
what happens to the fetus and what the woman feels. Real harbingers of childbirth

Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations39 weeks – the beginning of the second half of the last month of pregnancy. 39 weeks means your pregnancy is coming to an end. Pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks, so your baby is quite ready to be born.

Read also: 10 most sure signs of an imminent birth – how to know when to give birth?

How did you come to this date?

This means that you are in the 39th obstetric week, which is 37 weeks from conception of the baby (fetal age) and 35 weeks from missed periods.

The content of the article:

Feelings in the mother

  • Emotional sphere… During this period, a woman experiences a whole range of emotions: on the one hand – fear and nervousness, because childbirth can already begin at any moment, and on the other hand – joy in anticipation of meeting the baby;
  • There are also changes in well-being.: The baby drops lower and it becomes easier to breathe, but many women note that it is more difficult for them to be in a sitting position in the late stages of pregnancy. The inconvenience in the sitting position is also caused by the advancement of the fetus lower into the pelvis. Sinking lower, the baby becomes more limited in their movements. Fetal movements are less common and less intense. However, the expectant mother should not worry, because all this is evidence of an imminent meeting with the baby;
  • Things are intimate. In addition, at 39 weeks, a woman may begin to have thick mucous discharge with streaks of blood – this is a mucous plug that leaves, which means you need to be ready to go to the hospital!
  • The bladder is under very strong pressure at 39 weeks., you have to run to the toilet “in a small way” more and more often;
  • In late pregnancy, many women experience a thinning of the stool, caused by changes in hormonal levels. Due to the decrease in pressure on the stomach, appetite improves. However, just before childbirth, the appetite decreases. Loss of appetite is another signal of an imminent trip to the hospital;
  • Contractions: False or True? Increasingly, the uterus contracts in training bouts in preparation for its main job. How not to confuse training fights with true ones? First, you need to keep track of the time between contractions. True contractions become more frequent over time, while false contractions are irregular and the interval between them does not shorten. In addition, after a true contraction, a woman, as a rule, feels relief, while false contractions leave a pulling sensation even when they recede;
  • In search of a secluded corner. Another sign of an imminent birth is “nesting”, that is, a woman’s desire to create or find a cozy corner in the apartment. This behavior is inherent in nature, because when there were no maternity hospitals and our ancestors gave birth themselves with the help of midwives, it was necessary to find a secluded, safe place for childbirth. So if you notice this kind of behavior, be prepared!

Reviews from forums about well-being:


Yesterday I went to the hospital to meet with the doctor who will take delivery. She watched me in the chair. After the examination, I arrived home – and my cork began to move away! The doctor warned, of course, that she would “smear”, and that in 3 days she was waiting for me to come to her place, but somehow I did not expect that everything would be so fast! I’m a little afraid, I sleep badly at night, then contractions, then the little lyalechka is spinning. The doctor, however, says that it should be so. I have already packed my bag, washed and ironed all the children’s little things, made the crib. Willingness number one!


I was already tired of waiting and listening. Neither you training contractions, nor your running to the toilet – once at night I go and that’s it. Maybe something is wrong with me? I am worried, and my husband laughs, says that no one remained pregnant, everyone gave birth sooner or later. The consultation also says not to panic.


With the first one, I was already discharged from the hospital at this time! And this kid is in no hurry, I’ll take a look. Every morning I examine myself in the mirror to see if my stomach has dropped. The doctor in the consultation said that with the second, the omission would not be so noticeable, but I’m looking closely. And yesterday something was completely incomprehensible to me: at first I saw a kitten on the street, I climbed out of the basement and squinted in the sun, so I burst into tears with emotion, I barely made it home. At home I looked at myself in the mirror while roaring – it became funny how I would start laughing, and for 10 minutes I could not stop. I even got scared from such emotional changes.


It looks like the contractions have begun! Before the meeting with my daughter, there is very little left. I cut my nails, called an ambulance, sit on my suitcases! Wish you good luck!


