
Alika Smekhova – the secret of youth and beauty of the actress

Russian actress and singer Alika Smekhova attracts her fans not only with her talent. As a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, she has become a clear example of female beauty, worthy of emulation. Very soon she will be 52 years old, but the actress herself says that her biological age is 29 years old. Her own secrets developed over the years help to preserve beauty, with which she willingly shares with her fans.

Secret # 1: love yourself

Alika Smekhova
Photo @alika_smekhova

For Alika Smekhova, this phrase means taking care of her appearance, figure, mood. Beauty should be external and internal, so you need to monitor your thoughts, which are reflected on your face. The personal life of Alika Smekhova developed in different ways, but she is sure that dan intimate woman with a smile on her face always looks beautiful and desirable.

The actress tries to do everything that gives her pleasure. She compares herself to a panther, explaining that youth is not only a beautiful face, but also a toned body, light gait and grace. To be a “panther”, you need to sleep 8 hours, walk a lot, play sports.

Secret # 2: keep track of your weight

Even while studying at GITIS, teachers sometimes saw Alika Smekhova with round cheeks and barrels, so they had to give up dumplings, sausages, pies. With a height of 170 cm, her weight never crossed the 60 kg mark.

Alika tried different methods of losing weight, until she settled on Dr. Mayer’s system, which she has been adhering to for 10 years. She does not use meat broths, fried, gluten. From dairy products, he prefers those made on the basis of goat’s milk, which do not contain lactose.

Believing that rigid diets exhaust the body and lead to early aging, she never resorted to them. If you look at Alika Smekhova’s instagram, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of the chosen system. From all the pictures, a young, beautiful woman smiles at the fans, happy with her life and herself.

monitor weight
Photo @alika_smekhova

Secret # 3: exercise

The load must be selected according to age. Adhering to this rule, the actress today prefers a pool, yoga classes, long walks at a fast pace. She regularly visits the Russian bath or hammam.

The actress has a calm attitude to the simulators, the time for their active visit has already passed. Today she prefers the cardio trainer. Many photos of Alika Smekhova are proof of her active lifestyle.

Secret # 4: beauty treatments

The actress considers face and body care to be as natural a need as food or sleep. She never went to bed in her life without a complete facial cleansing (cleansing, toning, moisturizing). Once a week, Alika always does a massage that relieves tension and evens out her complexion. The actress advises entrusting the choice of the right products to a beautician. This will save on creams that will not be beneficial. To keep the muscles of the body in good shape, Alika, on the advice of her fitness trainer, takes remedies that replenish muscle fibers.

cosmetic procedures
Photo @alika_smekhova

The actress does not admit that she resorted to surgery. But if you compare her photo in her youth and today, then the traces of operations are noticeable. Alika Smekhova’s plastic surgery touched the naturally “heavy” eyelids (the look became more open) and the nose adjustments (it became more graceful, the hump disappeared).

Secret number 5: harmonious rich life

No remedy will be effective without harmony in everyday life. Since childhood, Alika dreamed of a big family, so she got married at the age of 18, as a student. Alika Smekhova’s first husband, director Sergei Livnev, did not want children, so after 6 years the marriage broke up. The second husband, banker Georgy Bedzhamov (Assyrian by nationality), like many eastern men, wanted his wife to do only the house. Alika considered her marriage a mistake and broke off the relationship.

After two setbacks, the actress began to be more careful about the family issue. When Alika became pregnant by businessman Nikolai, she immediately married him. In 2000, her first son Artem was born. But the relationship with Nikolai also did not work out. After 7 years, the actress gave birth to her second son, Makar, but his father fled after learning about the child. Alika Smekhova’s children bear the mother’s surname, but she does not regret anything, because her boys made her life harmonious.

Every beautiful woman has her own secrets of how to stay attractive, regardless of age. Alika willingly shares her accumulated experience, and she has a lot to learn. She manages to act in films, play in the theater, tour with concerts as a performer of Russian romances and folk songs, compositions on the verses of Anna Akhmatova. And this does not prevent her from being a wonderful mother of two sons and remaining a charming, young, blooming woman.

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