
What an osteopath cures – how an osteopath can help you

Osteopath for babiesWho is an osteopath? First of all, a specialist with a medical education and passed special training. And also “a little bit of a magician.” Because anyone can become an osteopath, but there are only a few specialists who can restore health. Finding a professional can take time: you should start with the lists of these specialists in the Registries of Osteopaths, calls to clinics and studying reviews on the network.

True, you can only understand whether this is your osteopath at an in-person appointment with a doctor.

The content of the article:

The benefits of osteopathy for children and adults – when to start treatment and to whom is it contraindicated?

Osteopathy is based on the idea that all parts of the body function in one and the same way. That is, when a problem has arisen in one part of the body, the other parts try to adapt to it and compensate for the general condition, which results in pain, inflammation and other symptoms.

The challenge of osteopathy – reduce pain, eliminate stress and give the body the opportunity to heal itself.

An osteopath works exclusively with his hands – without injections, pills and improvised means. Treatment by this specialist should be part of a comprehensive therapy – only in this case it will bring maximum benefit.

What are the benefits of osteopathy?

  • Possibility of full treatment of the central nervous system and internal organs, most of the diseases.
  • General improvement in mobility.
  • Improving the structural stability of the body.
  • Improving the work of all body systems.

Benefits of osteopathy:

  1. Exposure to the body exclusively with the help of hands – without drugs, injections, operations.
  2. The minimum number of procedures required for most diseases.
  3. Versatility: treatment of the entire body, rather than a separate organ.
  4. Minimum restrictions and contraindications, both by age and health reasons.
  5. Application of gentle techniquessafe even for babies.
  6. The painlessness of the technique.
  7. Fast perceptible effect – sometimes immediately after the 1st procedure.
  8. Possibility of treatment without expensive drugs (and without the consequences of taking them), without surgery, etc.
  9. Ostepathy is not a prevention or massage, but a full-fledged treatment of the body, restoration of balance in it (in every sense).

Indications for osteopathy:

  • Curvature of the spine, disorders in the musculoskeletal system.
  • Tachycardia and problems of the cardiovascular system.
  • Headaches and other pains.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Mental / emotional disorders.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Dizziness, high / low blood pressure.
  • Overweight.
  • Injuries received.
  • Developmental delay.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Gynecological problems.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Toxicosis, swelling, threat of miscarriage and low back pain.

And so on. The possibilities of osteopathy are practically endless.

Osteopathy – contraindications

Of course, as in any other case, in order to get the maximum benefit from the treatment, one should remember about contraindications, in the presence of which you will either have to abandon this method or combine it with an alternative one, adjusting together with the doctor.

This method of treatment is not recommended for …

  • Acute heart failure.
  • With bleeding.
  • With tuberculosis (open / form).
  • With acute circulatory disorders in the brain.
  • For acute bacterial infections.
  • For acute mental disorders.
  • With “fresh” injuries, injuries of the spine, joints.
  • With thrombosis.
  • With systemic blood diseases.
  • With oncology.
  • With diabetes mellitus.
  • With hypertensive crisis, stroke, heart attack.
  • With peritonitis.
  • With an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta.
  • With myasthenia gravis.
  • For acute abdominal pain.
  • In the presence of kidney stones or gallbladder.
  • With renal / hepatic impairment.

And other diseases during an exacerbation.

The general condition (taking into account the existing diseases) is assessed by the doctor at the reception.

How can an osteopath help a baby?

A visit to an osteopath with a newborn is a very common occurrence. And it is 100% justified even for preventive purposes – for the timely detection of pathologies and in order to avoid their consequences during the development period.

So when should you take your baby to an osteopath?


  1. 1-2 weeks of life. It was during this period, according to experts, that the baby should be taken to the osteopath. After 3-4 weeks, the age comes at which it is too late to solve many complex problems. Therefore, even for prevention purposes, it makes sense to visit this specialist immediately after the hospital from the 7th to the 28th day of life. He is able to see those pathologies that other doctors did not notice.
  2. C-section. One of the main indications for an osteopathic examination of an infant.
  3. Bruises, injuries. Even with normal radiographs.
  4. Screams and crying of a baby for no apparent reason. That is, when the baby is not soothed even with a nipple, breast and lullabies in the position “in the arms of the mother.” Even if your pediatrician promises that it will “pass soon.”
  5. Excessive anxiety of the baby, high excitability, poor sleep and too frequent regurgitation, colic – in the absence of the effect of the usual treatment prescribed by the pediatrician.
  6. Abnormal shape of the baby’s head – elongated, asymmetric, etc. (for example, after using forceps during childbirth, after manipulating the crumbs’ body, vacuum extraction). It is also an important indication for an osteopathic visit. Deformation is not only a “strange” shape of the skull, but, alas, the effect of this change on the function of the brain. By the year of life, all the fontanelles of the baby are closed. And correcting the asymmetry of the head is most effective until the bones of the head are fully formed.
  7. Consequences of operations or birth trauma.
  8. Delayed development.
  9. ENT diseases and gastrointestinal problems.
  10. Perinatal encephalopathy.
  11. Delivery with breech / facial presentation.
  12. Blockage of the lacrimal canal. This problem is solved in 2-4 osteopathy sessions.
  13. Strabismus and other problems in the functioning of vision.
  14. Allergy.
  15. Half body paralysis.
  16. Epilepsy.
  17. Trisomy 21 chromosome.
  18. Stimulation of labor, delivery too fast or too long.
  19. Prematurity.

