
Which whitening toothpaste is better – choose a whitening toothpaste

Today, dentists advise using toothpaste to lighten teeth. Which one is right for you, only a specialist can tell. Whitening agents are divided into several types; they contain abrasive elements and enzymes that polish the enamel. With the help of such pastes, teeth whitening in several tones can be achieved. Let’s take a look at whether whitening products are helpful and how to use them correctly.

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How Whitening Toothpaste Works – Pros and Cons of Tooth Whitening Pastes

Today you can buy a lot of teeth whitening products – gels, mouth guards, plates, etc. But the most common and least troublesome remedy is ordinary toothpaste – you just need to apply it to the brush and brush your teeth. Of course, many people forget that only a dentist can choose the necessary paste that would suit you with a 100% guarantee. This is where the advantages and disadvantages of whitening pastes follow. We ourselves, without knowing it, use means that do not suit us and harm us.

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Pros of tooth whitening pastes:

  • A safe method, carried out without mechanical intervention.
  • Less costly. A tube of toothpaste costs around 100-150 rubles, and a whitening procedure in a beauty parlor is about 5-10 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of Whitening Toothpastes:

  • An ineffective method that can be carried out for no more than 1 month.
  • Micropores begin to form in the enamel, which leads to tooth decay.
  • Sensitivity increases, especially to cold or hot food.
  • The possibility of getting burns to the oral cavity.
  • The gums and tongue may become inflamed.
  • You may experience dental pain that does not go away within a few days.
  • Discoloration of the filling material.
  • Pastes do not remove plaque that has formed on the teeth due to the use of coffee or nicotine.


Contraindications to the whitening procedure and the use of such pastes:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Those with thin or damaged tooth enamel. If there are chips or cracks.
  • People who are allergic to bleach or abrasives.
  • Minor children.
  • Suffering from periodontal disease.

Read Also: 10 Best Home Teeth Whitening Recipes – How To Whiten Teeth At Home?

Types of whitening toothpastes – rules for using tooth whitening pastes

Whitening agents work differently on tooth enamel.

By appointment, doctors distinguish the following types of pastes:

  • Pastes that neutralize the surface pigments formed on the enamel.

The products contain less active polishing agents, as well as enzymes that can destroy not only plaque, but also tartar. These include: papain, bromelain, polydone, pyrophosphates. These bleaching agents gently remove pigment and dye.

These pastes should be used constantly. They won’t do any harm. However, they are prohibited for children, pregnant or lactating. They are also not suitable for those with sore gums or high sensitivity of the teeth. In general, it is recommended to use them for those who smoke, but do not have all of the above signs.

Toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash

  • Pastes that act on tooth enamel with active oxygen.

These brightening pastes contain components that decompose in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva and form an essential element – active oxygen. He, in turn, is able to penetrate deeply into all cracks, depressions and lighten hard-to-reach teeth. Active oxygen pastes are more effective. You will notice their effect much faster than using the previous paste.

Note that whitening paste based on the active substance – karmide peroxide, should not be used by those who have chips or large cracks. The tool acts deeply and quickly, so it can destroy bad teeth. Treat them first so that there are no problems. It is forbidden to brush your teeth with such a paste for pregnant women, lactating women and minor children.

  • Pastes that neutralize pigment plaque by means of increased abrasiveness of the components

Such products will quickly clean the surface of the teeth, change the color of the enamel by several tones and even change the shade of the fillings. But despite the efficiency, there are many disadvantages. For example, they are contraindicated for those with thin enamel, and pathological abrasion is also noted. In addition, if the teeth are very sensitive, then it is prohibited to use such pastes. It is better to brush your teeth with this paste 1-2 times a week.

6 of the best whitening pastes – popular rating of tooth whitening pastes

According to the advice of dentists and customer reviews, there are 6 best tooth whitening pastes:

  • Line of pastes LACALUT

Perhaps the funds of this company can be put on the first line of the national rating. These pastes brighten and strengthen the enamel, so everyone can use them.


They contain abrasives, cleaning and polishing enamel, pyrophosphates, which prevent the formation of dental plaque, and sodium fluoride. It strengthens the teeth, restores their mineral composition and prevents the development of caries.

  • Paste of the SPLAT company “Whitening plus”

This tool cleans and polishes teeth using abrasive substances. It contains elements capable of destroying pigment structure and deposits such as tartar.


In addition, sodium fluoride, which is part of the composition, has a strengthening effect, and the potassium salt normalizes sensitivity.

  • ROCS line of pastes


Note that the products do not consist of fluorine, but with the help of another substance – calcium glycerophosphate – strengthen the enamel and saturate it with minerals. The paste contains bromelain – a substance that removes pigment and bacterial plaque.

  • Pasta of the PRESIDENT company “Whitening”


Differs in herbal ingredients. Thanks to Icelandic moss and silicon extract, the product quickly and calmly removes plaque, while polishing the enamel. And the fluoride components strengthen it and reduce the sensitivity of the teeth.

  • Silka paste called “ArcticWhite”

Designed for those who have strong pigmentation on their teeth. The product contains strong abrasives and pyrophosphates that dissolve plaque and deposits.


Also in the paste there are fluoride components that restore the sensitivity of the teeth and saturate them with minerals.

  • Colgate whitening product


The paste is the simplest and most effective. Of course, it contains abrasive and polishing agents.

And there is also sodium fluoride, which mineralizes and strengthens the enamel. The agent noticeably reduces sensitivity.

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