
How to get rid of the impending century – everything from folk remedies to surgery

Many girls are faced with such a problem as a drooping eyelid. Most believe that this problem is inherent only in women “aged”, however, for young girls, a drooping eyelid is a very unpleasant phenomenon, as it creates the effect of tired and painful eyes. So why does this problem arise and how can you deal with it?

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Causes of Looming Eyelids – When Do They Signal Disease?

If the reason for the impending eyelids lies in genetics, then we can safely say that it will be possible to get rid of this problem only with the help of an operation, however there may be other reasons:

  • Lack of sleep. The most commonplace and easily solvable problem. In the modern world, extra minutes of sleep is already happiness, and in fact they have a very strong effect on our body. Lack of sleep is the main reason for the hanging eyelids in young girls. Also, from lack of sleep, not only the drooping of the eyelids is manifested, but also the increase in bags under the eyes.
  • Dramatic weight loss. The face also has skin that pulls back when overweight. With a sharp weight loss, the skin sags a little, but this problem is solved by a set of simple home procedures and exercises.
  • Cheap and poorly chosen cosmetics. Yes, this can cause the eyelids to droop, as allergies can go to cosmetics that are not suitable for your skin type. You should also make sure that the care products consist mostly of natural ingredients. If you are not sure that this product will not be allergic, then it is best to test on your wrist first. In the absence of itching or redness, you can safely use cosmetics for the eyes.drooping eyelids
  • Allergy. Often the allergy is not to cosmetics, but to food. In this case, swollen eyelids are a completely normal reaction of the body to an allergen. Cleanse your body and start proper eye care.

To get rid of impending eyelids, we change our habits!

Often, the cause of the hanging eyelids is banal fatigue or non-observance of simple rules. So what habits should you acquire and which ones should you get rid of in order to remove a problem like a drooping eyelid?

  • Water is our friend. You should drink a glass of water every morning to get your body up and running. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated. Swelling often appears above and below the eyes. Edema can be both from lack of water, and from excess water, so also remember – you cannot drink 2 hours before bedtime, otherwise the whole face may “swell” in the morning, and not just the eyelids.
  • Say no to cosmetics. No, no, we are not asking you to abandon the use of cosmetics – just try to completely and thoroughly rinse it off before bed so that at night there is no unnecessary makeup on your face and especially your eyes that causes irritation. For the best cleanse, first use a make-up remover liquid or lotion, then wash your entire face with a facial cleanser to thoroughly cleanse the epidermis. Then apply a night cream all over your face and a special cream on your eyelids – then you can not be afraid that in the morning your face will be swollen and your eyelids will hang.
  • Rejection of bad habits. You should give up smoking and alcohol to be sure that the problem of impending eyelids is a problem of an unhealthy lifestyle. Often, the eyelids hang only from the fact that the girl does not monitor her health. And you just have to give up unhealthy fried food, which clogs blood vessels and prevents the proper circulation of fluid in the body, give up smoking and alcohol.
  • Dream. So, first you need to understand that after 3 hours of sleep, your face will clearly not be in perfect condition, so you can safely forget about the tightened and fresh skin of the eyelids. Learn to sleep more than 7 hours a day. The next step will be sleep conditions – the room should be ventilated an hour before bedtime, the pillow should be elastic enough so that your head is slightly higher than the rest of the body, otherwise in the morning, in addition to hanging eyelids, there will also be a sore neck.

See also: Loose eyelids? Let’s paint over!

Massage technique for the impending century

Massaging the eyelids will help eliminate the problem of drooping if it is caused by a loss of skin tone or a problem with blood circulation. So, how to properly perform a massage for overhanging eyelids?

  • Warm up the skin (a steam bath works best), but you can do it with a regular hot water wash.
  • Apply an eyelid cream to the skin around the eyes – this will help the fingers slide over the skin, and will not stretch the epidermis.
  • Massage with ring fingers only to reduce the risk of skin stretching.
  • Begin movements from the nose to the temple along the upper eyelid, and then backward movements along the lower. Repeat this movement for 3-5 minutes.
  • The massage is performed in the morning and in the evening and a wonderful result will be seen in a week.
  • If massage is combined with exercises, then the result will come very quickly.

Exercises for the impending century

Another great remedy for the impending century is exercise. The eyelid can be trained, like any muscles in our body, so if you combine exercises with massage, you can get rid of the hanging eyelids in a short time.

  • Warm up. First you need to stretch our muscles so as not to injure the skin and eyes. Just open your eyes wide and pat your eyelashes. Then roll your eyes in different directions. After these simple manipulations, you can proceed to the exercises themselves.
  • Exercise 1. Open your eyes as wide as possible and stay in this position for 4 counts. Then close your eyes and also count to 4 ex. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 2. Put your fingers on your eyebrows and, holding the muscles with them, begin to frown strongly and try to bring your eyebrows together. Make sure that a wrinkle does not start to form between the eyebrows. Repeat this exercise also 10-15 times.
  • Exercise 3. Pinch the eyebrow lightly from the bridge of the nose to the temple, while strongly tensing the muscles. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.

Folk remedies in the fight against overhanging upper eyelids in front of our eyes

Many people love homemade recipes, so for them we have specially prepared several folk remedies that have been popular with women for many years without losing their effectiveness.

  • Add half a cup of crushed parsley to one glass of water. Then heat this liquid, but do not bring it to a boil. Stir constantly. It is necessary to let the liquid brew. After the infusion has cooled, pour it into ice cube trays and refrigerate overnight. Now, every morning and every evening, wipe your eyelids with a parsley ice cube – this is one of the most effective remedies to combat an overhanging eyelid.
  • If you have a little parsley broth left, then you can make wonderful lotions from it. Just moisten cotton pads with infusion and apply them to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  • Another lotion recipe is based on sage. Put one tablespoon of dried sage in a glass of boiling water. It should be insisted for about 3-4 hours, after which divide the infusion into 2 equal parts. Put one part in the refrigerator, and, on the contrary, warm up the other. Next, take cotton pads and first soak them in a cold infusion, apply for 1-2 minutes, then warm – and also apply for 1-2 minutes. Repeat this contrast 5-6 times. This compress should be done before going to bed every day, and after a week you will see a noticeable result.

When is an operation for a hanging eyelid needed?

If the drooping eyelid is caused by a hernia or just a large amount of skin over the eye, then a procedure such as blepharoplasty will help solve this problem in one session. There are almost no complications after this procedure, so there is nothing to be afraid of. So, what is this procedure, and is it suitable for everyone?

  • Blepharoplasty is an effective way to remove overhanging eyelids. During the procedure, an extra piece of the eyelid is removed and sutures are applied so that no one around you later will notice any traces of the operation.
  • For some time there will be discomfort and outwardly the eyes will look worse for a while.
  • Blepharoplasty will also help get rid of fine expression lines that appear in older women.
  • It should also be remembered that in addition to the cosmetic effect, blepharoplasty also provides such an advantage as improving vision. The field of view is increased and you do not have to strain your eyes so much.
  • Contraindications: oncology, poor blood clotting, menstruation, skin diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic and infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, thyroid hyperfunction, increased intraocular pressure.

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