
who is she, great and lonely …

Liza MinnelliA world star named Liza Minnelli has long passed that distant age line when no one dares to ask: “How old are you?”

And, even if the stubborn time, like a stern sculptor, did not pass by the appearance of the actress, but her forever young, mischievous and huge black eyes remained exactly the same as they were several decades ago, when she was only eighteen.

How did the actress manage to live several at once in one life? How did she manage, loving so many men – not to love one? Where did such a phenomenon as Liza Minnelli come from? Why, after so many years, is it impossible to talk about her with indifference, indifference and with a cold heart?

Video: Liza Minnelli with the song “New York, New York”

Sugar childhood with a flavor of pepper

Any child would dream of such a childhood as the girl Lisa had. Just imagine: rich and famous parents; a huge house with a servant, a lot of money and useful friendships with famous people – from politicians to athletes. And this is no coincidence, because Lisa’s mother was a popular Hollywood actress and singer, who starred in a dozen grossing films, Judy Garland; and the father – the famous and sought-after director Vincent Minnelli.

With such unlimited possibilities, the most brilliant future was opened before the girl Lisa, about which any other child from an ordinary family could only dream. It seemed that all the blessings of the world lay before Lisa at arm’s length: just reach out – and take it!

But, as you know, life is such an artist who does not like to paint everything white. Therefore, as if realizing that the white streak in the life of the girl Lisa was too long, life decided to add more blackness to it.

Liza Minelli with her parents

It happens! In 1952, the marriage union of two Hollywood stars, Lisa’s parents, shattered to smithereens, scattering into small pieces. As soon as the father left them with their mother for a new young passion, Judy Garland, as if she had broken loose from the chain, her mother went all out. Long binges began, drug withdrawals – and, as a result, an endless string of unfamiliar men. Lisa, as a child, was forced to live in this alcohol and drug hell, with no hope of salvation.

Often, when Judy was thrown by another man, she got drunk – and all night, not allowing the girl to close her eyes, spewed curses and curses at her.

Liza Minelli with her mother

It seems absolutely impossible, but, despite the constant stay in alcoholic intoxication, Judy managed to remarry one of her many lovers, and even give birth to one after one two children. The babies were born prematurely, sick and absolutely unnecessary for their eternally drunk mother. Therefore, all the worries about them fell on the shoulders of Lisa’s children.

Such a life! Objectively speaking, Lisa had not two sick children in her arms, but three: Judy, degrading almost before our eyes, demanded increased attention to herself. Much more attention than little brother and sister.

Mother every day was looking for a reason to commit suicide. But, more often than not, she specially feigned suicide attempts in order to attract the increased attention of her daughter.

Lisa was constantly crying and very deeply worried about everything that happened in the house. But with each passing day, living next to my mother became more and more unbearable. Therefore, as soon as the girl had such an opportunity, she left home forever.

Fate without the right to change

As the daughter of famous Hollywood stars, actress and director, Lisa first appeared in front of a movie camera at the age of three. Then, while still a baby, she starred with her mother in the movie “Good Old Summer”, where Judy had the main role.

It is interesting! Starting from the age of five, Lisa, at the suggestion of her father, began to seriously engage in tap dance: she was given lessons by the master of tap, the great Fred Astor. And starting from the age of seven, Lisa performed with might and main everything that she learned from Astor – but already on the stage of the theater in New York. At thirteen years old, the girl took part in the program together with the unsurpassed Gene Kelly.

At the age of fifteen, Minnelli decides to go to New York to enter an acting school.
It was a very difficult time for Lisa: a time of struggle for her place in the sun, and a time of long travels. In order to somehow feed herself and survive, the girl agreed to any job: from a fashion model to a statistician.

Joint performance with mother

Simultaneously with the struggle for a piece of bread, she begins to try her creative powers as an actress and singer.

It happens! At the age of seventeen, Lisa performed in a duet with her mother Judy at her concert in London’s Palladium Hall. By that time, Liza’s mother takes up her mind and quits drugs. The relationship between Judy and Lisa grows much warmer. But after a joint performance, the mother feels in her daughter’s face as her direct rival in the struggle for audience success – and the woman again alienates her daughter from herself.

1965 was a special milestone in the life of Liza Minnelli. This year, she was able to shine on Broadway, in the then famous American musical under the intriguing title “Flora – the Red Menace”. For her role in this musical production, the young actress received her first prestigious Tony Award.

But a real tsunami of fame and audience love hit Liza Minnelli after her brilliant participation in the musical “Cabaret”: she received eight nominations for the music award of the year out of eleven possible.

Up a short staircase to heaven

Liza Minnelli was first nominated for a major cinematic statuette in 1971 – after starring in the movie “The Fruitless Cuckoo.” That year, “Oscar” showed cunning, and decided to go into other hands.


But Lisa still achieved what she so desired: already in 1973 she received her long-awaited Oscar for the world-famous role of a singer named Sally Bowles, in the film version of the musical Cabaret.


