
Fat child 2-5 years old – is overweight and obesity in children dangerous, and what should parents do?

What to do.  if the child is fullObesity in our time is becoming an increasingly urgent problem. The overweight war is going on in all countries – and, worst of all, in all age categories. For some reason, children find themselves on this “battlefield” more and more often, and the disease itself gradually goes beyond heredity alone. For example, in the United States, overweight is noted in every second child, and every fifth is diagnosed with obesity. In Russia, this diagnosis is found in 5-10% of children of different ages, and about 20% are overweight.

Is overweight dangerous for a child, and how to deal with the problem?

The content of the article:

  1. Causes of overweight in children – why is the child fat?
  2. Why are overweight and obesity in young children dangerous?
  3. Signs of excess weight, weight and obesity
  4. What if the child is overweight, which doctors should I go to?
  5. Prevention of obesity in young children

Causes of overweight in children 2-5 years old – why is my child fat?

Where the excess weight in adults comes from is understandable (there are many reasons, and everyone has their own). But where does the extra weight come from in kids who don’t even go to school yet?

Baby plumpness is considered very cute until the plumpness becomes unnatural and there are no signs of being really overweight.

The intense formation of body fat begins at the age of 9 months – and leaving this process to chance, parents risk losing weight out of control.

If the little one began to walk and run actively, but the cheeks did not go away, and the excess weight continues to hold on (and even increase), then it is time to take action.

Video: Overweight in a child. Doctor Komarovsky

Why are babies overweight?

The main reasons, as before, are genetic predisposition and constant overeating. If the baby receives more “energy” than it spends, then the result is predictable – the excess will be deposited on the body.

Other reasons:

  • Lack of mobility. Lack of active recreation, which is replaced by the pastime at the TV and laptop.
  • Abuse of sweets, fatty foods, fast food, soda, etc.
  • Feeding. “Another spoon for mom …”, “Until you eat, you won’t get up from the table,” etc. Parents forget that it is much more correct when a child gets up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger than crawls out like a “seal” with a full stomach.
  • Psychological aspects. Stress seizure is a common cause in children as well as in adults.
  • Lack of proper daily routine, constant lack of sleep. Baby sleep rates – how many hours should a baby sleep day and night?
  • Long-term medication. For example, antidepressants or glucocorticoids.

Also, the cause of excess weight can be chronic diseases.

For instance…

  1. Metabolic disorders, problems with the endocrine system.
  2. Tumor of the hypothalamus.
  3. Hypothyroidism, etc.
  4. Chromosomal and other genetic syndromes.
  5. Diabetes.

Of course, one cannot wait until the child’s excess weight develops into obesity – treatment should be started immediately, before the complications and consequences of obesity.

How to notice excess weight in a child

Why are overweight and obesity in young children dangerous?

The formation of excess weight in a child only at first glance seems to be a trifle – they say, “it will pass with time …”.

In fact, overweight in a child is becoming an even more dangerous problem than obesity in an adult.

What is the danger?

  • The child is growing, and at this age not all systems are working at full strength – they are still just learning to function correctly. Naturally, such stress for the body during this period can have unpredictable consequences.
  • The spine takes on an unreasonable load. It is at the time of the formation of the skeleton and posture, the active growth of the baby.
  • With an increasing load on the body systems due to excess weight by adolescence (of course, if the parents do not take the necessary steps in time), hypertension, ischemia, an increased risk of heart attack, etc. will appear.
  • Unable to cope with the surplus of nutrients, the pancreas loses its rhythm of work, which can ultimately lead to diabetes.
  • Decreases immunity, increases the tendency to colds. Why is my child often sick?
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Psychological problems begin, associated with the child’s complexes.

Also among the possible complications:

  1. Dysfunction of the sex glands.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Changes in the musculoskeletal system: violation of gait and posture, the appearance of flat feet, the development of arthritis, osteoporosis, etc. All the causes of leg pain in a child – what to do if children have leg pain?
  4. Cholelithiasis.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

And this is not the whole list.

What can we say about the fact that fat children are unhappy children who constantly suffer from other people’s ridicule, their complexes, powerlessness.

The task of parents is to prevent such a problem. And if excess weight still appears, then start treatment as early as possible, so as not to deprive your child of well-being in the future.

Video: Overweight in children is especially dangerous!

How to Notice Overweight and Obesity in Young Children – Signs, Weight, and Obesity

At different ages, the disease manifests itself in different symptoms, and the clinical picture will depend on the age characteristics of the child.

Among the main signs that you should pay close attention to:

  • Excess weight.
  • Increased blood pressure and shortness of breath after exertion.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Constipation, dysbiosis, disruption of the digestive tract in general.
  • The appearance of fat folds, etc.

