
What to give a child for New Year and Christmas if there is no money?

What to give a child for the New Year if the budget is limited?The New Year is literally on the doorstep, gifts for the children have not yet been bought, and the salary has been delayed. And they don’t promise before January. And money – “back to back”. And there is no one to borrow from, because on the eve of the holiday no one has extra funds.

Familiar situation?

We do not give up, and do not panic – there is always a way out!

First of all, you should remember the most important thing: you can save on yourself, cut the budget for the New Year’s menu (it’s okay if you drink juice instead of champagne, and there is only one bowl of Olivier), and bake the dessert yourself.

And in general, the most important thing is create an atmosphere of magic for the child… And she only needs the imagination and attention of the parents.

And yet – what to give a child? Indeed, without a gift from Santa Claus, a holiday is not a holiday …

Inexpensive gifts for children for the New Year

Small toy + chocolate

We pack our mini-gifts in a large plastic jar and paint it under, for example, a ladybug. There – a couple of tangerines and a handful of sweets bought in bulk.

We tie a knitted colorful scarf on the “neck”.

And do not forget to put a small postcard in the jar (you can make it yourself, fortunately, there are a lot of master classes on the Internet), which will say how much you love your child, how smart he was all year, and that the most important gift awaits him 1st of January.

Surely the child has a little dream – to go to the zoo, go skiing, stick 20 snowmen, etc. Be a fairy for your baby – fulfill his whim on January 1.

A trip to the “fairy forest”

It is better to choose the most picturesque place for such a trip. It is desirable with the availability of infrastructure nearby.

While mom is sledding and skating with the child, throwing snowballs and making an “angel” in a snowdrift, dad leaves “on business” and quickly prepares a “clearing” in the forest: signs on the trees, scattered groats, giant traces of the “goblin”, confetti paths and so on. With the help of mom and dad, these traces should lead the child, of course, to a gift. And of course – from Santa Claus.

The main thing is not to go too deep into the forest, and do not dare to “spoil” – this is a surprise for the child! You just went for a walk with the whole family in the forest, and then suddenly such interesting oddities – footprints in the snow, arrows in the trees … Obviously – New Year’s miracles, and nothing else!

And it doesn’t matter what gift the child will have at the end. The main thing is that feeling of a fairy tale, which he will carry through all childhood.

Of course, such a surprise will not work with a teenager, but the kids will really like it.

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DIY gift

Why not? If your “baby” has grown out of sliders for 13-15 years already, then he perfectly understands that his mother is without money and cannot jump out of the skin. So remember all your talents and get yourself a hand-made gift.

You can knit a sweater or hat with mittens and a scarf. You can sew a bedspread from colorful patches or a fashionable skirt (for your daughter), weave nice trinkets from beads, make fashionable jewelry.

Or you can paint a picture or even write a song. If only from the heart.

DIY gift for the New Year for a child

Photo album

A wonderful gift option for a teenage child (or almost a teenager), which does not even require accompanying bags with all sorts of amenities.

Although chocolate and tangerines will never be superfluous.

So, we take children’s and family photos, take out a basket for needlework, pull out the boxes with a variety of stationery and forward – to the best of our imagination, to the best of our possibilities.

You can make the basis for the album yourself or use an existing one. For example, an old and out of date photo album, or an ordinary children’s book with pages made of thick cardboard.

Remember, your album doesn’t have to hold a bunch of photos. It can fit only 8-10 of the most important pictures, the main thing is that the design is original and from the heart.

By the way, the design of such albums is usually much more interesting than the photographs themselves. Master classes, again, are enough on the Web. And this child will keep the gift all his life.

Sweet divination set

  • We make a gift box with our golden hands (we are looking for master classes or photos on the Web!), And in it, on top of the Christmas tree tinsel, we beautifully lay delicious chocolates. Only not ordinary ones, but with a surprise: in each candy under the wrapper there should be “predictions”. Naturally, kind and light, not too blurry and hazy (a little more accuracy). This box can be given to an older child.
  • We put other candies in the second box, but not with predictions, but with tasks. A sort of sweet “forfeits” for kids. We choose the most fun and funny tasks. This box is for the youngest child.

DIY Christmas balls

We take the simplest foam balls in the store and paint them based on our son’s favorite cartoons (films, hobbies, etc.).

Age does not matter: it can be balloons with a sponge Bob for a baby, or balloons with funny pictures that the eldest son collects on his page on the Social Network.

And for a teenage daughter, you can make even masterpiece balls, a real work of art! Knitted balls and patchwork, soft balls sprinkled with beads or buttons, transparent balls of thread (they are made with glue on a balloon), balloons with decoupage or felt flowers, with embroidery, applique or even felted wool and in the form of funny animals.

