
Weather In Saint John Nb In September

Saint John’s weather is mild in September, which is the fall/autumn period. The average temperature is around 25degC and there is little snow, so you can expect to enjoy a great outdoor experience without worrying about the cold. The city also has some of the driest air in the country, with 104mm of rain falling over 11 days and 6.3 hours of sunshine each day.

The temperature in Saint John varies considerably throughout the year, and a typical day can be up to 15 degrees Celsius. The average temperature in Saint John is 2.8 degrees Celsius. It can also drop to -5 at night. On the other hand, the summer months, between June and October, are the cloudiest. The hottest months of the year, like September, are generally the hottest and the driest.

The minimum temperature in Saint John varies greatly throughout the year. In July, the minimum temperature is 2 degC (35 degF), while the maximum is 11.5 degrees Celsius (53 degF). During September, the low temperatures can be very cold. In fact, the low temperature is only 1.8 degrees Celsius, making it too cold to go swimming at night. The coolest month is December, with temperatures averaging 7.7 degC (45.9 degrees F).

Saint John is situated near a large body of water, which affects the average water temperature. Saint John’s water temperature fluctuates greatly from summer to winter. It experiences a warmer water period lasting 3.4 months between July and October. In September, the average water temperature is 56 degF, with a high of 71 degrees and a low of 56 degrees. As you can see, the climate in Saint-John varies by season.

The temperature in Saint-John varies from year to year. The clearest months are May, June, and September experiences the least precipitation. The dry season runs from August 4 through October 7, and has the lowest average temperatures. However, there are a few exceptions. It is not unusual for the city to receive 0.14 inches of snow in December. A day’s worth of snow can add to the experience of the holiday.

May is Saint John’s most cloudy month. It is also the second-cloudiest month. There are about 58 days of cloudy skies in September. If there is 0.04 inches of liquid in a cloudy day, it is considered a rainy day. This type of rainfall is more common in June and August, though the risk of rain is lower in September.

In September, the city will experience a relatively warm climate. The temperature will be around 56degF in the evening. The city will have clear skies throughout the month, with the only rainy days occurring during the drier part of the year. The coolest months in Saint John are August and October. There are a few days when the temperature drops to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

September’s coldest nights are at the beginning of each month. The temperature drops to -19.5 degrees Celsius. The hottest days are typically at the end of the month, with temperatures ranging from eleven to thirty-six degrees. January and August are the warmest months. The city is usually cloudy during this time of the year. The average temperature in Saint John during the latter month is -7.1degC.

August is Saint John’s longest day. September and September are the next two. It is the driest month in the year. It is not unusual to see cloudy skies. The 17th is the hottest day in the year. The average temperature during this period is five degrees warmer than in the winter. The sun is the best place to visit in September if you’re looking for a relaxing vacation.

Saint John’s September weather is mild. The average temperature in September is 8.3 degC (47 degF), and the coldest night occurs on November 15. The highest temperature day is October 26, when it reaches 18.6 degrees F. Moderate wind conditions prevail in this month. The windiest months are March, December, and April. March’s average wind speed is 10.1 knots or 11.6% of MPH.

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