
How to dress your child on the street and at home – tips for parents

With the onset of cold weather, many mothers begin to think about how to dress the baby so as not to chill him and not overheat. Of course, the easiest way is to leave it in the warmth of your home during the cold weather – but, whatever one may say, you cannot do without walks. Therefore, we dress the baby correctly and are not afraid of cold weather.

See also: Winter injuries in children – first aid. How to protect your baby from injury in winter?
How to dress your child in winter at home and on the street

The content of the article:

How do you know if your child is hot or cold?

If the baby is at an age when it is impossible to get an intelligible answer from him to the question – “Son, are you cold?” (or there are doubts that the baby is dressed correctly), then we check it for a number of signs
How to dress your child in winter at home and on the street

You don’t have to worry if …

  • The child is comfortable and does not complain about anything.
  • His cheeks are rosy.
  • The back, palms, butt and nose with cheeks are cool (not cold!).

The child should be insulated if …

  • The nose is red and the cheeks are pale.
  • Hands (above the hand), bridge of the nose, legs and neck are cold.
  • The kid asks for warmth and complains that he is cold.

The child is too wrapped up if …

  • Back and neck warm and sweaty.
  • The face is warm at temperatures below -8 degrees.
  • The arms and legs are warm and damp.

Of course, you should not continue walking with a frozen child (or sweaty). If your feet are sweating, you need to change clothes dry and thin socksif frozen – put on an extra pair wool socks

See also: Body hypothermia – symptoms, first aid, prevention.

And remember – the formula “like yourself + one more piece of clothing” applies only to babies… Movable kids running on their own you need to dress lighter than yourself… It’s mothers who are freezing, watching children and looking at snowflakes. And “ten pots” come off the toddlers themselves, while they swing on all the swings, conquer all the slides, blind all the snow women and win the tournament on shoulder blades with their peers.

How to dress a child at home correctly – looking at a room thermometer

  • From 23 degrees. We put on the baby open shoes, thin underwear (cotton), socks and a T-shirt / shorts (or a dress).
  • 18-22 degrees. We put on closed sandals / shoes (light shoes), tights, cotton underwear, a knitted suit with long sleeves (dress).
  • 16-17 degrees. We put on a cotton set of underwear, tights and socks, light boots with a hard back, a knitted suit (long sleeve), on top of a jersey or wool jacket.

How to dress a child in a room in winter

How to dress a child outside according to the weather so that he does not get sick?

Dress code for the main temperature ranges:

  • From -5 to +5 degrees. We put on tights and a knitted jacket (long sleeve), cotton socks, overalls (synthetic winterizer), a warm hat and thin mittens, warm boots.
  • -5 to -10 degrees. We put on the same kit as in the previous paragraph. We supplement it with a cotton turtleneck and woolen socks.
  • -10 to -15 degrees. We change the overalls to a down one, certainly with a hood, which is pulled over a warm hat. We replace gloves with warm mittens, boots – with felt boots or warm boots.
  • -15 to -23 degrees. If there is an urgent need to go outside, we dress as in the previous paragraph. But in such weather it is recommended to stay at home.

How to dress your child outside in winter

What else do you need to remember about the correct “outfit” of your baby for a winter walk?

  • To avoid frostbite on the baby’s cheeks, lubricate them. fat cream before leaving.
  • Pick up your kid thermal underwear (wool + synthetics). In it, the child will not sweat or freeze even with active play.
  • If you are allergic to wool, it is better to refuse thermal underwear in favor of cotton (with a touch of synthetics) sweaters and turtlenecks. It is worth noting that 100% cotton absorbs moisture quickly and cools down just as quickly thereafter. Therefore, a little synthetics in the composition will not hurt.
  • Tight clothing interferes with normal blood circulation – thereby increasing the risk of hypothermia. Maximum heat output comes from the head, legs and arms. Accordingly, first of all, you should take care of warm hat, shoes, scarf and mittens
  • Running from the frost into the room, immediately remove unnecessary things from the baby, and then undress yourself. When going outside, dress your child after you, because otherwise, having sweated and overheated, he can quickly catch a cold on the street.
  • Choose windproof pants with a high belt and jackets that cover the ass.
  • The most common cause of hypothermia in the feet is tight shoes.… Choose boots for the weather, for the size, but not tight or too loose.

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