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Small but many

For a child of any age, a huge bag of gifts is a joy. Even if there are ordinary little things that cost a penny, the very effect of the big bag will be strong and will smooth out the possible sadness from the absence of another set-top box or an interactive hamster.

The key point is packaging. Each of your little gifts (a chocolate bar, a beautiful pen, a new notebook, an original key chain, etc.) should be packed beautifully and in an original way. For the child to stretch the pleasure by unpacking surprises one by one.

The older the child is, the easier it is for him to “pick up” such a bag (hair ties, coasters, pencil cases, favorite books, sketch books, etc.).

And be sure to mix gifts with sweets and tangerines scattered in a bag.

When your child grows up, he will not remember what exactly was packed in those beautiful wrappers, but he will definitely remember the smell of this bag with gifts and his joy from it.

Mom and Dad as a gift

Give your child a “just for him” day. Take it for a walk, make a snowman together, eat ice cream in a cafe, go ice skating, look at the city square – there are probably pre-holiday festivities with entertainment for children. In general, find places where you can entertain your baby with a minimum of funds, and make a route sheet – let the child take his breath away from the amount of entertainment and your attention.

By the way, this walk around the city can also be turned into a treasure hunt. But then draw a treasure map in advance (with places for entertainment), of course, thrown by Santa Claus in the mailbox, and hide a gift in the right place (even a bag of sweets).

Magic tree

Your baby will definitely like this gift. The tree can be a real sturdy plant – or a handmade masterpiece from Mom (it doesn’t matter).

The magic of the tree is that something unusual grows on it every morning. Today, here, chupa-chups have grown, and tomorrow a sandwich with caviar or an apple may grow (the tree is capricious, and it decides for itself what fruits to give).

It is worth noting that grown-up children also love such gifts, as an excuse to smile once again in the morning.

Meeting with the real Santa Claus

Agree with a friend who can convincingly play the role of an Old Wizard with a red nose, rent a costume for Grandfather from someone, prepare a gift in one of the ways described above. Everything.

Meeting with Santa Claus should come as a surprise. A great option if you quietly run into the apartment and hide your friend on the balcony (for example, while the child is changing clothes for the festive table), and after 5-10 minutes (so that the friend does not freeze) he will “magically” ring a bell outside the window.

Just let Santa Claus tell the kid that he let his tired deer go home, otherwise your friend will have to leave the child through the balcony.

New Year gifts for a child if there is no money

Artificial snow can

Of course, with magic snow!

With this spray can you can create stunning patterns on glass. So that Santa Claus, when he flies by from 5th to 9th January (when mom is finally given her salary, bonus or debt), saw this stunning beauty and left a gift on the balcony.

Set of dishes

For example, a mug and a couple of plates (deep and dessert).

We draw a sketch on our own in accordance with the child’s hobbies (age – no restrictions), add an original inscription (quote, wish, etc.), scan our work and send it to one of the firms where customers’ sketches are printed on dishes.

If there is very little money, you can limit yourself to a mug (it will cost you 200-300 rubles with a seal). The child will be happy with the gift made especially for him.

The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of the picture.

Home pet

If your child has long dreamed of such a friend, it’s time to fulfill his dream. A lot of people give puppies, kittens, mice, etc. into good hands. The child will be happy.

If the topic of animals in the house is a categorical taboo, buy a fish for your baby. For example, fighting. Such a cockerel is unpretentious and does not require serious care – an ordinary can of water is enough. And it is inexpensive – about 200 rubles.

“To make your life sweet!”

We make such an inscription on a gift box, which we fill with all possible sweets – a jar of jam (do not forget to arrange it!), Sweets, tangerines, cockerels on sticks, cookies made by ourselves in the form of Christmas trees / snowmen, etc.

And it is not necessary to buy all of this (except for tangerines, of course) – if you have an oven, then you can cook all the sweets yourself, including Rafaello, Petushkov, etc.

A New Year's gift for a child if there is very little money

Christmas tree tickets

Their cost is usually not too high, and it is not so difficult to find funds for such a present.

True, a toddler and a teenager will not appreciate such a gift. Age category (on average) – from 5 to 9 years old.

Tickets, of course, need to be packed in an original way and be sure to add sweets to the gift.

“Money is tight” – this is not a tragedy and not a reason to give up! This is an opportunity to reveal the talents of a creative person in yourself.

Experiment, use your imagination and, most importantly, create gifts with love. After all, it is your attention (and not the value of the gift) that is valuable to the child.

And, of course, do not postpone everything to December 30 – start thinking about gifts in advance. website thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

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