
Composition, fat content, amount of breast milk

Every mother knows how important breastfeeding is for her baby. Let’s talk about the value of breast milk, how to correctly calculate the right amount for a baby and how to increase lactation.

Table of contents:

Why is breast milk the most beneficial for a newborn’s nutrition?

Mother’s milk contains all the components necessary and vital for the baby, it is adapted to all the baby’s digestive processes and metabolism.

  • Mother’s milk proteins serve as the basis for building the cells and tissues of a rapidly growing baby’s body. They are very easily absorbed, digested and absorbed.
  • Fats of mother’s milk are also easily absorbed by a child, they contain fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are very important for a small child.
  • Carbohydrates in breast milk are represented by lactose, which contributes to the development of beneficial microflora in the baby’s intestines.
  • With mother’s milk, the child receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

The value of mother’s milk also lies in the fact that it enters the child’s body sterile, free of microbes.

And the very process of breastfeeding is a universal possibility of direct contact between the child and the mother. Not only bodily, but also spiritual, which favorably affects both.

Composition, fat content of mom’s milk

Breast milk - composition, fat content, amount

Young mothers are often worried that insufficient fat content in breast milk is the cause of the baby’s malnutrition. But, if the child eats well and is gaining weight, then there is no need to increase the fat content of breast milk, because this can contribute to the development of dysbiosis in the child.

Breast milk - composition, fat content, amountThe very fat content of milk depends on the degree of fullness of the mother’s breast. The fattier the milk, the less it is in the breast.

Breast milk is “back” and “front”. Front milk is given to the baby at the beginning of feeding, and back milk appears later and is considered the most fatty and healthy milk. If the mother alternates between breastfeeding, then the baby will receive only light and less fatty breast milk. And in order for the baby to assimilate fatty hind milk, it is recommended not to change the breast during the feeding process while the baby is actively sucking.

How much breast milk does a baby need – calculations

Up to 10 days of life:

1. Finkelstein’s formula as modified by Tour.

The volume of milk per day (in ml) V = the number of days of the child’s life (n) * 70 (if the birth weight is less than 3200 g) or by 80 (if more than 3200 g)
V = n * 70 or n * 80

Example. The body weight of the child at birth is 3500 g, the child is 3 days old. The number of feedings per day is 8 times.
V = 3 * 80 = 240 ml (milk volume per day).

To find out the amount of milk per feeding, it is necessary to divide the received volume by the number of feedings 240/8 = 30 ml (milk volume per feeding).

2. Formula Zaitseva (up to 8 days of life).

V (milk volume per day) = 2% of body weight at birth * n (number of days of life)

Example. The body weight at birth is 3100g, the child is 5 days old, the number of feedings per day is 7 times.
V = (2% * 3100g / 100%) * 5 (days) = 62 * 5 = 310 ml of milk (per day).
For one feeding 310/7 = 45ml

3. The amount of milk, taking into account the capacity of the stomach.

V = 3ml * day of life * body weight (in kg)

Example. Child 5 days old, body weight 3.3 kg
V = 3 * 5 * 3.3 = 49.5 ml per feeding.

From the 10th day of life:

1. Volumetric Heibner method

– 10 days – 2 months – 1/5 of body weight (actual)
– 2-4 months – 1/6 of body weight
– 4-6 months – 1/7
– 6-9 months – 1/8
– 9-12 months -1/9

The food volume should not exceed 1 liter.

Example. Child 2 months. 10 days, body weight 4450, the number of feedings per day 6 times.
Milk volume per day = 4450/6 = 741.6 ml
Milk volume per feeding = 741.6 / 6 = 123.6 ml.

2. Maslov’s high-calorie method (applied before the introduction of complementary foods-5-6 months)

Breast milk - composition, fat content, amountMilk volume per day = A * B * 1000 / C

A – age-related requirements in kcal / kg body weight
B – the actual body weight of the child
C – calorie content of 1 liter of human milk

The child’s daily energy requirement is 1 kcal / 1 kg of body weight

1-3 months – 120 kcal / kg
4-6 months – 115 kcal / kg
7-9 months – 110 kcal / kg
10-12 months – 100 kcal / kg

1 liter (1000 ml) of human milk contains 700 kcal.

Example. Child 3 months, body weight – 5300 g, the number of feedings per day 6 times
V milk per day = (120 * 5.3 * 1000) / 700 = 908.5 ml

For one feeding 908.5 / 6 = 151.4.

Tips for increasing lactation

If mom needs to increase the fat content of milk, then a certain diet should be followed. Introduce vegetables, fruits and various grains into your daily diet.

Nutrition with cottage cheese and cow’s milk, which contain calcium, which favorably develops on the fat content of milk, will be very important for the mother. A lot of calcium is also found in fish, beans, cabbage, raisins, carrot juice and greens.

Breast milk - composition, fat content, amountIt is advisable to eat porridge every day. But, if the baby suffers from constipation, rice porridge should be excluded from the diet. Also, the fat content of milk is favorably influenced by the inclusion of cheese and butter in the diet.

Perhaps, the most useful products to increase the fat content of milk, are walnuts and broccoli. Broccoli is great for soups and salads. But with walnuts it is tedious to be a little careful, they can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, first you should try them in small quantities.

Fruit juices and tea are excellent for increasing lactation… Tea is preferably green and preferably with milk. Juices should be drunk natural, without the use of artificial colors.

What if breastfeeding is not possible? If, due to circumstances, your child still needs supplementation, you should choose the right mixture. In such cases, experts recommend a mixture as close as possible to breast milk, so that the child does not have metabolic disorders, allergic reactions, skin and digestive problems. Closer to the composition of human milk, adapted formulas on goat milk with beta-casein protein, for example, the gold standard for baby food – MD Mil SP “Kozochka”. Thanks to this mixture, the baby receives all the necessary substances that help the child’s body to form and develop correctly.

See also: How long should you breastfeed your baby?

This informational article is not intended to be medical or diagnostic advice.
At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.
Do not self-medicate!

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