
How to clean or wash your mattress at home – 11 ways to get dirt and stains off your mattress

How to remove stains from a mattressSleeping on a new mattress is a pleasure. The only pity is that it remains new for a very short time. Especially if there are children in the house. However, there are many ways to “quickly ruin a new mattress” – from breakfast in bed to “gifts” for pets.

As you know, a mattress is a voluminous thing, and you can’t put it in a washing machine.

How to be?

The content of the article:

We clean different types of mattresses – what to consider?

Self-cleaning of the mattress can lead to the fact that the product will be irreparable and hopelessly damaged, therefore, proceeding to eliminate the traces of breakfast or other troubles from the mattress, look at the label and consider the type of mattress and its properties.

  • Cotton. The filling of this mattress is cotton wool, the material of the cover is coarse calico and teak, or polycotone / polyester. Such a product is inexpensive, it does not cause problems with transportation, and it does not take up much space. This mattress requires mandatory monthly ventilation. Also, it should be turned over twice a month, vacuumed once a week and, of course, stains removed with special means. You will not spoil such a mattress with too much water, but the cotton wool will dry for an extremely long time even on the balcony. Therefore, water – to a minimum!
  • Coconut. Here the filling is made of coconut coir, a hypoallergenic material suitable for newborns. Cleaning should be extremely dry (with a vacuum cleaner), airing and turning over is mandatory, and you can only wash the cover and on a gentle mode.
  • Orthopedic. In this version, there is a spring block (there are also springless models), and the filling is made from coconut fiber, latex and polyurethane. It is not recommended to wet the mattress – we regularly ventilate it, clean it with a vacuum cleaner, turn it over once every 2-3 months, we eliminate stains with the help of special means. Which orthopedic mattress to choose for a child?

Features of care – what you need to know?

  • Use a mattress topper! With its help, you will solve half of the problems and significantly extend the life of the product. Still, washing a mattress topper is much easier than cleaning the mattress itself, and even more so changing the filler.
  • Ventilate regularly! That is, take off your linen once a month, open the windows wide open and place the mattress so that it is ventilated on both sides.
  • Turn it over once every 2-3 months according to the “figure of eight” scheme – changing the bottom and top, legs and head.
  • Vacuum once a week. At high power and with a furniture attachment. Even if the bed is constantly made and covered with a blanket. Dust particles, hair, small debris still fall on the mattress.
  • Try to remove stains from the mattress IMMEDIATELY when they appear. This will greatly facilitate your work.
  • Do not try to cover stains with soapy water or any other product. Wetting of the filler leads to damage to the product, and the spring blocks rust.
  • Dry clean the product periodically – knock out dust, use a vacuum cleaner with attachments.

The best ways and means for cleaning a mattress with your own hands

11 ways to remove blood or urine stains from your mattress

Dust accumulations can be removed with normal dry cleaning.

And what to do with the stains left after the child’s sleep, or with blood stains?

  • We use textile stain removers to protect the mattress from decay and damage to the fabric. For example, Vanish, Dr. Beckmann, Amway, Loc wet wipes, Unimaх Ultra, Antipyatin, etc. Means are universal and narrowly targeted. They also differ in shape – in the form of a spray, liquid or, for example, a pencil.
  • Preparing the mixture: 1 tablespoon toothpaste / toothpaste, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup cornstarch. Apply the substance evenly to the stain, wait for it to dry, scrape and vacuum. If a trace remains, we repeat.
  • Moisten the stained area a little (do not wet, but moisten!), pour salt on top, remove it after 2-3 hours with a vacuum cleaner. Next, we blot the stain with hydrogen peroxide (on a cotton / disc) and, as soon as the foam stops forming, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  • Take baking soda, white meat softener, and a little water… Mix until a thick paste, apply to the stain. After 20 minutes, blot with a clean, damp sponge, remove the remnants.
  • Dissolve h / l of ammonia in 0.5 l of water. We moisten a cotton pad, apply to the stain. If there is no effect after drying, use a more concentrated solution.
  • We make a thick mixture of water and starch. Apply to the desired area, wait for drying. After – remove with a brush. Perfectly removes blood stains.
  • We heat glycerin in warm water, put on a cotton pad, wipe the desired area. Next, remove the trail with ammonia.
  • Spray glass cleaner on the stain, rub intensively with a sponge / brush, then use ammonia on a cotton pad (solution).
  • Dissolve aspirin in water (approx. – 1 liter – 1 tablet), moisten the cotton / disc, wipe the stain.
  • Mix soda with water (1/2 to 1), moisten a clean cloth with a solution, leave on the spot for 2 hours. Next, remove the remaining soda and dry.
  • We dilute citric and acetic acid in water (approx. – in equal proportions), wipe the stain with a solution with a cotton wool / disc, dry with a hairdryer.

