
15 celebrities who served in the army like everyone else

15 stars-defenders of the Fatherland celebrities who served in the army like everyone elseSince 1922, Russia has celebrated Defender of the Fatherland Day every year. On the eve of the country’s main men’s holiday, we have compiled a selection that includes the stars who served in the army.

Paying their debt to the Motherland, most of them were not yet famous and successful. But they all proudly share these pages of their biographies with their fans.

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Video: Oleg Gazmanov “Gentlemen officers”

Timur Batrutdinov

The Comedy Club resident served in the space communications troops. The comedian recalls that during his service he often had to “swing a shovel”, but on the whole the army left positive memories. During the years of service, Timur wrote the book “A Year in Boots”, although he did not publish it. It has rather the format of a personal diary.

Timur recalls that his mother and St. Petersburg friends were going to come to him to take the oath. When it came time for him to read the text of the oath, there were no relatives yet. Therefore, Timur in every possible way was playing for time, turning the ceremony into a real show. He read out each word with expression, making significant pauses.

Timur Batrutdinov

Despite all the efforts of the artist, he took the oath in the absence of his “support group”. But after such a “speech” the commander of the unit took pity on the guy and allowed him to take the oath again, already in the presence of his mother and friends. By the way, it was then that the unit’s superiors noted the talent of the young comedian and invited him to head the army comic team. The comedian’s sparkling jokes helped her win the competition among the teams of the Moscow Military District.

Leonid Agutin

Like many other stars-defenders of the Fatherland, Leonid Agutin showed his creative abilities while in the army.

He was enrolled in the ranks of the border guards in 1986. At first he was sent to Karelia, but after his talent was noticed by the higher management, the young singer was transferred to Leningrad, where he became a member of the creative ensemble. True, he did not stay in it for long, and was returned to the unit for being AWOL.

Leonid Agutin

One of the vivid impressions of the army service for Agutin was the capture of a border violator. And, although it was not a sent agent of the enemy, but a drunken tramp, Leonid was still awarded the award.

Military service for Agutin was a bright stage in his life. Without her, his hit “Border” would hardly have appeared, which has become a favorite song of all the country’s border guards.

Video: Leonid Agutin and inveterate scammers – Border

Bari Alibasov

For Bari Alibasov, military service was the beginning of his production career. He passed it with a song and without a weapon.

Enrollment in the ranks of the army took place in 1969, and Bari went to the army voluntarily. Such a desperate decision was made against the backdrop of parting with the girl. Alibasov served in Kazakhstan.

Bari Alibasov

A singing ensemble was organized in the unit headed by Alibasov. A little later, the young guy was transferred to serve in the ensemble at the House of Officers.

Sergey Glushko

Tarzan, according to his passport, Sergei Glushko, was born into a military family, so the question of military service was not even raised. After studying at the Leningrad Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky, Sergei entered the service at the Plesetsk cosmodrome, where his father worked.

Sergey Glushko

The army did not seem to Sergey to be something terrible, and sports, which he was engaged in from an early age, helped him to survive the everyday life of the army.

But Sergei did not want to continue his military career – and, leaving his hometown, he went to conquer the capital.

Ilya Lagutenko

Musician Ilya Lagutenko served at the KTOF Air Force training ground for 2 years. Ilya recalls the army years as interesting and full of new acquaintances and events.

In one of the AWPs on the tank, Ilya, along with his comrades, almost fell into the icy water. The tank’s brakes failed and it flew off the cliff onto the ice. After this incident, Ilya no longer went AWOL.

Ilya Lagutenko

The musician says about his service in the army that it was an invaluable experience that he would not have gained anywhere else. Despite the difficult conditions in which he had to be, lack of food, cold and risks to life, he considers military service one of the most exotic periods of his life.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Zhirinovsky has a firm position on military service and believes that all officials should pass it.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The politician himself served military service in the rank of an officer in Tbilisi from 1970 to 1972.

Fedor Dobronravov

The famous “matchmaker” served in the airborne division from 1979 to 1981. He was always attracted by the “winged guard”, and he decided to give 2 years of his life to the Airborne Forces long before the call-up.

Fedor Dobronravov

The actor says that he owes his military service to such character traits as diligence and discipline.

