
Found mycoplasma – what is the danger of mycoplasmosis in men and women?

Mycoplasma in women – how is it dangerous, what provokes it and how to get rid of the disease. By the certified doctors of the COLADY magazine.

Important! The medical information in the journal is presented for informational purposes only. We warn you that self-medication is extremely dangerous. Specialist consultation required!

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Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Petrovna Berezovskaya talks about the features and risks of mycoplasma

Elena Petrovna Berezovskaya

There are many myths around mycoplasma and ureaplasma, and in fact, getting rid of these types of bacteria has become a commercially profitable direction. There are several types of mycoplasma and ureaplasma, which are part of the human microbiome, that is, they are normal cohabitants of the female and male body.

As a solo infection, that is, as causative agents of an infectious disease (inflammation of the urethra, lungs, and others) are extremely rare. Basically, they interact in combination with other dangerous bacteria (gonococci, chlamydia) or unicellular parasites (Trichomonas).

More often they cause problems in men, as they affect their urethra. The female urethra is very short, therefore, urethritis of bacterial origin, including caused by mycoplasma, are rare.

The presence of mycoplasma in the urinary and reproductive systems does not require treatment in most cases. Since mycoplasma itself rarely causes disease, the presence of complaints requires examination and the search for other types of microorganisms. But even if other bacteria are involved in the inflammatory process, the treatment is simple: a short course of antibiotics or a loading dose of antibiotics.

When planning pregnancy and during pregnancy, a routine search for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is not carried out, since these bacteria are not dangerous for pregnancy. Treatment for the detection of mycoplasma in a pregnant woman is also not carried out.

In general, it is a completely harmless bacterium, unreasonably accused of “terrible” harm.

Elena Petrovna Berezovskaya is a research doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist, founder and head of the International Academy of Healthy Life in Toronto, Canada.

What is mycoplasmosis. Features of the development of the disease

The bacterium Mycoplasma haemofelis Photo Wikipedia

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis in women and men are opportunistic organisms of mycoplasma… They can be part of the normal microflora of the genital organs, and they can cause serious diseases.
Modern medicine knows 16 types of mycoplasmas that can exist in the human body, but only three types have the ability to cause serious diseases:

  • Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium – can cause inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae – quite often becomes the cause of respiratory tract infections.

Mycoplasmas are not independent organisms, so to exist they join the cells of the human body. This way they get all the nutrients they need. Usually in the female body, mycoplasmas are located in the urethra, vagina and cervix, in men – on the foreskin and in the urethra. With a sharp decrease in immunity, vaginal dysbiosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes, these organisms begin to multiply sharply and damage human cells.

Carriers of mycoplasma are most often women, the first signs of the disease appear faster in men, especially those who lead a promiscuous sex life. From the moment of infection, until the first symptoms appear, it can take from 1 to 3 weeks.

It is possible to become infected with mycoplasmosis only through traditional sexual intercourse between a woman and a man. Lovers of anal and oral sex, as well as homosexuals, this disease does not threaten. Infection with mycoplasmosis through the household route is unlikely. Also, an infected mother can infect her baby during his passage through the birth canal.

Mycoplasmosis symptoms

Symptoms of mycoplasma in women and men are almost the same.

In most cases, urogenital mycoplasmosis has no pronounced symptomsthat would make it possible to make a clear diagnosis. Most often, in both men and women, this infection is latent. The development of this disease is evidenced by the symptoms common to all latent infections of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men

  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual discharge from the urinary tract;
  • Pain during intercourse and urination.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women

  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse;
  • Unusual vaginal discharge;
  • Lower abdominal pain;
  • Discomfort and painful sensations on the external and internal genitals.

When the above symptoms appear, be sure to see a doctor and be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including mycoplasmosis.

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Why is mycoplasma dangerous? Complications of mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasmosis causes serious complications in the bodyboth women and men. Unfortunately, medicine has not yet studied their full effect on the body.

  • In men mycoplasmosis quite often causes inflammation in the prostate gland, in other words, prostatitis. The chronic form of this infection can lead to a decrease in sperm motility, resulting in male infertility.
  • Among women mycoplasmosis can cause fallopian tube adhesions, ectopic pregnancy, postpartum endometritis and infertility. In women, mycoplasmosis rarely develops alone, quite often he is accompanied by ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or herpes. Read more about whether mycoplasma is dangerous during pregnancy.

Effective treatment of mycoplasmosis

If you have been diagnosed with mycoplasmosis, but its clinical symptoms are absent, then this means that there is no need to use drug therapy. But if the above symptoms began to bother you, then treatment should be started immediately.

Most often, mycoplasmosis is easily treatable. Doctors should approach each case individually and prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Antibiotic therapy should be the main component. Since mycoplasmas are resistant to some drugs, each patient must be approached individually. To achieve the complete disappearance of this microbe from the human body, during treatment, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the lesion.

Complex treatment is carried out using:

  • Antibiotics – tetracycline, ofloxacin, sumamed, erythromycin. With mycoplasmosis, the doses of antibiotics are selected strictly individually;
  • Local treatments – vaginal suppositories, creams and ointments;
  • Immunomodulators and vitamin therapy – kadevit, vitrum, laferon, interferon;
  • Physiotherapy – electrophoresis, laser, thermal and magnetic therapy.

It is important that both partners undergo complex treatment, this procedure may take from 7 to 20 days, depending on the severity of the disease. During this entire period, doctors do not recommend having sex

remember, that self-medication for this disease cannot be dealt with… The results obtained will be temporary, and mycoplasmosis can become chronic.

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