You can also identify excess weight by body weight table, comparing the norm of weight and its excess, according to the WHO data.

We must not forget that the parameters are adjusted in accordance with the height, age and gender.

If your height exceeds the norm, then the excess weight will not necessarily be a deviation from the norm. Everything is individual.

  • 12 months. Boys: normal – 10.3 kg with a height of 75.5 cm.Girls: normal – 9.5 kg with a height of 73.8 cm.
  • 2 years. Boys: normal – 12.67 kg with a height of 87.3 cm.Girls: normal – 12.60 kg with a height of 86.1 cm.
  • 3 years. Boys: the norm is 14.9 kg with a height of 95.7 cm.Girls: the norm is 14.8 kg with a height of 97.3 cm.
  • 4 years. Boys: the norm is 17.1 kg with a height of 102.4 cm.Girls: the norm is 16 kg with a height of 100.6 cm.
  • 5 years. Boys: the norm is 19.7 kg with a height of 110.4 cm.Girls: the norm is 18.3 kg with a height of 109 cm.

As for very small toddlers up to a year old, their rate is determined taking into account a double weight gain by 6 months, and a triple weight gain by a year.

And the beginning of obesity in babies up to the 1st year is considered the moment when the normal weight value is exceeded by more than 15 percent.

Obesity is classified as follows:

  • Primary. A variant when the disease develops due to an illiterately organized diet or a hereditary factor.
  • Secondary. It usually develops against the background of a malfunction of the endocrine glands, as well as against the background of a chronic disease.

Moreover, obesity is classified by degree… This diagnosis is carried out based on the calculation of BMI (approx. – body mass index), which is calculated using a special formula.

For example, if a 7-year-old child is 1.15 m tall and weighs 38 kg, then BMI = 38: (1.15 x 1.15) = 29.2

  • 1 tbsp. BMI > norms by 15-25%.
  • 2 tbsp. BMI > norms by 26-50%.
  • 3 tbsp. BMI > rates by 51-100%.
  • 4 tbsp. BMI > the norm is 100% or more.


It only makes sense to calculate BMI after the onset of the baby 2 years old… To understand whether there is obesity, you need to calculate the BMI and compare the resulting value with the norm adopted by the WHO.

And, of course, one cannot but say that even a suspicion of overweight and obesity in a child is a reason to see a doctor, regardless of the BMI values ​​obtained.

Why obesity in children is dangerous

What to do if the child is 2-5 years old, which specialists should I contact?

If you notice that your child is gaining weight, do not expect a miracle – run to the clinic! It is important to diagnose on time, find the cause and receive treatment recommendations.

Which doctors should I go to?

  • Start with your pediatrician and endocrinologist.
  • Further – a gastroenterologist, nutritionist, cardiologist and neuropathologist, psychologist.

The rest of the doctors will be advised by the therapist.

Diagnostics should include:

  1. Complete collection of anamnesis.
  2. Study of general data (height and weight, BMI, stage of development, pressure, etc.).
  3. Laboratory diagnostics (general urine and blood tests, blood for hormones, lipid profile, etc.).
  4. Ultrasound, MRI, ECG and ECHO-KG, examination by an ophthalmologist and polysomnography.
  5. Genetic research and so on.

Video: Excess weight in children – how to deal with it?

Prevention of obesity in young children

To save your child from excess weight, you need to remember the basic rules of prevention:

  • Meals – according to the schedule and according to the schedule. Without overeating, supplementary feeding and cramming a “spoon for daddy” – portions optimal for the child.
  • Use foods with lower fat content. Develop the habit of eating healthy and moving a lot in your baby from the cradle.
  • For sports, yes. Walking – yes. Movement is life. Take on your child’s leisure time completely – don’t push him onto super-caring grandmothers and a computer with TV. Walk in the park, ski and roller skate, go to sections, participate in holidays and competitions, run together in the morning and dance in the evenings – let your child absorb the habit of being vigorous, slim and light.
  • Do you want to wean your child from junk food? Unlearn it all together! A child will not give up chips if dad eats them near the TV. How important is parental example in raising a child?
  • Replace all utensils with which you normally eat. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion.
  • Food is a process that involves the body getting the energy it needs.… And nothing more. Not a pleasure. Not entertainment. Not a feast for the belly. Not a cult. So no TVs at lunchtime.
  • Choose sections – not those in which the child will quickly lose kilograms, but those where he will want to go… The more interesting the section is for the child, the more intensively he is engaged and the more he gives all the best in training.
  • Make healthy desserts with your child. It is clear that all children love sweets. And it is impossible to wean them. But it’s within your power to make desserts healthy. Look for recipes – and please your household.

What to do.  if the child is full

The website provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. If you experience alarming symptoms, consult a specialist!

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