
Traditions and signs of the New Year – how to attract happiness to the family

Family traditions and signs for the New YearOn New Year’s Eve, even the most non-superstitious people think about how to attract happiness in the coming year.

In addition to popular beliefs, you can come up with your own signs – the traditions of celebrating the New Year, fulfilling which, the family becomes more united, comfortable and successful next year.

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True signs for the New Year to attract good luck and happiness

Signs of the New Year, how to attract family happiness, or how to attract good luck and happiness in love:

  • Sleep on the night before January 1 is prophetic and characterizes the coming year.
  • To make the year happy don’t take out the trash before the new year
  • Visit elderly relatives or parents – a good omen for the New Year.
  • To maintain family unity, you need tie a rope around the legs of the New Year’s table
  • If celebrate the holiday in a new dressthen there will be a lot of new clothes throughout the year.
  • To live well, wear the best accessories and clothing
  • To leave problems and troubles behind – throw away old clothes and shoes outside the house.
  • The more varied the New Year’s table, the more chances of abundance in the coming year.
  • In order not to spend a whole year in need, you need to put money in your pocket
  • Under the chimes, you need to make your innermost desires for next year.
  • To leave sickness and trouble in the old year, you need to cover your shoulders with a shawl or scarf until 12 o’clock at night.
  • Hold a coin in your left fist under the chimes.… Then toss it into a glass of champagne and drink it to the bottom. This will bring money in the New Year. Can be drilled into a coin and attached to a bag or key ring.
  • With the chimes ringing, write down your cherished desire on a napkin, light it up, put in champagne and drink until midnight. Then all the forces of fate will contribute to the fulfillment of your desire.
  • To make the year happy have time to put peeled tangerine under the tree… Then the year will be fun and positive.
  • To be abundant you need to sprinkle the guests with grain or serve porridge.
  • The more you congratulate people, the more successful the year will be.
  • If December 31, after lunch, you meet a man, then in the coming year do not expect illnesses. If you are with a woman, you will often get sick.
  • Who sneezes on New Years, that will have a happy year. How many sneezes – so many women and fall in love.
  • Can’t help strangers with fire-related items
  • If there is a stove or fireplace in the house, make sure that the fire burned in them all day
  • After the holiday, the Christmas tree cannot be thrown out the window., otherwise there will be discord in the family. You need to take out the tree and stick it in the ground or snow.

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Family traditions of celebrating the New Year – how to bring happiness to the family?

By family tradition, you can understand values ​​and interests of several generations at once… Of course, over time, some traditions fade away, but others, no less valuable, come to replace

Usually family traditions are far from universal, so we interviewed different people to find out about them.

And here’s the list we got:

  • Tangerines and Olivier.
  • Carnival.
  • Full guest house.
  • Baking a Napoleon cake while watching the films “The Sorcerers” or “The Irony of Fate”.
  • Fun games with children before the chimes. Then walk to the nearest Christmas tree, where you can set off fireworks, have a round dance, drink champagne. And then – visit!
  • Watching New Year’s Soviet comedies while decorating the Christmas tree.
  • Cooking a “delicacy” – cabbage soup, because we don’t do it all year round.
  • Baking pancakes with red caviar for January 1st.
  • Purchase of balls for each member of the family and a solemn decoration of the Christmas tree by each member of the family.
  • Sledding on New Year’s Eve.
  • Daytime sleep to be fresh and rested on New Year’s Eve.
  • We celebrate the New Year in the sauna.
  • Decorating a Christmas tree in the park.
  • Time for New Year’s kisses. You need to turn off the lights for 3 minutes so that people have time to kiss before the New Year.
  • We open the door 5 minutes before 12 at night to let in the New Year.

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Family traditions and signs for the New Year
Think about it what are the traditions in your familywhat makes it a unique oasis for all relatives? What funny omens were passed on to you from your great-grandmothers? What exactly can you come up with?

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Perhaps it is your tradition that will be passed down from generation to generation, and your great-great-grandchildren will listen with interest to the story of your New Year’s invention. Tell us about your family’s New Year traditions!

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