It happens! It must be admitted that, after the brilliantly performed role in “Cabaret”, all of Lisa’s other film works could not bring her the same fame. Except for Minnelli’s iconic film New York, New York directed by Martin Scorsese. Thanks to the filming of this picture, three new songs appeared in Minnelli’s repertoire.

Mother and daughter: mirroring each other

Many of Minnelli’s inner circle told her that she and her mother are incredibly similar to each other. Lisa was always very upset when, during her first independent steps on stage, music critics wrote that Lisa’s performing style clearly traced the musical style of her famous mother Judy Garland.

It was just like that! Lisa was outraged by the constant comparisons with her mother. In addition, the daughter was extremely afraid of at least in some way repeating her female fate.

Liza Minnelli was able to win only a one-sided “victory” over her mother: she overcame, forever throwing off from herself, the hated label “Daughter of Judy” – but she could not do this in her personal life.

Many today say that, in terms of the hopelessness of her personal life and female fate, Lisa has in many ways surpassed her eccentric mother.

Only the dumb and lazy did not talk about her stormy numerous novels. Journalists have come up with such an unflattering definition for the actress as “sexy machine”. At the same time, the spiteful critics could not understand only one thing: how a woman, very far from the generally recognized standards of beauty, managed to have so many young lovers and so often take good family men away from families.

There are never too many weddings

For the first time, Liza Minnelli got married with the blessing of her mother Judy. She sincerely wanted her restless daughter to settle down and finally gain the official status of a wife and mother of the family, so she decided to introduce Lisa to her protégé, vocalist and actor Peter Allen.

Liza Minnelli with Peter Allen and parents

The first time after the wedding, everything was perfect, until one of the “kind” people told the newlywed that between her new husband and mother Judy, a completely unrelated relationship was established, far from the generally accepted relationship of mother-in-law and son-in-law. Judy and Peter for a long time, long before Lisa’s wedding, were lovers – as, indeed, they have remained. This information plunged Minnelli into shock and depression, from which she began to look for alcohol and the constant change of men.

In the summer of 1975, Lisa divorced her husband’s marriage – and literally immediately marries film producer Jack Haley.

Liza Minnelli Jack Haley

But the presence of the status of a wife did not help her to settle down: Minnelli, even being married, continued to literally openly make connections on the side. Often the situation reached the point of complete absurdity, when another lover began to sort out personal relationships right in front of her astonished husband.

The bleak family picture was complemented by constant alcohol and drugs. Tired of tolerating such an attitude, Hailey parted ways with her restless wife forever. After he left, Minnelli developed serious health problems that led her to a drug treatment clinic.

After completing the entire course of treatment, Lisa decided to start everything from scratch, completely revising her whole life. But, unfortunately, all the promises turned out to be just empty words.

On November 5, 1980, the actress remarried. This time the sculptor Mark Gero becomes her chosen one.

Liza Minnelli Mark Gero

Mark was an incredibly positive, kind and reasonable man in every sense, so he was able to perfectly complement such a “fiery” woman like Liza Minnelli. But even an ideal husband like Hero once ran out of patience and forgiveness. Having been married for a record twelve years for Minnelli, the couple divorced in 1992.

The next husband of the loving Minnelli was producer and pop promoter David Guest. Their wedding, reminiscent of the Grammy ceremony, has long been remembered in the Hollywood Hills. Movie and music stars gathered in the luxurious lobby of the Regent Hotel. The cost of the event was more than $ 4,000,000.

Lisa and David publicly confessed to each other their eternal love and vowed to take up two children from the orphanage: a boy and a girl. Having said words of love and loyalty in front of hundreds of eminent guests, they parted four months after the wedding.

Liza Minnelli David Guest

It happens! The divorce was very loud and very dirty. David Guest has filed charges of domestic violence and constant assault on his wife. The young husband, doing this, dreamed of only one thing: to take half of her fortune from Lisa. But he did not manage to complete his plan: the judge sided with the actress.

After a difficult breakup with another spouse, the woman did exactly the same as her mother Judy once did: she again “dived” headlong into alcohol and drugs. As a result, I found myself once again within the walls of a clinic for the treatment of addictions.

Even after undergoing a course of rehabilitation, the actress was never able to completely overcome the irresistible craving for drugs and alcohol.


Liza Minnelli is now over seventy. She lives in luxury, and in constant struggle with herself. She practically has no close friends and relatives: there is no one who would sincerely love her, without interest in her name and money. She does charity work and reads the Bible before bed.

Liza Minnelli today

Looking at the fate of such a talented and charismatic actress like Liza Minnelli, you begin to understand clearly: how much she did not do, because she did not have time. She could play in more than one brilliant film, sing more than one beautiful song and give birth to more than one happy child.

But the great Lisa simply did not have free time for this in a series of unbridled fun, empty searches for love and self-deception.

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