
How to clean the collar and sleeves of a down jacket at home

How to clean the collar and sleeves of a down jacket at homeIt’s no secret that after a regular wash, your favorite things can lose their attractive appearance, and sometimes even completely deteriorate. This also applies to the down jacket. During washing, the fluff settles and strays into a lump, and instead of beautiful and comfortable clothes, you can get a completely shapeless disgrace.

To keep the thing in its original form, for a quick wash at home, you should use the available means for cleaning the down jacket.

The content of the article:

  1. Down jacket cleaning recommendations
  2. Down jacket cleaning with special means
  3. Cleaning a down jacket with improvised means
  4. Eliminate odors
  5. How to prevent streaks

Life hacks for cleaning a down jacket

Home washing a down jacket in a washing machine – detailed instructions for housewives

Down jacket cleaning recommendations

Before cleaning the sleeves of a down jacket at home, you need to follow a few guidelines that will allow you to preserve the product without losing its attractive appearance.

Helpful hints

  • Before using the cleaning agent, you must carefully study the instructions for use and the label on the down jacket. After all, not all cleaning products are suitable for certain types of fabrics. For example, on a synthetic winterizer jacket, you can find a ban on the use of chemicals for cleaning dirt.
  • It should be noted that all means are different. Some of them are used to clean the collar of a down jacket, others are suitable for all surfaces of outerwear. Some products have an immediate effect, while others need to be left on for a while. Before use, you should read the instructions given by the manufacturer.
  • After cleaning the product, do not dry it on a battery, over gas or electric appliances. Chemicals used to clean a down jacket can release harmful substances when heated, even after thorough rinsing. Hot air can cause some items to lose their shape.
  • Before cleaning the product, check the reaction of the fabric to the cleaning agent. To do this, apply a small amount of the product on an inconspicuous area.
  • Chlorine-containing products should be abandoned, both for white and colored fabrics.
  • It is best to hang the garment on a hanger during drying to ensure ventilation.

If these simple rules are followed, the down jacket will not lose its shape and will continue to warm on cold days.

Down jacket cleaning with special means

To always look beautiful and tidy, you need to know how to clean the collar of a down jacket. Stubborn dirt can be quickly removed at home using special chemicals.

Whichever product is used to clean the collar, the product should be laid out on a smooth surface for ease of processing. The collar must be unfolded – and in this position, also secure it.

When in contact with chemicals, be sure to use rubber gloves to protect your skin from harmful substances.

To clean the collar, wipe the dirty areas with a sponge soaked in a special solution.

After the time specified by the manufacturer, completely wipe off the cleaning agent with warm water. It is necessary to wipe the collar thoroughly so that there are no chemicals left that can damage the fabric with prolonged use.

After cleaning, the product must be hung in the fresh air until the chemicals are completely dry and weathering.

Important! When using chemistry, it is very important not to overdo it, as you can cause irreparable harm to things. That is why it is very important to respect the proportions and times indicated on the label.

Store-bought products can come in several forms: spray, paste, special powder… You should abandon the use of conventional powders, as they can leave streaks and are rather poorly rinsed out.

  • Spray. Used for partial or complete cleaning of the product. Typically, the spray is spread over the surface, if necessary, you can rub the area of ​​contamination with a soft brush. Then rinse with water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Powder. It should be rubbed into the contaminated area, and then rinsed slightly with water or removed with a brush.
  • Gel. It can be applied both diluted with water and in pure form. Stains must be gently brushed and then rinsed thoroughly with water.

How to clean the collar and sleeves of a down jacket at home

Cleaning a down jacket with improvised means

To quickly solve the problem with dirt, you should know how to clean the collar of a down jacket at home. After all, you can clean not only with special solutions, but also prepare them from scrap materials.

Depending on the type of stain, you should choose the appropriate products:

  • Refined gasoline… It can be easily found in hardware stores. Gasoline is a great way to get rid of greasy stains. To remove grease, it is necessary to moisten cotton wool in water, and then in gasoline, carefully treating the place of contamination. After 15 minutes, the product must be thoroughly removed with warm water. After drying, the smell of gasoline will disappear from the down jacket.
  • The winter jacket can be cleaned a mixture of starch and table saltmixed in equal proportions. Lightly dampen the mixture with water and rub into the contaminated area. After drying, wipe the area with a damp sponge until the paste is completely removed.
  • Very often housewives use to remove stains ammonia… Add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and ammonia to 100 ml of water. Before applying, the resulting mixture should be whipped into a thick foam and treated dirty areas on the down jacket. This tool works great on stains on light and dark items.
  • Surprisingly, in the matter of getting rid of stains on a down jacket, it can be a great help. wiper… It is enough just to spray it on the stains and after a few minutes rinse with a damp cloth.
  • Copes with various types of pollution and weak vinegar solution… You just need to mix a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of salt with 500 ml of water to get an effective remedy. With the resulting solution, wipe the stains on the down jacket and remove its remnants with warm water.
  • Dishwashing detergent mixed with water, the down jacket refreshes. This is the easiest and most relevant way to cleanse dirt at home.
  • If the collar is with fur, then you can sprinkle it starchlightly rubbing it. After that, you need to comb it to restore its original appearance. White fur cleans well hydrogen peroxide… Using a spray bottle, apply peroxide to the contaminated areas of the collar, wait until it dries – and also comb it.

Attention! It is worth remembering that the responsibility for the use of improvised means rests entirely with the one who decides to use this method.

Eliminate odors

A down jacket, like many different clothes, is susceptible to an unpleasant smell of sweat. It is possible to protect yourself from this phenomenon, for this it is enough to remove the smell of sweat before it appears. Having bought clothes, it is necessary to disinfect the lining of the clothes of interest to us with an antimicrobial agent.

Consider two ways to get rid clothes from the smell of sweat:

  • Apple cider vinegar + water… Dilute apple cider vinegar with water, then apply the mixture to the lining of the fabric. Next, it remains to dry the clothes.
  • Salmon + regular alcohol or vodka… As in the first case, we dilute the ammonia with ordinary alcohol or vodka, then process the lining. Dry the clothes until the smell of sweat disappears completely.

The above methods are guaranteed to rid your clothes of the unpleasant smell of sweat.

Removing the smell of sweat from clothes at home is not difficult at all. This does not require large expenses from you, you just need to know how to clean the sleeves of a down jacket.

How to prevent the appearance of streaks on the fabric of a down jacket

Everyone will find useful information on how to clean a down jacket quickly and without streaks, because after a regular wash it can completely fail. Divorces can appear for many reasons, but there is always a way to avoid them.

  • To prevent the product from acquiring unpleasant yellow stains, you must carefully and moderately apply cleaning agents to the down jacket. Excessive amounts of detergent can leave streak marks when dry.
  • To avoid streaks, you must thoroughly rinse the cleaned surface with clean water.
  • It is equally important to properly dry the product. After all, yellow spots can appear if the down jacket is not properly dried.

To clean a down jacket in winter, it is not necessary to dry clean it. You can also get rid of dirt and odor with the help of improvised means, which will always be found in the arsenal of any housewife. Before use, you just need to check whether the product is suitable for cleaning stains, in order to avoid damage to the product.

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