
Will Smith’s birthday: love, difficult relationships, kids

Are there people now who don’t know Will Smith? It seems to us that no! This dark-skinned guy with a charming smile and penetrating eyes made millions fall in love with him. Some love him as a talented actor, others as a rap artist, and still others as an interesting and kind person.

Will is very versatile: he can make music, perform in front of an audience, act in films, blog … and the audience will still love it! Since 1995, he has never received less than five million for a shoot.

Will Smith
Photo @willsmith

Today, September 25, the artist celebrates his 52nd birthday. This article is dedicated to him, his achievements, wonderful children and his beloved wife. Happy birthday, legend!

Actor’s love and marriage, which has lasted for 23 years

The marriage with the artist’s first wife Willard Carroll was passionate, but short: three years after the wedding, they divorced. But during this time of family life, they had a common child, Willard Christopher Smith the Third (in the family they call him simply Trey).

Two years after the divorce, the actor married his new passion, Jada Pinkett. She is as bright a personality as her husband: a talented actress, singer, director, producer, musician, writer, entrepreneur and sultry beauty – it’s all about her!

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The American woman met her husband by pure chance when she was casting for the role in The Prince of Beverly Hills, in which Smith played the main role. Unfortunately, the girl did not pass the test due to her small stature. But instead of participating in the project, fate presented her with another gift: Will noticed an elegant beauty and was impressed by her originality.

From the girl he had two more children – 22-year-old Jaden and 20-year-old Willow. It is worth noting that stellar children inherited incredible charisma and creative nature: they all have repeatedly starred in films with their father and from an early age are fond of music.

But the marriage turned out to be difficult: despite the fact that for the public they have always been the “ideal family”, in reality it was not at all like that. In July of this year, at the show of Jada “Red table Talk”, the guest of which was the husband of the artist, the couple admitted that they had separated more than once and converged again. Once they even seemed to have parted forever and Pinkett began a relationship with another young man! Can this be considered treason?

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“It was all over between us then. And then I plunged into a completely different relationship with August. [певцом Августом Альсином]… I also want to comment on rumors that you [обращение к Уиллу Смиту] allegedly gave his consent to this, although such consent in this situation can only be given by one person – myself. I think August was trying to convey to everyone the fact that he did not destroy someone’s marriage, and that our separation from you was mutual. We definitely tried all possible ways to get away from each other – but in the end we realized that it was impossible … And yes, I haven’t talked to August for a long time, ”said the mother of two children.

At the end of the program, the lovers joked that they were “in a terrible, but lifelong marriage.” I would like to believe that it was just a joke and the lovers still love each other very much, just in any relationship there are difficulties …

Three Bright Stars: Celebrity Children

Creative, unique, beautiful and self-confident children are also the merit of their loving father, Will Smith. You will be surprised at how creative and versatile his heirs are!

Trey Smith – the eldest in the family of the actor. Smith has repeatedly admitted that for a long time he could not find a common language with his son after the divorce from his mother, but now he maintains close friendship with him. Unlike his half-brother and sister, Trey was a rather calm child, and now he has a rather reserved temperament.

The 27-year-old actor is now his most passionate about music production and performs under the pseudonym AcE Nation. He occasionally appears in sitcoms and music videos, but never showed much interest in acting.

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Will Smith with his son Trey

Will often shares photos with his heir, but little is known about him – even the paparazzi rarely meet the singer! Nothing is known about Trey’s personal life – there are several photos of him with a girl, but only five years ago.

Jaden Smith – Smith’s middle child, and he has already managed to star in films with famous personalities around the world, for example, Jackie Chan and Keanu Reeves. The boy is just a copy of his father when he was young! And he is just as talented and purposeful. He is rightfully called the “man-orchestra”: he writes music, engages in eco-activism, has been playing in films since the age of four, destroys gender stereotypes and plans to become like his idol Elon Musk. He already released his second music album, Erys, last year and launched his own restaurant on wheels with free vegan food for the homeless.

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Will Smith with his son Jaden

Jaden is more popular than his brother and sister, and funny videos with his sparkling jokes from interviews scattered all over the Internet. The artist is also famous for his uniqueness: he is not afraid to experiment with style and once decided to shave his head right in the recording studio.

“I like to express myself not only through my music, and I want to show that my type of thinking is different from how an ordinary person thinks,” he said.

Now the guy walks with a short pink haircut and hides the relationship: according to the media, after breaking up with his former lovers – American models, he began dating a rapper from his own group.

Willow Smith Is the youngest of the Smith children. She gained fame even before her birth, and acted in films from an early age – for example, one of her first works was the role in the film “I Am Legend”. Already at the age of 8 she won the Best Young Actor award!

Like her brother, the girl tried to build a musical career. At the age of 10, she released her first single, “Whip My Hair”, and instantly became known not only as a star daughter, but also as an independent artist. A wave of fame, and at the same time hate and excessive attention to her person, divided the girl’s life into before and after. She began to constantly feel panic and anxiety, and as a teenager she became depressed.

In the fight against her condition, Willow went to extremes: she later admitted that she deliberately hurt herself and inflicted cuts, and at the age of 12 she shaved her head. As the girl later said, the change of image helped her feel “relief from pain.”

smith's daughter
Will Smith’s daughter – Willow Smith

For two years now, the beauty has been recording music in the R&B genre, and is also a designer and creates her own art performances. So, in quarantine, last spring, Willow decided to draw attention to the problem of anxiety and locked herself with her boyfriend Tyler Cole for a day in a room with glass walls. All this time, they were watched by museum guests and spectators through an online broadcast.

“We are here to face our fears – this is the first step to awareness,” the girl wrote with her boyfriend on the wall with a spray can.


As we can see, nature did not rest on the children of the talented actor. They are the same bright, free, interesting personalities.

We wish the legendary Will Smith robust health and great roles.

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