
How can muning tighten the contours of your face?

Mewing is a simple and effective technique for maintaining a youthful face. How does it work and why mewing can make a woman more attractive? Let’s try to figure it out!

Mining technique

What it is?

Mewing is a facial contour correction technique. It got its name from Dr. Mew, who talks about his invention on the YouTube channel. According to the doctor, the problem for many people is that they do not properly hold their tongue in their mouth. It should be pressed against the upper palate. It is this position that is natural and intuitive.

By pressing the tongue to the palate, a person involuntarily tense the muscles of the neck and chin, which affects the shape of the face. The chin protrudes slightly forward, the cheekbones stand out, the face visually becomes more “sharp”, which means it is young. By holding the tongue as advised by Dr. Mew, you can constantly keep the muscles of the face in good shape, which in the future will prevent its deformation under the influence of age-related changes.

Mining exercises

Mewing has other consequences as well. Thanks to him, nasal breathing is facilitated and even the bite is corrected. The exercise can be performed not only by women, but also by men. It helps the latter to acquire a sharp, clear “Hollywood” face contour.

How to do it?

Dr. Mew’s exercise is very simple. It is enough to firmly press the tongue to the upper palate. At first, a person experiences a little discomfort from this, which eventually disappears. Gradually, the habit develops to hold the tongue in the desired position. The first positive changes will become noticeable in 6-8 months.

It is important to remember a few simple rules:

  • jaws should not be tightly clenched;
  • you should not strain your lips;
  • the exercise must be performed continuously. It is important to ensure that the tongue remains raised at all times;
  • the main load falls on the muscles of the tongue, not the chin and neck.


Dr. Mew also gives advice on how to swallow food. He advises first to chew the food thoroughly: it should turn into a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to swallow only with the tongue, without straining the cheeks and lips. This avoids the appearance of premature wrinkles. Long-term chewing has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Mewing is a simple exercise that has no contraindications. Should we believe in its effectiveness? There are many reviews suggesting that mewing really works. Why not experience its influence on yourself?

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