The best ways and means for cleaning a mattress with your own hands

We remove different types of stains on the mattress with home and special products

Stains from urine and blood are not so common after all. But household stains appear constantly, and it is not always possible to remove them immediately.

To your attention – the best recipes for removing household stains on a mattress:

  1. From lipstick. We moisten the cotton / disc in alcohol, wipe it off.
  2. From red wine. We fill the stain with soda (or salt), after 30 minutes we remove it with a vacuum cleaner, then wash it with dry foam with a cleaning agent.
  3. From markers, pens. We take a special product (for example, Dr. Beckmann), apply, remove the stain.
  4. From wax crayons. Put loose paper on top of the stains, iron it with an iron. We change the paper until the marks completely disappear.
  5. From fat. Fill immediately with salt (you can also use potato starch or talcum powder), after 15 minutes vacuum and fill up again. For best results, iron through a dry cloth.
  6. From coffee. Use mild soap or water and salt. Be sure to dry it.
  7. From juices. A mixture of vinegar and ammonia, 1 to 1.
  8. From tea or beer. Apply the vinegar solution to a cotton pad / disc and wipe the stain.
  9. From fucorcin. We mix alcohol and regular tooth powder (in half), apply on the stain, wait for drying, vacuum. You can use sodium sulfite, but in this case, be sure to wash off the remnants of the product with a soda solution and dry the area.

The best ways and means for cleaning a mattress with your own hands

How to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the mattress?

Getting rid of the stain is only half the battle. Is it really possible to remove the unpleasant odor from the mattress on your own?

There are options!

Both old and proven, and modern …

  • We buy a smell absorber in the store, fall asleep on the fragrant area for 3-5 hours, sweep away with a brush, vacuum the remains and wipe with a damp cloth. You can also buy a product that removes organic odors – it works quickly, and the result is good. Ideal if vomit / urine smells on the mattress.
  • Regular salt. We dilute with water 3 to 1, apply the mixture to the desired area, rub in, then wipe with a clean cloth, dry with a hairdryer.
  • Soda. You can simply sprinkle it on the mattress and vacuum it up after 12-20 hours. Helps with the smell of tobacco. If the result is bad, repeat.
  • Vinegar. We saturate the stain with the agent, then generously cover it with soda, and in the morning we vacuum it.
  • Children’s washing powder. Do not dilute – immediately pour on the stain and rub with a dry sponge or brush. We leave it for a couple of hours, then we vacuum it.
  • Iodine. A product that quickly removes urine odor. True, it is not recommended to use it on light-colored fabrics. For 1 liter of water – 20 drops. We apply the solution on a cotton wool / disc, after which we wipe the area.
  • Laundry soap. Option for lingering urine odor. Moisten the area, rub it well with soap, wait 20 minutes. Next, we moisten the cloth in a solution of vinegar (approx. – 1 tbsp / l per 1 liter of water), wash off the soap, wipe it with a clean damp cloth, dry it with napkins and an iron through the cloth.
  • Ammonia. An excellent tool. We wet the stain, wait half an hour, then remove it with soda.
  • As for the mildew smell, it is usually removed with a bleach solution.

Important! Don’t wait for the stains to become stubborn – wash them off right away! And, of course, do not wait until the product becomes completely unusable: if you cannot do it on your own, immediately take it to the dry cleaner (approx. – or call the specialists home).

How do you clean mattresses at home, what products do you use? Share your experience in the comments below!

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