Catherine seeks to charm him with femininity. She gladly agrees to give birth to a child and even several children. Sincerely attached to each household member, but in return requires frankness and affection. The bearer of this name is greatly upset by the indifference of loved ones. She needs their love and support.

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Catherine’s health

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Katya takes everything too close to her heart, so she often suffers from migraines and disorders of the nervous system. It is not always advisable to take pills with the appearance of head discomfort. In this case, it is better to try to rest.

But the head is not Katya’s only weak point. Esotericists claim that with age, she may develop gastric pathologies. To prevent this, you should systematically adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, especially not to abuse fatty and fried foods.

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