
Cher talks about the secret of her youth

One gets the impression that Hollywood residents are steadily increasing their speed in pursuit of youth and resorting to the most incredible procedures to stop time.

However, among them there is one star named Cher, who looks almost as young and certainly as active and cheerful as when she first entered the stage at a young age.

The singer was repeatedly asked about her secret of youth. She is sure that this secret is not really a secret at all. Cher does not hide some of the operations, but she claims that her lifestyle played an important role in maintaining her appearance.

Photo @cher

The singer is now 75, and for more than half a century she has been in the spotlight, and I must admit that Cher still looks very fresh for her age.

Cher has one of the most iconic looks of all time. For the iconic singer, her looks and style is freedom, not an attempt to please others. She does not do what is considered popular trend, but makes decisions based on what suits her.

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“Always in shape”

Cher has repeatedly spoken about her attitude to beauty and youth. Back in a 1982 interview, she recalled an important lesson she learned about her mother:

“You know, my mother once told me:“ You are not the most beautiful, you are not the most talented. You won’t always be young, but you are special, and there is something more important about that. “

In 1991, Cher spoke about her desire to remain young and beautiful in an interview with the publication. People and stressed that it definitely requires at least a little effort.

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Photo @cher

Even 30 years ago, she described in detail many ways to maintain beauty in her book. ForeverFit (“Always Fit”), and she still uses them:

“The main thing is to give yourself a chance to fight. I quit smoking. I don’t use drugs. I never drink coffee, almost never drink alcohol or eat red meat, so I look great. Also, I exercise regularly and eat right, except that I love chocolate. “

Cher also admitted that in the 1970s she treated facial acne with Retin-A, which, as we now know, slows down skin aging:

“I visited Dr. Arnold Klein and then, on his advice, started using Retin-A for the treatment of chronic cystic acne. I used it to get rid of acne, and just recently we all learned that it is also a drug that slows down aging. “

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Photo @cher

Honestly about plastic surgeries and youthfulness of mind and body

Of course, Cher also admits frankly that she solved some problems with the help of plastic surgery:

“People should do what makes them happy. Honestly, when I saw my face in close-up on the movie screen, I wanted to change my nose, because I was always unhappy with it. I straightened my dentition and it noticeably improved the shape of my mouth. Maybe that’s why people think that I have implants in my cheeks and chin. “

What helped her to remain a young soul? This is Cher’s ability to be oblivious to what others are thinking:

“I would like to look really great for as long as possible. If people think that this is vanity, then yes, I am vain. “

As for the body? This is a love of sports. While skeptics may think that this is not the answer, Cher nevertheless assures that consistency and discipline are the keys to staying in shape.

“I worked out in the gym to the point of exhaustion to get this body,” says the singer. “But that doesn’t mean that I have some amazing secret that no one else has.”

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Photo @cher

Cher does not like jogging, so he prefers brisk walking and advises everyone to walk, because nothing is required to get started except comfortable shoes:

“Take time to exercise because your day will be brighter, brighter and better after exercising.”

Cher sincerely believes that taking care of yourself and your health, as well as a correct lifestyle is the main secret of preserving youth. Look at her and try to argue something.

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