Already 39 weeks old, and for the first time last night, the stomach pulled. New sensations! Didn’t even get enough sleep. While I was sitting in line to see the doctor today, I almost fell asleep. Training contractions more and more often, in general, it seems that the stomach is now more in good shape than relaxed. The cork, however, does not come off, the stomach does not fall, but I think that it will be soon, soon.

What happens in the mother’s body?

39 weeks pregnant is a difficult time. The child has reached its maximum size and is ready to be born. The woman’s body is preparing with might and main for childbirth.

  • The most important change is the softening and shortening of the cervix, because she will need to open up in order to let the baby in;
  • The baby, meanwhile, sinks lower and lower, his head is pressed against the exit from the uterine cavity. The woman’s well-being, despite a number of inconveniences, improves;
  • The pressure on the stomach and lungs decreases, it becomes easier to eat and breathe;
  • It is during this period that the woman loses a little weight and feels relief. The intestines work harder, the bladder empties more often;
  • Do not forget that at this time a woman can already give birth to a completely full-term baby, therefore, it is necessary to listen to all changes in well-being. Back pain, urge to use the toilet “in a big way”, thick mucous discharge of yellow or reddish-brown color – all this indicates the onset of labor.

Fetal development, height and weight

A period of 39 weeks is quite suitable for birth. The kid is already completely viable.

  • Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensationsIts weight is already more than 3 kg, the head is covered with hairs, nails on hands and feet have grown back, vellus hair is almost completely absent, their remnants can be found in folds, on the shoulders and on the forehead;
  • By the 39th week, the baby is already fully developed. Do not be alarmed if the gynecologist says that the fetus is too large, because in fact it is very difficult to calculate the weight of the child in the womb;
  • The child behaves quietly – he needs to gain strength before the upcoming event;
  • Baby’s skin is pale pink;
  • There is less and less room for movement in the mother’s belly, therefore, in later periods, women notice a decrease in the child’s activity;
  • If the due date of birth has already passed, the doctor checks whether the baby has enough amniotic fluid. Even if everything is in order, you can talk with your doctor about the likelihood of medical intervention. In no case try to bring contractions closer on your own.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Photo of the fetus at the 39th week
Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Ultrasound of a child
Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensations
Photo of mother’s belly

Video: What happens at the 39th week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound

Recommendations and advice to the expectant mother

  1. Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensationsIf your “emergency suitcase” for a trip to the hospital has not yet been assembled, then now is the time to do it! Specify what you need to have with you when you enter the hospital and put it all in a new clean bag (the sanitary regime of many maternity hospitals does not allow accepting women in childbirth with bags, only plastic bags);
  2. Your passport, birth certificate and exchange card should always be with you wherever you go, even to the grocery store. Do not forget that labor can start at any time;
  3. To avoid tearing and trauma to the perineum during labor, continue to massage it with oils. For these purposes, olive oil or wheatgrass oil is fine;
  4. Now for the expectant mother, rest is very important. Working out at night, going to the bathroom, and emotional distress can make it difficult to maintain your daily routine. Therefore, try to get more rest during the day, get enough sleep. The saved strength will be useful to you during childbirth, and few manage to get enough sleep at first after returning from the hospital;
  5. Pregnancy 39 weeks - fetal development and woman's sensationsThe diet is just as important as the daily regimen. Eat small and frequent meals. Despite the fact that at later stages the uterus sinks deeper into the pelvis, freeing up space in the abdominal cavity for the stomach, liver and lungs, you should not pounce on food. On the eve of childbirth, there may be a softening and even thinning of the stool, but this should not scare you;
  6. If you have older children, be sure to talk to them and explain that you will soon have to leave for a few days. Tell that you will not return alone, but with your little brother or sister. Let your child prepare for their new role. Involve him in the process of preparing a dowry for the baby, let him help you arrange the children’s things in the drawers of the chest of drawers, make the bed, dust the room;
  7. And the most important thing is a positive attitude. Get ready to meet a new person. Repeat to yourself: “I am ready for childbirth”, “My childbirth will be easy and painless”, “Everything will be fine.” Do not be afraid. Do not worry. All the most interesting, exciting and enjoyable is ahead of you!

Previous: Week 38
Next: week 40

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