
15 must-have folic acid foods on your menu

The recommended consumption rate of folium equivalent by Russian scientists is 400 μg / day, for pregnant women – 600 μg / day, and for nursing mothers – 500 μg / day. True, the WHO recently significantly reduced these norms, but the meaning has not changed from this: the human body needs folic acid, like air, for its normal life.

Where do you get this vitamin and what foods contain folic acid? By nutritionist COLADY.

See Also: Why Is It So Important To Get Folic Acid During Pregnancy?

The value of vitamin B9 or folic acid for the human body is undeniable, because it is she who takes part in the processes of normal growth, functioning and development of the immune and cardiovascular systems… In other words, if there is enough of this essential vitamin in the human body, the work of the heart and blood vessels will be at its best, immunity will be at the proper level, and the skin will have a healthy appearance.

Folic acid, primarily essential for pregnant womensince its insufficient amount in the body of the expectant mother, especially in the initial stages, when the baby’s organs are being formed, leads to placental insufficiency, the formation of fetal defects and miscarriage.

See also: Nutrition rules in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

15 foods high in folate

bitter greens
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Not in vain, translated from Latin, folic acid means “leaf”. Fresh lettuce, spinach, onion, parsley are rich in vitamin B9. So, 100 grams of spinach contains 80 μg of folic acid, in parsley – 117 μg, in a salad – 40 μg, in green onions – 11 μg.

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Legumes (beans, beans, lentils), as well as cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage) are a storehouse of essential vitamin B9. It is vegetables that serve as the main source of this invaluable vitamin entering the human body. So, 100 grams of beans contains – 160 μg, in cabbage – from 10 – 31 μg (depending on the type of cabbage), in lentils – 180 μg – almost half of the daily human intake. Carrots, pumpkin, turnips, beets – these vegetables will not only enrich the body with folic acid, but also other useful substances, as well as improve intestinal motility, which is an urgent issue for pregnant women.

15 must-have folic acid foods on your menu
Photo @irenabahtiyarova

It is a bulbous herb. Any variety of asparagus (white, green, purple) contains minerals – calcium, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus and many vitamins of groups A, B, C, E. B 100g. Green asparagus contains 262 micrograms of folate – more than other vegetables. Asparagus is also used in the treatment of cystitis, prostatitis, inflammation and bacterial infections. Asparagus is low in calories, therefore it is recommended as a dietary food, and also well reduces high blood pressure, activates the heart, therefore, for people after a heart attack, it is a panacea.

citrus fruits during pregnancy
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One medium-sized orange contains about 15% of the daily value of folate, in 100 grams of lemon – 3mkg, and in mineola (tangerine hybrid) – about 80% of the daily requirement of folic acid. Folic acid is not deprived of pears, apples, apricots, currants, strawberries. And also bananas, kiwi, pomegranate, grapes, papaya, raspberries.

  • Whole Grain Products
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It is no secret that under the influence of heat treatment, almost 90% of vitamin B9 is destroyed. In 100 grams of products such as buckwheat, wheat, rye, the amount of vitamin B9 we need is 50 μg, 37 μg, 35 μg, respectively. This amount of vitamins is fully assimilated if cereals are consumed in a germinated form, without thermally affecting them.

15 must-have folic acid foods on your menu
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Hazelnuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, groundnuts (peanuts) are saturated with folic acid. One glass of almonds contains 12% of the daily value, and 100 grams of peanuts contains 240 micrograms. Walnut has 77mkg of folic acid, hazelnuts – 68mkg, almonds – 40mkg per 100 grams of product.

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It doesn’t matter whether you eat pumpkin, sunflower, flax or sesame seeds fried or raw. One way or another, you saturate your body with vitamins E, B6, B9, amino acids and minerals.

  • Watermelons, tomatoes
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Do not forget that folic acid in foods is well absorbed only if there is sufficient protein and vitamin C in the body, as well as B6 and B12. Tomato juice and watermelon pulp contain not only folic acid (15 -45 μg / 100g), but also in terms of the content of vitamin C, due to which iron is absorbed, they are not inferior to citrus fruits. For example, one slice of watermelon contains 39% of the required daily value, and 100 grams of tomatoes contains 21% of the required norm (60 mg / day) of vitamin C.

15 must-have folic acid foods on your menu
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100 grams of this sugar pet contains 24 μg of folic acid. In winter, most people consume it canned. Still, it is better for pregnant women to eat fresh, rather than canned corn.

  • Grain bread
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This food product, containing folic acid and obtained from whole grains at the germination stage, leads to a normal metabolism and the removal of accumulated fats from the body. 100 grams of this bread contains 30 mcg of folic acid.

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Lovers of exotic products can recommend this tropical fruit to make up for the lack of folic acid in the body. One avocado fruit contains 22% (90 mcg) of the daily value of vitamin B9. In addition, avocado contains a considerable amount of vitamin C (5.77mg / 100g), B6 ​​(0.2mg / 100g) and omega-3 fatty acids. But avocados are not recommended for nursing mothers in their diet, because it can provoke an upset stomach in the baby.

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In addition to herbal products, animal products will help to replenish the lack of folic acid. So, 100 grams of beef liver contains 240 μg, and pork liver – 225 μg, chicken – 240 μg. But remember that most of the vitamin B9 disappears when exposed to heat.

  • Cod liver
15 must-have folic acid foods on your menu
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This food product usually appears on our tables in the form of canned food. The liver of this fish is extremely nutritious. contains, in addition to folic acid, vitamins A, D, E, proteins, fish oil, as well as unsaturated fatty acids.

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In addition to chicken eggs, fresh quail eggs have become very popular. Scientists say in favor of quail eggs, who claim that quail eggs contain all the microelements most valuable for the human body. Quail eggs are not capable of causing allergic reactions, and these birds cannot get sick with salmonellosis, so they are allowed to be eaten raw even by pregnant women and children.

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100 grams of rice cereal contains 19 μg, oatmeal – 29 μg, pearl barley – 24 μg, barley and buckwheat – 32 μg of folic acid.

A healthy, active person who has a balanced diet, the required amount of vitamin B9 is produced in the large intestine… If you eat natural foods, eat enough vegetables and fruits, then a lack of folic acid, however, like other vitamins, you are not threatened.

Read also: Rules of a healthy diet for beauty and health.

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