When to contact?

Experts recommend – right after the hospital. The sooner the baby gets to the osteopath, the easier the correction will be and the less problems there will be in the future. With the help of the first session, you can, if not eliminate, then at least maximally mitigate all the consequences of childbirth for the head of the baby, as well as improve the general condition.

Remember! Turning to an osteopath is not a substitute for, and certainly does not cancel, the treatment and supervision of your pediatrician. Consultations should complement each other, not replace!

Osteopath's help for a newborn babyPossibilities of osteopathy with head asymmetry at various stages of baby’s development

  • 0-3 months. The best age to correct any anomaly in the shape of the crumbs’ skull. The correction is not difficult, the bones are plastic, the interosseous sutures are soft / wide, the fontanelles are open.
  • 3-6 months. Some fontanelles are closed, sutures are compacted and bones grow together. There are already much fewer special opportunities for osteopathic correction, but it is still possible.
  • 6-12 months. Modeling is no longer as effective, although possible. It will take longer.
  • 1-3 years. Correction is still possible, but it will take a lot of simulation sessions.
  • 3-6 years old. By this age, the sutures are already closed, the upper palate is formed, the bone is compacted. Modeling the skull is already extremely difficult, but the correction of dysfunctions is effective and available.

Where to look for an osteopath?

There are many specialists of this kind in our country. And many of them are real professionals in their field.

Today there is no shortage of proposals and standards of professional qualities, but, when choosing a specialist for a baby, you need to remember that …

Education is in first place. That is, higher medical – in a certain specialty, osteopathic (foreign schools are considered to be of the highest quality in preparation), accompanying (neuropathology, traumatology, orthopedics, etc.).

In the register of osteopaths there are many specialists working in various fields. Choose a doctor based on your problem. For example, if you have cerebral palsy, problems with the musculoskeletal system or after a birth injury, you should look for an osteopath with professional knowledge in orthopedics. And in case of injuries – a specialist of a wide profile. The presence of a doctor in the Register is a significant plus and one of the proofs of the authenticity of his diploma (unfortunately, today there are many charlatans in this area as well).

After choosing a specialist, try to collect more information about him. – reviews on the Internet, responses from his patients. So you will find out which group of diseases your doctor specializes on and how effective his treatment is.

There are two organizations uniting osteopaths. These are ENRO (www.enro) and RRDO (www.osteopathy). The selected specialist must be in one of these registries, be certified and have undergone special training (osteopathy) in the amount of 4000 hours with a successful clinical examination, and regularly improve their qualifications.

On a note – about the legality of osteopathy

The specialty of an osteopathic doctor does not have an official status, but his position was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of 2012, number 1183. That is, an osteopathic doctor who accepts a medical facility and is licensed, works absolutely legally

Where does an osteopath take and how does it work – the main methods of treatment

Nowadays, osteopathy is no longer something fantastic – both for traditional specialists and for their patients. Certified osteopaths have been working successfully in big cities of Russia for a long time, solving problems with the health of citizens. In some cases, parents decide to visit an osteopath on their own, in others, they are referred, for example, by orthopedists or neurologists.

How does an osteopath treat, and what you need to know about his work?

  1. The osteopath works exclusively with his hands, without using auxiliary means, without prescribing pills, etc. The state of relief often comes to the patient already at the very first procedure.
  2. Using the fingers, the specialist “listens” to the body, assessing the state of organs, spine, pelvis, etc. The purpose of such “listening” is to relieve deformations and stress. An impressive arsenal of techniques is regularly replenished, which greatly expands the possibilities of osteopathy, but the basis of all procedures is classical techniques.
  3. Each manipulation is carried out as gently as possible… In the hands of an osteopath, you will not feel pain and discomfort, as sometimes on a massage therapist’s table. The main task is to help the body find symmetry, mobility, balance. That is, to return to a normal and harmonious state.

Frequency and duration of sessions

For babies, sessions are usually given once a week for 15-20 minutes… For schoolchildren – once every 2 weeks.

As for the number of procedures, everything is individual here. It is enough for one to go to a session once to solve his problem, another will need 8-10 procedures.

Differences in techniques

Osteopathy can be divided into 3 structures – visceral, structural and craniosacral… For babies up to 5 years old, the latter is usually used.

Perception of treatment by children

It should be noted that babies perceive procedures with pleasure… And parents with equal pleasure note a rapid improvement in the condition and mood of children – tissue metabolism improves, the brain begins to receive nutrients and oxygen in full, the pain goes away, and sleep improves.

When choosing a specialist, remember that the time of appointment with an osteopath is limited, and on average the patient spends about 15 minutes in his office. The course cannot be too long. And even a second visit is often appointed not “next Tuesday”, but after 2-4 months.

Therefore, if you were immediately offered a course of treatment of 20 procedures and 2-3 times a week, this is either a charlatan, or a doctor with an extremely low qualification – it is better to refuse his services.

The cost of receiving an osteopath and a course of treatment in Russian clinics

The cost of a session with a given specialist differs in different cities of Russia.

Usually, 1 session with an experienced domestic doctor with an experience of 10 years or more costs from 1000 to 5000 rubles, depending on the city, qualifications and osteopathic experience of the doctor.

The cost of the course, respectively, can be 18,000-30,000 rublesbased on the number of procedures.

The website warns: the information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not a medical recommendation. If you have any health problems, consult a qualified doctor!

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