
Diet for blood group 4 positive (+)

More and more time by specialists in dietetics began to be devoted to researching such a way to deal with extra centimeters as a menu based on the characteristics of a blood group. A diet for 4 positive blood group should be based on the observance of certain rules. The active study of this method began in the twentieth century, and today it is a complex, highly effective system for fast and safe weight loss for the body.

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A healthy lifestyle is a good habit

The fourth positive blood group diet is an excellent alternative to any modern weight loss method. The effectiveness of the technique has been repeatedly confirmed by statistical indicators, people’s reviews and medical research. But, of course, in order to achieve not just a short-term effect, but a lasting weight loss, you should introduce this menu into a habit, redrawing your traditional outlook on life and beliefs about healthy eating.

Diet for blood group 4 negative (-) – rules and menus

Weight loss according to this method is a natural process, without bullying the body with excessive fasting. A certain dietary ration is intended to improve the health of the whole body as a whole and to adjust the weight as efficiently as possible. Turning to this method of weight loss for help, you should immediately focus on the long-term – the fight for health and a beautiful figure should become a way of life and an invariable tradition – to eat right.

Extreme diets, such as, for example, three-day diets and others, upset the functional process of internal organs and disrupt metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to the blood group diet, the body begins the path to recovery without falling into a state of shock.

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General rules for blood type diets – pay attention!

Representatives of the 4th + blood group

About eight percent of the world’s population has this blood group, which arose as a result of the unification of groups A and B. Carriers of 4+ blood groups are people with not the strongest immune system and a very sensitive digestive tract. For such people, a mixed-moderate diet is indicated. By the way, the 4 blood group diet includes healthy foods.

The process of losing weight through certain diet options can be both accelerated and, alas, slowed down. For the optimal operation of all body systems, specialists have developed a special list of products – their own for each blood group.

Features of people with the 4th + blood group:

  • Immunity to attacks of infectious diseases;
  • A weak immune system;
  • Cancer risk;
  • Gastrointestinal sensitivity;
  • The risk of developing anemia and cardiovascular disease.

The principle of the 4th + blood group diet

First of all, this principle is based on strengthening the immune system, cleansing the body of toxins, accelerating metabolic processes and optimizing the work of internal organs. Due to the complex effect on the body, extra pounds go away in a short time without stress and hunger, due to the optimal balance of products.

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Useful and harmful foods for people with the 4th + blood group

1. Meat

Healthy: lamb, rabbit, turkey, lamb.

Harmful: pork, beef, veal, duck, chicken, bacon, smoked sausage, ham

Limit: liver, heart.

2. Fish

Healthy: tuna, sturgeon, cod and cod liver, varieties of red fish, seaweed.

Harmful: salted, pickled and fresh herring, anchovies, halibut, flounder, molluscs, crabs, hake, eel, pangasius, crayfish.

Limit: mussels, shrimps, carp fillets, squids.

3. Dairy products

Healthy: homemade yogurt, kefir, low-fat sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk.

Harmful: brie, parmesan, whole milk.

Limit: butter, processed cheese.

4. Drinks

Healthy: green tea, ginger tea, vegetable juices (cabbage, carrot), ginseng, echinacea, hawthorn.

Harmful: linden, senna, aloe.

Limit: beer, mint tea, coffee, chamomile tea, red wine, raspberry, valerian, dong quei.

5. Cereals

Healthy: soy flakes, oatmeal, rice, barley, millet.

Harmful: buckwheat, corn flakes (flour).

6. Vegetables

Healthy: eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, green onions, onions, beets, cucumbers, carrots.

Harmful: tomatoes, peppers (all types, especially spicy), corn, beans, radishes, potatoes, black olives, artichokes.

7. Fruits and berries

Healthy: grapes, blackberries, lemon, grapefruit, watermelon, kiwi, plum, cherry.

Harmful: avocado, mango, oranges, bananas, persimmons,

8. Nuts

Healthy: walnuts, flaxseeds, peanuts.

Harmful: almonds, sunflower seeds, pistachios.

9. Nutritional supplements, vitamins

Healthy: Bromelain, Quercetin, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin C, Thistle, Milk thistle

Special recommendations for people with the 4th + blood group

  • Reducing the use of meat products in the diet.
  • Increase the number of vegetables and fruits in the daily menu – up to five servings a day. Vitamin C in fruits reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  • Eating tofu in your daily diet (tofu is an ideal source of protein for this blood type).
  • Corn, buckwheat, sesame grains and legumes should be excluded due to a decrease in insulin production and, as a result, a slowdown in metabolism from using these products.
  • Restriction in the diet of wheat and products from it.
  • The best start to the morning is a glass of water with lemon juice, as well as juice of carrots, papaya, cranberries, cherries or grapes – three glasses during the day.
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Reviews from forums from people who have experienced the effects of diet


I have never taken diets so seriously. I just limited myself to certain foods. True, the kilograms dropped almost immediately returned to their place. And the blood type diet really “keeps the weight”. It’s a pity, black olives, my beloved, you can’t. And the potato pancakes had to be abandoned. And from fries. 🙁 But in general – it is quite acceptable, you can live. It was a little too heavy with meat – you won’t find lamb in the afternoon with fire. Basically, I switched to turkey. The most important thing is the effect that is. The body began to work like a clock. And the waist is getting thinner and thinner … 🙂


I harassed myself with all sorts of starvation and mono-diets. And only on a “blood” diet I got the result. Over the winter, I dropped everything that had been accumulated earlier. And without any discomfort. 🙂 I didn’t even have to eat all sorts of hateful cereals, poison myself with biscuits and attack the refrigerator at night. 🙂 I gourmet turkey with vinaigrette and eggplants (sote), I make fruit desserts from permitted berries and fruits … In short, it’s okay. I vote – FOR this diet. 🙂


Oddly enough, the lists contain exactly the food I can’t live without. 🙂 I just corrected it a little, and that’s it. So I didn’t have to suffer too much. The only thing, beef-veal-pork was removed from the menu with a creak. I love it very much. But turkey is fine too. 🙂


This logic is definitely present in the diet. Blood type – this is not khukhry-mukhry for you, it affects a person very much. Even on character, what can we say about digestion. I personally do not like diets, I tried it purely out of curiosity. But I liked so much to keep myself in shape and, especially, that my stomach stopped hurting, that I stayed on this diet. The most difficult thing was to learn how to cook something “that sort of” from the products that you can. But if you wish, anything is possible. 🙂 Beetroot – and borscht can be lean, or in turkey broth. The vinaigrette is the same with olive oil instead of mayonnaise (I highly recommend it to those who have problems visiting the room of thoughtfulness. No, cool diet! 🙂

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