
The smartest women around the world

For a long time, it was believed that men are much smarter than women. However, feminism has changed the world: now representatives of the “fair sex” can receive education and demonstrate that they are no more stupid than men! In addition, scientists have proven that there is no difference between male and female thinking, and if there is a difference, then it is due to the specifics of upbringing. If you still think girls are destined to beautify the world, read this article!

Edith Stern

1. Edith Stern

The IQ of this woman reaches 200 points (with an average value of 100-130), which is an absolute world record. Even before Edith was a year old, she knew how to count and spoke in complex sentences, and she managed to graduate from university before she came of age. Edith has a number of awards for her inventions: the woman devoted her career to mechanical engineering.

2. Marilyn Savant

This American woman has an IQ of about 190. Marilyn works as a journalist. She maintains her own column, where everyone can ask her any, even the most difficult question, or send a puzzle. And so far there has not been a case that she did not cope with the task.

3. Judith Polgar

Judith is a famous grandmaster from Hungary. She is considered the most powerful chess player in the world. Already at the age of 15, the girl became a grandmaster, breaking almost all existing records. Once Judith even won a tournament against Garry Kasparov, who is one of the most famous chess players in the world. By the way, grandmaster Alexei Shirov called Judith “a killer who senses checkmate in 20 moves.”

4. Fabiola Mann

The girl’s IQ is 162, which is two points more than Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Fabiola is an excellent chess player, karate player, guitarist and intends to do scientific research in the field of medicine.

Fabiola Mann1

5. Maria Zakharova

Maria Zakharova is a Russian politician and diplomat, candidate of historical sciences and an official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The girl has repeatedly demonstrated a sharp mind, commenting on the events taking place in the world, she can answer any, even the most insidious question, and has a great sense of humor. By the way, Maria is fond of not only politics: she writes poems and songs, which she posts on her pages on social networks. Truly, a talented person is talented in everything.

6. Sharon Stone

This beautiful woman, who has won the status of a sex symbol, is the smartest actress in Hollywood, with an IQ of 154. By the way, Sharon adores Russian classical literature and advises all women to engage in self-development first of all, and not “improving” their appearance. And this advice is worth heeding!

7. Natalie Portman

Natalie’s IQ is 154. The actress is a vegetarian and dedicated to protecting the environment, and also participates in programs that allow residents of third world countries to start their own businesses. She also has a higher education: she is a psychologist and graduated from Harvard. By the way, Portman regularly writes scientific articles that are published in reputable publications.

Natalie Portman1

8. Asia Carrera

The girl’s IQ is 156 points. This is surprising since Asia has made a career as an adult film actress. Despite such a dubious reputation, the girl graduated from university, where she studied business technology and the Japanese language. Interestingly, Asia is a Pastafarian – an apologist for a parody religion for atheists. Even on the driver’s license of the actress, there is a photo of her in a traditional Pastafarian headdress – a colander on her head. The actress has not only outstanding intelligence, but also a great sense of humor!

9. Laura Shields

The girl’s IQ is 158 points. Already at the age of 15, the girl worked as a model and participated in beauty contests, where she almost always won prizes. After graduating from high school, Laura quit modeling to focus on studying chemistry and mechanical engineering.

10. Emma Watson

This young actress has the status of a Hollywood intellectual. She is not only beautiful and sexy. The girl devotes a lot of time to the struggle for equal women’s rights. Emma claims to have become a feminist at the age of eight. The actress emphasizes the need for women to participate in politics and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Emma Watson

11. Svetlana Aleksievich

The Soviet and Belarusian writer in her books raises such important topics as wars, global catastrophes and social injustice. Thanks to Aleksievich’s work, society begins to think about the need to change the world for the better. Aleksievich is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

12. Michelle Obama

The wife of the former President of the United States distinguished herself not only by becoming one of the style icons. The woman has a legal education and has spent a lot of effort fighting discrimination against ethnic minorities. As First Lady, Michelle actively intervened in politics, developing programs to promote a healthy lifestyle, education in the field of art. In 2020, Michelle plans to run for the presidency of America.

13. Ophelia Morgan-Dew

This little British woman has an IQ of 171 at the age of three. Ophelia uttered the first word at 8 months. The baby has a unique memory: she remembers the events that happened before she was one year old. Parents are proud of their daughter and hope that a bright future awaits her. While Ophelia is fond of reading and loves to play construction set.

Ophelia Morgan-Dew

14. Irina Khakamada

Irina Khakamada is an economist, politician, journalist and publicist. The woman defended her Ph.D. thesis, speaks fluently several languages ​​and has an associate professor’s degree. Khakamada writes books (both scientific and artistic) and conducts trainings that develop leadership skills. The woman is notable for her courage: she became one of the few Russian politicians who call the annexation of Crimea an annexation.

15. Tina Kandelaki

Journalist, presenter and producer, public figure and founder of her own cosmetics brand: all this is about the beautiful Tina Kandelaki. The girl graduated from the Faculty of International Relations of the Russian State University for the Humanities, has been engaged in journalism for a long time and is working on the “Smart School” project.

16.Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko is a politician, diplomat and former governor of St. Petersburg. Political decisions of Matvienko are not always unambiguously met by the public, but it cannot be denied that this woman was able to achieve a lot solely thanks to her mind.

17. Elvira Nabiullina

Elvira is ranked 56th on Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful Women in the World. By the way, she managed to become the only Russian woman on this list. Currently, the woman is the head of the Central Bank of Russia.

Elvira Nabiullina

18. Ksenia Sobchak

The girl’s career began very odiously: she worked as the host of the show Dom-2. However, later, Ksenia decided to change her life and follow in her father’s footsteps, becoming involved in politics. Sobchak even ran for the presidency of Russia. By the way, Ksenia graduated from MGIMO, which speaks of her high intelligence.

19. Nadezhda Kamukova

The girl’s intelligence level is 200 points. Nadezhda was born in Moscow, but she currently lives and works in Turkey. Nadezhda is a real polyglot: she knows 7 languages ​​and 40 dialects!

20.Gina Davis

The actress and Oscar winner is famous not only for her beauty. Gina is fluent in several languages ​​and is engaged in the fight for equal rights for women around the world.

21. Jane Goodall

Jane never went to university and was just a waitress. By chance, she got into the team of primatologist Louis Leakey. The scientist drew attention to a talented girl and made sure that she defended her dissertation without having an education. Jane devoted her entire life to anthropology and primatology, making a number of outstanding discoveries that underlie modern ideas about the causes of this or that human behavior.

Jane Goodall

22. Carol Grader

The woman is a molecular biologist. She managed to discover the role of telomeres in the genome of living things, for which Carol was awarded the Nobel Prize. It is now believed that telomere theory will help develop a cure for cancer and even invent a remedy that will allow humanity to forget forever about old age.

23. May-Brit Moser

May-Brit is a neuroscientist who, together with her husband and colleague, discovered the neurons that allow mammals to navigate in space and perform subtle movements.

24. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

This woman managed to discover the causative agent of AIDS and put an end to a longstanding dispute about the nature of this disease. Currently, Françoise is engaged in educational activities in developing countries, trying to stop the terrible epidemic.

25. Melissa Franklin

Melissa is a scientist who dedicated his life to high energy physics. It was she who managed to prove the existence of quarks, which changed the idea of ​​the natural sciences about how the world works.

Melissa Franklin

Do you think you are too stupid to do anything significant? Take a look at this list again to make sure that women are not an obstacle to changing the world or making a big discovery!

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