By the way, the legendary phrase: “Who served in the army, he does not laugh in the circus” was first said by the actor in the film “Matchmakers”.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Boyarsky received the summons at the age of 25, being an actor in the theater. He admits that he was not eager to serve. But neither this, nor the efforts of the director of the theater Igor Vladimirov helped him to “cut”.

Boyarsky says that he is very grateful to his parents for taking him to a music school as a child. Due to his musical education, he immediately got into the orchestra. Boyarsky’s military ID in the line “specialty” says “Big drum”. It was on this instrument that he played in the orchestra.

Mikhail Boyarsky

Mikhail recalls that while serving in the army, he had to shave his mustache. But he diligently hid his long hair under a hat in winter and tucked it under bandages in summer so that it would not peep out from under his cap.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov

The actor admits that he did not want to serve in the army, but he was not going to “mow” either. After graduating from school, he entered the “sailor” in Kronstadt as a boiler driver. After 7 months of training, he was sent to the North. For a year and a half, he worked in Murmansk on the Ilga seagoing dry-cargo ship.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov

The service was not easy – seasickness, the constant hum of mechanisms and unsanitary conditions did their job.

After “Ilga” Vdovichenko worked for another year and a half on a water-filled tanker in Baltiysk.

As a result, Vladimir had to serve the Fatherland for almost 4 years. Now he is a senior sailor in the reserve.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Actor and showman Fyodor Bondarchuk served in the legendary 11th Cavalry Regiment, which was formed in the 60s of the twentieth century by his father Sergei Bondarchuk specifically for filming the battle scenes of the film “War and Peace”.

When the filming of the tape was completed, the regiment was not disbanded, but was attached to the Taman division. Later, he was repeatedly involved in the filming of other war films.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fedor recalls how his father once told him that he would serve “in the regiment named after me.” He says that he quickly joined the army rhythm of life, but for the first six months he yearned for “civilian life.”

Fedor did not get along with the leadership, which is why he often “sat on his lip”.

Mikhail Porechenkov

Actor Mikhail Porechenkov happily recalls his army years. He says that he served with great pleasure. The army gave him many useful skills, helped to form the correct attitude towards himself, his friends and the country.

Mikhail Porechenkov

The actor takes military duty very seriously. His eldest son has already served in the army, the younger children are next. In his youth, Mikhail graduated from the Tallinn Military-Political School – and, although he did not connect his life with military affairs, he often had to play the military in the frame.

Oleg Gazmanov

The performer of the famous hit “Gentlemen of the Officers” graduated from the Naval Engineering School in Kaliningrad, having received the profession of a mineral engineer.

Oleg Gazmanov

After graduation, Gazmanov served in mine and torpedo depots near Riga, now he is a reserve officer.

Lev Leshchenko

For the singer Lev Leshchenko, the army means a lot in life. His father, Valerian Leshchenko, was a career officer and fought near Moscow. He has received many awards and orders.

Since 1961, Lev Leshchenko himself served in a tank regiment near Neustrelitz. He was a loader, so over the years of service he “smelled gunpowder” in full.

Lev Leshchenko

He served in the tank forces for a year, after which he was redirected as a unit commander to the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Tank Army. After the expiration of the period of service, the head of the Ensemble offered Lev Leshchenko to remain in long-term service, but the singer decided to enter GITIS.

Grigory Leps

Grigory Leps had to serve his army service at a security facility – a factory that produces military vehicles in Khabarovsk. When Leps received a summons, he was among the students of the music school, but the singer did not regret that the training had to be interrupted.

Grigory Leps

In the army, Gregory was engaged in the repair of rocket tractors. Together with his colleagues, he organized a musical ensemble, which gave concerts every evening at the Officers’ House.

Leps recalls the army with positive emotions. He still keeps in touch with many of his comrades in the service.

Alexander Vasiliev

The lead singer of the “Splin” group, Alexander Vasiliev, after graduating from school, entered the Institute of Aviation Instrumentation. In his student years, he played in the Mitra group, which broke up due to the fact that Vasiliev received a summons to the army.

The young musician served in the construction battalion.

Alexander Vasiliev

Many stars have served in the army. She became for them a wonderful school of life, the lessons of which they remember with a smile.

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