
A friend is flirting and flirting with my husband or boyfriend – how to see and neutralize in time?

My best friend is flirting with my boyfriend - what should I do?Cheating is always hard news for a woman, usually followed by a loud quarrel and divorce. But it’s even more difficult when the reef on which the family boat is beating becomes the best friend, flirting with your husband without a twinge of conscience. A wise woman will never allow the situation to get out of control, but sometimes you can not keep track of …

How to neutralize a friend in advance, and what to do then?

The content of the article:

  1. Signs that a friend is flirting with my husband
  2. How to behave with your girlfriend and your beloved man?
  3. Love or forget both, what to do?
  4. How not to break the wood and make mistakes?

Signs that a friend is flirting and flirting with my husband or boyfriend – how to spot danger in time?

A friend who allows herself to flirt with your husband is a predator without principles or conscience. Of course, there is absolutely no need to talk about friendship here, if your husband is taken away before your very eyes, smiling and hiding behind tales of female friendship.

But how to understand that this is really flirting on her part, and, most importantly, how to understand that her husband is responding to this flirting?

  • She visits you more often than you would like.
  • She does not take her eyes off your husband, practically “looking into his mouth” and trying to catch his return glance.
  • She pours jokes, delighting in his laughter.
  • She casually touches him, “accidentally” stumbling or slipping, “clumsily” brings a plate, removes nonexistent dust particles from his jacket, enthusiastically feels his biceps, and so on.
  • She chooses topics for conversation in which it will be interesting for your husband to participate.
  • She compliments your husband.
  • When her husband enters the room, she noticeably perks up, smiles wider and even tries to sit in a more favorable angle.
  • At lunch or watching TV, she tries to sit as close to your husband as possible.
  • When resting in a large company, she easily allows her friends to leave, and she herself is in no hurry to go home. At the same time, she is looking for any opportunity to be alone with your husband – she volunteers to wash the dishes while he is making coffee, brings him tea, because “you are tired.”
  • She will definitely ask your husband how he is doing. And this question will not be an ordinary phrase – she will pay a lot of attention to details, and will listen with enthusiasm about how his day went, what a bastard his boss is, and how tired he is of looking for a parking place for his iron horse.
  • She constantly tries to enter your husband’s personal space, leaning closer to him when he talks about something, taking “places in the first rows”, “friendly” picking up the arm, etc.

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Girlfriend flirts with my man - signs and reasons

How to treat and how to behave with a friend and a beloved man, if you notice a friend’s flirting with him?

In every relationship, there is a border that absolutely must not be crossed. And, if you feel that your friend is brazenly jumping over these boundaries – or is about to jump – then it is better to take measures in advance.

What to do?

Of course, you can honestly and openly talk about your fears to your friend and your spouse.

But the problem is that if flirting has long become mutual, and there is already something more behind it, then you will look pretty stupid in this situation.

And you will look exactly the same if there is nothing at all between them – and you dreamed of flirting from your wild jealousy. Therefore, a friend should not disclose her fears.

Pulling out is not an option either. Having arranged a scandal for your friend, you will only demonstrate your defenselessness.

How then to be?

  • Don’t wait for flirting to turn into treason – deal with the problem right away… The “clues” that you are waiting for may not appear (especially since if the spouse succumbs to this temptation, it will certainly not be in your presence).
  • It is foolish to simply hope that the husband is a loyal and devoted person. If your “friend” has set a goal to ruin your relationship, she will not have to forcefully drag your spouse into bed, a light dramatization is enough, which you will immediately believe in. Besides, the rejected woman is a real shrew.
  • To oust a friend – if not from your life as a whole, then at least from the house. Of course, softly and unobtrusively – “we have repairs”, “we are going to grandma’s,” “we are going shopping,” and so on. Gradually, a friend will understand that you do not want to invite her into the house, and she will start a conversation about it. Or it will not start, but simply proudly “go into the sunset”, which also suits you.
  • Don’t be afraid to offend your “friend”. She’s definitely not afraid of offending you by flirting with your spouse.
  • Do not stoop to hysterics and showdown with your husband – ideal wives are not exchanged even for mistresses. What can we say about the wife’s flirting friends!

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My best friend is flirting with my husband - what should I do?

Love cannot be forgotten – where will it be correct to put a comma in a relationship with a friend and a man?

Human relationships are sometimes very complex and confusing. There are times when, after a husband’s betrayal, a divorce occurs with the best friend – and the friendship with the friend continues, because it is with her, oddly enough, that “fire, water and copper pipes” are passed.

But this is rather an exception.

Of course, a person who calls himself a friend will never intentionally harm you, so even a friend’s “easy and safe” flirting with your husband is not a normal situation that requires a solution.

Where exactly should you put an end to the relationship – and with whom, or should you put a comma? It’s up to you to decide. The main thing is to understand what is more important to you at the moment.

It is also important to understand that, in fact, the “legs of the problem” may not grow from where you thought it was …

  • Your friend may not consider you a friend., and in life she does not stop at the goals that she sets for herself, regardless of whether this goal will be your spouse or material things. You may have thought too well of her and wishful thinking.
  • Perhaps this situation is trying to show you your own behavior. Analyze if you are flirting with your spouse’s friends. Perhaps the husband decided to show you – you, from the outside.
  • Perhaps there is no flirting: your girlfriend is just a cheerful and open person, and you are too jealous and invent unnecessary problems for yourself.
  • Perhaps your friend is just a flirt in life. And it does not even occur to her how their wives react to her style of communication with other people’s husbands.
  • Perhaps there is jealousy and envy of your girlfriend., which is not going to take your husband away from you, but your happiness so obscures your eyes that an envious nature makes her “bite” you out of harm. What if your best friend is jealous of you?

Do you know your girlfriend well? Remember, maybe she behaves like this not only with your husband? Maybe you need to forgive and understand this chronic coquette, which lacks male attention.

Or maybe her personal life is so bad that she is even ready to take such a desperate step as taking her husband away from her friend.

In any case, the best thing you can do is to limit her stay in your home and her contact with your husband.

What if a friend is flirting with my husband?

How not to break the woods if a friend is flirting with my man – we avoid forbidden tricks and learn to respect ourselves!

There are no recipes for a happy family life for everyone at once. Each situation is individual and requires special solutions.

But in this situation, you need to remember the main thing:

  • No tantrums: you are a wise woman, and do not sink to hysterics and scandals. Even if a friend still brought your spouse with her flirtation “to the zugunder”. We smile and wave a pen to both – let them be happy away from you.
  • No extra words needed. Many psychologists recommend in such a situation “softly and tenderly, from afar” to talk first with her husband, then with a shameless friend, so that they understand that they are doing wrong and stop this disgrace. In fact, if they have already decided to come to this very disgrace, then talking will not help the matter. If the flirting is mutual, and happens in front of your eyes, it means that even respect has been lost for you. That is, the time for talking is irretrievably lost – the time has come for cardinal decisions. Respect yourself – do not stoop to such degrading conversations.
  • If you love your husband and your girlfriend, then you trust them. If there is no trust, then your feelings are not sincere, you have a “nose in the gun”, or you are pathologically jealous. But even with full trust in your loved ones, you need to remember the main thing: no single girlfriends in your house.

No matter how open and artless you are …

  1. Never brag to your friends about what a wonderful husband you have.
  2. Don’t over-share your happy faces in photos on social media.
  3. Under any pretext, avoid visiting your single girlfriends (this includes your husband’s single friends) at home.

And do not forget the age-old wisdom: you need to be happy to be quiet.

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