
What to do with apathy, how to overcome

What to do with apathy, how to overcome it - apathy test and diet to fight depressionWhat to do with apathy, how to define this condition and get rid of depression, fatigue and laziness? Scientists have stated that certain food products help to more effectively overcome the negative effects of stress, reduce neuroses, emotional exhaustion and psychological crises.

The content of the article:

  1. Test instructions
  2. Apathy test
  3. Diet based on test results

Test instructions

The test will help everyone to more specifically establish what foods to supplement their daily diet in order to protect themselves from apathy, depression and stress.

  • You must choose one answer for each question.
  • Then count how many answers you have A, B or WITH… The largest number of identical letters will indicate the diet that suits you.
  • You will find a description of the diets after the 16th question.

What to do with apathy, how to deal - a diet against apathy and depression

Apathy test

1. By listening to your inner voice and following your intuition, can you avoid stressful situations?

A. Yes, they are my main assistants.
Q. It depends on the circumstances.
C. Intuition can do little.

2. Loud conversations occur in your presence, loud music sounds. What is your action?

A. Calmly but decisively prevent this noise.
C. Be patient without trying to immediately prevent noise.
C. Noise will cause severe nervousness.

3. You have guessed that a stressful situation is inevitable. What is your next action?

A. You will do your best to minimize the expected negative consequences.
B. Listen to the forecast and draw the necessary conclusions, try not to be in the center of the conflict.
S. If you think that what should happen, that will not be avoided.

4. Frustration, resentment, tears, emotional imbalances caused by stress haunt you. Your action?

A. You will believe that only patience and self-control will help to overcome all denials.
C. Use all the means known and available to you to get rid of the effects of stress.
S. You will assume that only time will put everything in its place again.

5. It is possible to get rid of the effects of stress through the mediation of occult services. Your action?

A. Be sure to use it because you are confident in the effectiveness of occult services.
B. You will try. Or maybe it really helps.
C. Refuse.

6. After just experiencing a stressful situation, you need to make an important decision. Your action?

A. Regardless of the circumstances, willpower prevails.
Q. Mistakes will be made, but the effects of stress can still be overcome.
C. Postpone the decision until later.

7. The initiator of constant stress and nervousness is a loved one. Your action?

A. Accept fate.
C. Using the power of magic, try to prevent neurosis in yourself and this person.
S. You will begin to take revenge on him.

8. Under the influence of an outburst of anger, you have become the cause of the excitement of others. Your action?

A. You are aware of your guilt and will be very worried.
Q. Under no circumstances would you allow this situation to happen at all.
C. Don’t pay any attention to it.

9. You are offered to purchase a talisman that protects you from stressful situations. Your action?

A. You will buy and use it regularly.
B. Buy, but will use if necessary, or in conjunction with other magical rituals.
S. You don’t believe in talismans.

10. You suffer from severe nervousness for which there is no real basis. Your action?

A. Try to calm yourself down.
C. You will assume that someone has jinxed you, and you will do everything to free yourself from the evil eye or curse.
C. You will seek help.

11. Can your own failures trigger stress?

A. Stress is caused by our emotions.
C. You will persistently move towards the goal, believing that the goal must be attained at any cost.
C. Put your hands down in powerlessness.

12. Do you agree that dreams can warn of a stressful situation with serious consequences?

A. Yes, dreams are prophetic.
C. One must be able to interpret dreams; they should be taken as a warning or instruction.
S. You don’t believe in dreams.

13. In everyday life, are others able to stress you?

A. Only mild nervousness, but not stress.
C. The point of view of others is indifferent to you, you rely only on your own strength.
C. Yes, because the point of view of others plays an important role.

14. Are you often nervous, agitated, or stressed?

And sometimes.
Q. At times, yes.
C. Quite often.

15. Those closest to you suspect that you are close to stress and warn you. What is your reaction?

A. Their premonitions are not wrong and must be borne in mind.
Q. You cannot blindly believe. I have to make sure myself.
S. Listen – and nothing more.

16. A stressful situation was created by your negligence, thoughtless situation, mistake. Your attitude?

A. It is difficult to comprehend how it happened.
Q. This will be a good lesson for the future.
C. You will calm yourself with the thought that this will not happen again.

What is apathy and how to deal with it

Test Results – Diet Correction Options to Effectively Fight Apathy

The dominant answer is option “A”

This means that you are an amazingly lucky person, if you were not hampered by unreasonable self-confidence in your strength and passivity.

Your main task is to eliminate the loss of emotional balance, and listen to your intuition more. You need to be attentive to everything around you – and as careful as possible in making decisions.

In the menu, you must include products:

  • 100 g of fried liver in the morning and 100 g of boiled heart for lunch 3 times a week will help balance emotions.
  • 1/2 kg of bananas every day will improve your ability to react sharply to everything that happens around you and make the right decision.
  • 150 – 290 g of boiled fish every day contributes to an even division of forces and the restoration of energy balance.
  • 1/2 cup of warm milk at bedtime will reduce emotional stress and prevent insomnia.
  • 200 g of cooked rice with butter every day will sharpen the foreboding.

The dominant answer is option “B”

This indicates that your wisdom and intelligence helps you overcome adverse conditions, misunderstandings, nervousness, and stress. You have found a middle ground that allows you to avoid unnecessary worries.

To keep what you have, you need to be more attentive in your contacts with others – and not so open in talking about your achievements and joys.

Include the following foods on your menu:

  • A cup of black tea with lemon in the morning and strawberry jam in the afternoon will help you get rid of fatigue.
  • 1/2 cup of rosehip decoction in the evening will prevent fatigue the next day.
  • 200g of boiled potatoes with butter or olive oil will help to overcome anxiety.
  • 1/2 cup of carrot juice 4 times a week will prevent incontinence and sharpen your intuition.
  • 200 g of grapes or 50-70 g of raisins 5 times a week will help support the immune system.
  • 100-150 g of yogurt with peach or apricot pieces will sharpen your intuition and allow you to anticipate possible danger.
  • 200 g of eggplant stewed in vegetable oil will increase the overall tone of the body.
  • 5-7 olives and 1 orange, as well as 50 g of salted fish every other day will help to quickly reduce the negative reaction to external influences.

The dominant answer is option “C”

Indicates that you will be a victim of various unforeseen circumstances for so long until you free yourself from indifference and inertia, which inevitably lead to wrong decisions, rash actions and subsequent stress.

In this case, you can find a way out if you react to everything that happens in time and correctly. You need to listen to your intuition more often.

Products to be included in the menu:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese and one soft-boiled egg every day will help to revitalize and concentrate.
  • A salad of 1 paprika, 50 g of parsley and sour cream every day will sharpen your intuition and free you from self-doubt.
  • 150 g of stewed beef liver 4 times a week and 80 g of fresh or frozen black currant will help reduce inertia and develop willpower.
  • Food made from boiled or salted mushrooms helps to develop intuition and foreboding.
  • 200 g of boiled buckwheat with butter every day will help stabilize the energy potential.
  • 20-30 g of pine nuts and one kiwi every day will strengthen logical thinking in pre-stress situations.
  • 2 green (by color) apples every day will relieve emotional discomfort.

Apathy test and diet based on results

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