
Brian Tracy shares the core principles of parenting

Raising children is a rather complex and controversial topic. Each mom has her own opinion and a unique approach developed by trial and error. However, all mothers agree on the desire to raise their child healthy, happy and successful.

In order not to stumble on the path to the cherished goal, it is very useful to listen to those who have already passed this path. Brian Tracy, motivational coach, author of 18 books on self-development and a wonderful father of four already grown and successful children, shared his vision. He shared six essential rules for raising children to be successful and happy.

Brian Tracy
B. Tracy
Photo @tracyacademy

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1. Be an example for your children

This golden rule must be learned by all parents on earth. Coming into our world, a child does not know the norms and customs, religions and cultures. It is we, adults, who layer all those aspects of the personality with which he will then live. Therefore, the saying “What you sow is what you reap” becomes more relevant than ever when it comes to children.

It is impossible to get respect for others from a child if you are rude to the seller in the store. And you cannot expect a healthy lifestyle from him if at home they smoke and eat snacks every day. To understand what needs to be changed in your behavior in order for a child to grow up successful and prosperous, imagine yourself in his place and try to imagine how he sees you. You can make a couple of pleasant or unpleasant discoveries and, in the second case, adjust your behavior and attitude towards the world.

This approach fits perfectly with the Law of Conformity of the famous motivational speaker Brian Tracy: “Your outer world serves as a mirror of your inner world,” where the child will be a litmus test of your attitude to life, success and yourself. “

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2. Foster in children self-confidence and high self-esteem

Brian Tracy’s Law of Faith states: “What you believe in, what you are convinced of, becomes your reality, because you always see the world through the prism of your faith. Your worldview is based on your faith. “

Children are our main hope and belief in the future. We dream that their life would be better, more fulfilling, easier and more successful than ours. That is why it is so important to show your faith in the child. This is how he himself will believe in himself and his future guaranteed success. Having put this program in the child’s head, do not forget to reinforce his self-esteem, praise not only for victories and achievements, but also just like that.

Tell him that he is important in himself, that he is loved and expected at home, no matter how life goes. By broadcasting these beliefs, you satisfy the person’s basic need for security and love and give them a resource to develop and achieve success.

3. Remove the fear of failure from the child

When Brian Tracy was preparing for the birth of his first child, he and his wife discussed in advance all possible taboos of upbringing in order to clearly understand what pitfalls to avoid. And the first on this list was destructive criticism. If we criticize a child often, he naturally develops a fear of failure.

A friend of mine stopped helping her mother around the house as a child after she was reprimanded for two hours for a vase that was accidentally broken during cleaning. Fear of failure is demotivating and demobilizing, causing the child to avoid sharp corners and new solutions. And without trying new things, without risking, we remain in place and there can be no talk of any success.

childish fear
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4. Money is not bad

We grew up in a society where wealth was considered something shameful, and wealthy people were the subject of condemnation and gossip. According to the older generation, money can be obtained either by accident or by dishonest means. Condemning and devaluing someone else’s financial success can lead to tragic consequences for yourself.

By Brian Tracy’s Law of Rejection, anything you think negatively about can disappear from your life. By criticizing successful people, you also reject your own success. And believing that only misfortunes are from money, you will block their appearance in your life. By broadcasting these thoughts to your child, you will program him, as your grandmother and mother once programmed you, that everything can be done only with hard work, and it is a shame to be rich.

Learn to treat money as a neutral resource that you can use for yourself and others for the good, which you can and should learn to multiply. And then your child will no longer have problems with finances in the future.

Read also: How to pamper a child with pocket money and purchases correctly – advice from a teacher and a parent

5. Teach your child to order

Tidiness in a room is important not only because it is more pleasant to be in a clean room. A systematized space gives us a sense of control and order in matters and thoughts, frees up resources for new and interesting things, relieves anxiety. Have you noticed how easy and pleasant it becomes after a general cleaning?

I suggest that you first “clutter up” and organize your space yourself (the hit from Marie Kondo “Magical Cleaning” will perfectly help in this), and then teach your child to maintain this order on their own. You won’t even notice how order in things turns into order in affairs!

6. Positive thinking

Brian Tracy is convinced that feelings are more important than thinking. That is why it is worth paying attention to whether we maintain a positive attitude towards life. Positive thinking grows into positive expectations, which in turn become positive beliefs that change lives.

Successful people always raise their children in a positive perception of the world, giving them the opportunity to openly and unbiasedly relate to everything. This approach helps the child to grow up optimistic, entrepreneurial and confident in their environment and in the future.

Raising children is a complex and multi-stage process that can lead to completely unexpected consequences for parents. That is why it is so important in education to rely on the experience of successful parents. I hope Brian Tracy’s advice can help you in raising your children.

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