
The whole truth about Facebook building

Recently, the trend of natural rejuvenation is gaining momentum. Every day there are more and more coaches in facial gymnastics, face fitness, face building, yoga, anti-age experts. There are many of these terms characterizing the “new trend” in this area, but the essence is the same – our society has begun to strive for a harmonious, natural existence.

People began to think more and more about the future from a greener point of view. None of us wants to risk our health, youth, beauty. Women began to delve deeper into the field of natural rejuvenation, and there are already few who want to inject toxic injections, and even more so resort to plastic surgery.

Is Facebook building the killer of your youth?

This area is developing more and more every day, but there are pitfalls here that you just need to know about.

First of all, these are strength exercises. Almost all known techniques are based on them. Including the infamous Carol Maggio technique, which made her famous all over the world. The thing is that initially, experts associated the aging process with gravity. It was assumed that with age, our facial muscles sag under the influence of gravity, respectively, they need to be strengthened. This is the essence of Facebook strength training. In fact, many do not know the aging process, and what actually happens under the skin.

The theory of gravity was debunked by the French plastic surgeon, professor, president of the French Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons – Claude Le Loirnoux. So, the theory of “gravity” is a global misconception, but what then really makes the skin lose its original appearance?

Tension is the main enemy of our beauty. Claude’s research has forever dispelled the misconception that the face ages because the muscles are not stressed. Dr. Buteau of the Paris Institute of Radiology performed MRI scans of the muscle curves of four people of different ages. MRI has shown that muscles become straighter and shorter with age. Therefore, it is categorically impossible to “pump” the muscles of the face!

What is the main reason for aging?

How exactly does stress affect our appearance? Throughout life, we use facial expressions to express this or that emotion, and namely facial expressions are the cause of aging. The expression muscles usually run from the bone to the deepest layers of the skin. At rest, in young people, they are curved (they take this shape thanks to the adipose tissue lying under the muscles), when the muscle strains, it stretches, as if pushing out the fat layer.

With age, the volume of this fat becomes thinner, and in some places, on the contrary, increases. It’s all the fault, again, muscle contraction. With strength exercises, we tighten and tighten the muscles even more, contribute to the “sagging” of the skin!

What do you need to do in order to look younger? The surest way is to learn to relieve muscle tension with natural practices!

The Scary Truth About Face Building and 5 Essential Facial Exercises

“Vector of youth”

Oksana Lebed is a blogger, co-author of the unique “Vector of Youth” method, which includes many components.

Her methodology is based on a synergistic and differentiated approach to working with the muscular structures of the face, then dynamic and static exercises and manual techniques are added to shift muscle layers from the center to the periphery (the vector of old age and the vector of youth). In parallel, deep work is being done with posture and neck statics.

5 exercises from the “Vector of youth” method

These exercises will really help you get rid of age-related changes. Try it and you will see the result immediately!

Exercise 1

Impact area: muscle wrinkling the eyebrow.

Task: relax the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow and remove the interbrow hall.

Muscle function: pulls the eyebrows down and medially, forming longitudinal folds in the glabella region.

Description: With the index fingers of both hands in deep layers, we squeeze the tissue in the eyebrow area and crush it pointwise in place. We continue to do this movement from the area between the eyebrows to the middle of the eyebrow. Listen to your feelings. Pay special attention to areas where you feel soreness, tension and unevenness in the tissues. The number of times to perform is not limited. (See Photo 1)

exercise 1
Photo 1

Exercise 2

Impact area: occipital-frontal muscle.

Task: relax the frontal and arrogant muscles, remove horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, lift the upper eyelid.

Muscle functions: The occipital-frontal muscle, when the occipital abdomen contracts, pulls the tendon helmet and (scalp) back, when the frontal abdomen contracts, it raises the eyebrows, and forms transverse folds on the forehead.

Description: Place the tips of your index, middle and ring fingers on your forehead as shown in the photo. With circular dotted low-amplitude kneading movements, enter the deep layers of tissue and make a natural shift without pulling the skin to the side. Make this movement all over your forehead. The number of times to perform is not limited. (See Photo 2)

exercise 2
Photo 2

Exercise # 3

Impact area: circular muscle of the eyes.

Task: eliminate crow’s feet.

Muscle functions: The orbital part, by contracting, narrows the palpebral fissure, pulls the eyebrows down and smoothes the transverse folds on the forehead; the secular part closes the palpebral fissure, the lacrimal part expands the lacrimal sac.

Description: With the fingers of both hands, press the outer corner of the eye, positioning them on the upper and lower eyelids, as shown in the photo. Hold this position for a few seconds, then gently part the fabrics (about 1 mm). Close one eye with a little effort. You should feel the pull on your lower and upper eyelids. Repeat 5 to 20 times at a moderate pace. Then do the exercise on the other eye. (See Photo 3)

exercise 3
Photo 3

Exercise 4

Impact area: circular muscle of the mouth

Task: relax the muscle, increase the volume of the lips.

Muscle function: closes his mouth and pulls his lips forward.

Description: pinch your relaxed lips with your index fingers and thumbs, work on them with deep kneading and warming movements, first in one direction, then in the other. The number of times to perform is not limited. (See Photo 4)

Exercise 4
Photo 4

Exercise # 5

Impact area: the large and small zygomatic muscles and the muscle that lifts the upper lip.

Task: lift and move the tissue from the nose up and to the side.

Muscle functions: the large and small zygomatic muscles pull the corner of the mouth up and laterally. The muscle that lifts the upper lip, raises the upper lip, deepens the nasolabial fold.

Description: attach the edge of the index finger to the base of the nasolabial crease, as shown in the photo, and make a shift in the deep layers of tissue up and to the side. Repeat on the other side. The number of times is not limited. (See Photo 5)

exercise 5
Photo 5

Hope our exercises were helpful. Be beautiful and happy! Until next time.

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