
Tips to Keep Your Pet Calm When Flying on a Plane

Traveling by air with your pet can be nerve-wracking, both for you and your furry companion. However, with preparation and care, you can keep your pet relaxed and comfortable on their first airplane ride. Follow these tips to ease anxiety and comfort your dog while flying.

Book the Right Flight

Choose direct flights to avoid layovers and minimize total travel time. Red-eye or early morning flights usually have fewer passengers and less airport chaos. Request bulkhead seating for more legroom or pay to book your pet in the cabin with you rather than the cargo hold, if allowed by airline. Shorter, emptier flights with you nearby will be less stressful.

Get the Proper Gear

Invest in an airline-approved crate or carrier and have your pet try it out at home first. It should be just big enough for them to stand and turn around. Familiarize them with being confined for periods of time. Put a comfortable pad and any absorbent lining needed. Affix food and water bowls. Print “Live Animal” stickers for the crate so handlers are gentle.

Visit the Vet Pre-Travel

Have your pet examined by your vet to ensure they’re fit to fly. Update all medications and vaccinations as needed. Ask about sedative options if your pet is extremely anxious. Get a health certificate from your vet within 10 days of travel if required by airline. This prep work prevents issues mid-travel.

Practice Airport Runs

Make practice drives to the airport and walk your pet around the check-in and security areas. Exposure to sights and sounds pre-flight helps desensitize them to the new environment. Bring treats and their favorite toy for positive reinforcement during these exposure outings.

Stick to Their Routine

Keep your pet on their normal eating and sleeping schedule as much as possible. Feed them several hours before departing for the airport. Avoid giving new foods that could cause digestive upset. Try to arrange flight times that work with their routine. Familiarity breeds calmness.

Use Calming Aids

Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety medications, herbal remedies, calming chews, or pheromone sprays/collars. Use whatever aids you can to relax your pet and make them drowsy for the flight. Test these at home first to ensure there are no adverse effects. A sleepy, drugged pet will have an easier time flying.

Tire Them Out

Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise before boarding the plane. Take them for long walks, let them run and play hard. A tired dog or cat is more likely to sleep through the flight than an energetic, antsy one with pent-up energy. Wear them out beforehand for restful air travel.

Stay Calm Yourself

Animals pick up on their owner’s stress. If you’re anxious about them flying, they will get nervous too. Stay relaxed, upbeat and confident when traveling together. Your calm energy will help them feel more at ease. Flying may be new for them, but your reassuring presence provides comfort.

Preparing properly and taking steps to keep your pet relaxed will ensure your furry friend has a smooth, stress-free flight. With the right gear, routine, calming aids and your calm energy, you can have a great trip together by air. Just focus on keeping them comfortable, and you’ll both enjoy the journey. If you need help with your pet, consider using a company, like Airpets International, for pet relocation services.

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