
How to deal with nausea in pregnant women?

Almost every pregnant woman is familiar with the symptoms of nausea. This ailment spoils the golden time of anxious expectation of the child and makes pregnancy unbearable. Many attribute nausea to the notorious toxicosis, but not always nausea and vomiting can be caused precisely by pregnant intoxication.

Remedies for nausea during pregnancy

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When and why can nausea occur in pregnant women?

Usually toxicosis occurs in the second week of pregnancy and does not end until 12-13 weeks i.e. until the second trimester.

The symptoms of toxicosis are very similar to ordinary nausea, but they are complemented by:

  • Dizziness, weakness and malaise.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Decreased and lost appetite.
  • Decrease in pressure.
  • Excessive salivation.

Attacks of nausea usually appear in the morning., especially when getting out of bed quickly. Then the vestibular apparatus does not have time to respond to a change in body position and gives rise to this unpleasant symptom.

The likelihood of toxicosis increases if the age of the expectant mother is more than 30 years old. And also if she is pregnant with her second child or smokes, there is a lot of sweet smoked, baked and fried. At this time, it is better to strictly adhere to the diet.

If nausea and vomiting are exactly the body’s reaction to pregnancy, then the attacks do not completely disappear with a change in body position, diet correction, and an increase in rest and sleep time. They can only change their intensity, but not disappear at all.

Chronic sores can also cause nausea., which worsened against the background of changes in the body. In particular, these are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Remedies for nausea during pregnancy

Severe or persistent nausea in pregnancy – when to see a doctor?

For any case of ailment, you need to contact your doctor.… After all, even a slight change in well-being can affect the health of the child – and you can’t joke with that.

See also: Stomach hurts during pregnancy – when to sound the alarm?

  1. Gastritis Is one of the main causes of nausea during pregnancy. So, not paying due attention to her nutrition before pregnancy, a woman spoils her stomach, which takes revenge on her during the restructuring of the body, which makes the pregnant woman constantly nauseous. The companions of gastritis are heartburn, heaviness, burning sensation and, of course, nausea.
  2. Gallbladder disease accompanied by nausea, a metallic bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, excessive flatulence, and pain in the right hypochondrium.
  3. Pancreatitis also characterized by nausea after eating, stomach boiling, bitterness in the mouth, and weight loss.
  4. Appendicitis accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and fever up to 38⁰С.
  5. Poisoning Is the classic cause of nausea and vomiting. It appears after eating low-quality products. It is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
  6. Kidney disease accompanied by problems with urination, fever, back pain. At the same time, nausea is variable in nature, sometimes chills and an increase in body temperature up to 40⁰С appear.
  7. Heart failure causes nausea, which always ends with vomiting. The patient loses his normal complexion and becomes greenish. He does not have enough air and periodically there is pain in the upper abdomen.

Remedies for nausea during pregnancy

Top tips and folk remedies for nausea in pregnant women

Long years of human history have identified the best folk remedies that help expectant mothers to get rid of a painful symptom.

  • It is recommended not to get out of bed abruptly in the morning., and before getting up, drink half a glass of water or milk in small sips.
  • Do not use perfumery… It provokes the appearance of nausea.
  • Follow a diet. Refusal from smoked, fried, salty, spicy foods will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby.
  • In addition, you need to exclude all harmful chips, soda, chocolate bars.
  • Effectively helps relieve nausea lemon juice
  • If the nausea is caused by some kind of chronic illness, then it should be treated immediately
  • Many pregnant on an empty stomach eat half a salty cracker or a few minutes after waking up, they keep a slice of lemon in their mouths, which saves them from morning toxicosis.
  • Snacks can help relieve nausea throughout the day. nuts and dried fruits, ginger tea and gingerbread cookies.
  • To reduce the symptoms of toxicosis, it is recommended walk a lot in the fresh air, at least 2 hours a day… And also regularly ventilate the room.
  • Frequent meals relieves of a painful ailment. It is optimal to have a snack 6 times a day.
  • Full rest, sleep for at least 8-9 hours a day is the prevention of the onset of toxicosis.
  • Positive attitude – also a medicine. A pregnant woman should drive away all bad feelings and emotions from herself, because from a bad mood, bouts of nausea are more frequent.
  • Mint tea helps to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis, so this drink should always be at hand with a pregnant woman.
  • Decoction of currant leaves, like tea, relieves attacks of nausea.
  • Drink at the first sign of nausea a teaspoon of strong tea leaves… This remedy will calm the stomach.
  • Do not go to bed immediately after eating… If you want to rest, then you can lie with your elbows on a high pillow.
  • Honey with lemon and ginger also helps to get rid of the manifestations of toxicosis.
  • Helps Relieve Nausea half a handful of walnuts, almonds, or pine seeds… And a simple sandwich of white bread and butter also helps many.

In many cases, even such an unpleasant symptom as nausea does not harm the baby, but only bothers the expectant mother, so you just need to go through this period – and enjoy life again.

The website warns: self-medication can harm your health! If you find alarming symptoms, you must definitely contact a specialist!

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