
10 best homemade ways to clean a burnt pot

Sometimes it happens that you turn away from the stove for a minute (talk on the phone, reply to a message on social networks, or something else), and – the pan is burnt. The question immediately arises – how to clean it?

See also: How to clean the iron from limescale and burn at home

Will come to the rescue 10 proven ways.

Video: How and how to clean a burnt pan?

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  1. Salt. If you want to clean up a burnt pan, then you shouldn’t postpone this matter “for later”.
    • Pan made of stainless steel and aluminum boldly fill with cold water, leave for a short time, then pour out the water and add a sufficient amount of table salt. After 2-3 hours, the burnt food can be easily cleaned with a kitchen sponge. Some housewives add salt to cold water, but there are cases that after such an addition of salt, dark spots may appear on the stainless pan, which cannot be removed.
    • Enamel pot do not immediately pour cold water, you need to let the pan cool, otherwise the enamel may be damaged under the influence of cold water. Pour salt on the bottom of the cooled pan, leave for a couple – three hours, and then wash the pan with hot water. If the burn was too strong, then, most likely, you will have to repeat the procedure.
  2. Boiling pots
    • To the bottom metal pan pour hot water, add a tablespoon of baking soda. Let the saucepan with soda stand for 30-50 minutes, then put on the stove, boil for 5-10 minutes, remove from heat. After the saucepan with the soda solution has cooled, rinse the pan in the traditional way – food residues will be easily removed.
    • To cleanse the burnt enamel pot, make a cool saline solution: for 1 liter of water – 5-6 tablespoons. tablespoons of salt. Pour it into a saucepan and simmer for 40 to 45 minutes. Burnt food should come off the sides and bottom of the pot.
  3. Activated carbon. This method will do and for enameled pots, and for aluminum, as well as for pots made of stainless steel… It is especially effective for burning milk. Take a few pieces of activated charcoal tablets and grind them to a powder. Fill the bottom of the pan with this powder and let stand for 30-40 minutes. Then pour cold water into a saucepan and leave to stand for another half hour. After that, the pan can be easily washed off with any dishwashing detergent.
  4. Vinegar. Pour table vinegar or its substitute (citric acid, freshly squeezed lemon juice) onto the burnt surface of the pan. Cover with a lid and let stand for about two hours. Then wash the pan with detergent. Vinegar is especially good for aluminum pans… Thanks to vinegar, the aluminum pan will be cleaned not only of burn-on, but also of the resulting blackness.
  5. Milk serum. Such an uncomplicated product will help get rid of a burn in enameled saucepan, aluminum and stainless steel saucepan. Pour whey into a saucepan, 1-2 cm above the level of the burnt area and leave for 24 hours. Then drain the whey and wash the pan with the detergent. Due to the various acids in whey, the main pieces of burnt food should easily come off the surface of the pot.
  6. Soda. If not only the bottom of the pan is damaged, but also its outer surface, then a good way to get rid of burnt food is to boil the pan itself in a soda solution. But do not forget to remove the plastic parts from it before that.
    • Place the sufferer in a saucepan much larger than a burnt one.
    • Fill with a solution prepared from the calculation: for 5-6 liters of water – a pack of baking soda (0.5 kg) and put on the stove. The water should cover the pot 2 to 3 cm.
    • After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about two hours.
    • Then turn off the stove and wait until the pots have cooled down.
    • Take out the pan to be cleaned and wash it in the usual way.

    The burn will be cleaned and all hard-to-reach places, the pan will return to its original appearance. This can be done with enamelled, aluminum pan, stainless steel pan

  7. Soda and salt mixture.
    • To cleanse the burnt a pan made of aluminum and enamelled, mix equal amounts of baking soda and salt.
    • Fill the bottom of a burnt pan with this mixture, add enough warm water to make a gruel.
    • Place the lid on the pot and let it rest for 24 hours.
    • After a day, replace the soda-salt mixture and add water so that the burnt area is covered.
    • Then you should put the pan on the stove, boil and leave to simmer over low heat for another half hour.
    • Wait for the pan to cool and rinse as usual.

    For stainless steel pans this method must be used with caution: there is a high probability of the appearance of dark spots from salt. Better to replace salt and baking soda with vinegar and boil the vinegar-water solution for about 10 minutes.

  8. Soap. Into a pot of stainless steel, aluminum or enamel pan pour hot water, add liquid soap or dishwashing detergent, stir. Boil for about 15-20 minutes. After cooling down, clean the pan with a kitchen sponge. This method is effective if the traces of burn-on are not very pronounced, that is, with weak burning.
  9. Sour apples. According to some housewives, enamel pot can be tidied up by boiling sour apple skins or rhubarb in it.
  10. Special means. If you do not want to wait long, boil, then just purchase products designed to remove burnt and stubborn fats. Of course, before using them, you need to read the instructions and make sure that the product is suitable for cleaning this type of pan. So, for example, “Shumanit” is suitable for cleaning enameled casserole, but they are prohibited from cleaning aluminum products. There are many more products, such as Amway, Sanita – gel, Cillit Bang, etc.

See also: How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits home remedies

How and what to clean a burnt pan

How do you wash burnt pans? Share your recipes in the comments below!

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