
7 original do-it-yourself valentines for Valentine’s Day

DIY valentineDespite the pragmatism of the modern world around us, we, for the most part, still remain romantics. And February 14 invariably awakens in us warm feelings and desire – to remind our loved one that she (he) is still the closest person in the world. And let someone wrinkle their nose or giggle sarcastically, but Valentines from year to year fly through the cities and villages.

This time we will not buy them, but we will make them with our own hands, putting a piece of our soul into this little pleasant surprise.

Your attention – 7 original ideas for creating Valentine cards

  • Book-heart. The number of pages depends only on the desire. We make a stencil of the heart from thin colored cardboard (preferably white, with embossing), cut out the rest of the “pages” along it and fasten the book with a stapler. Or we sew the middle with thick threads, leaving the tail outside (you can also attach a small heart to it). On the pages we place wishes for a loved one, photos of life together, confessions and just warm sincere words.

  • Soap Valentine. An unusual method to remind you of your feelings is a fragrant, romantic and very useful DIY gift. What you need: a base for soap (about 150 g), 1 tsp of butter (for example, cocoa or almond, you can also olive), a little essential oil (for aromatization, smell – at your discretion), food coloring (various colors) , the shape is in the form of a “heart”. We rub part of the base on a grater, put it in a water bath and heat it to a liquid consistency over low heat. Next, we combine the liquid mass with essential oil (2 drops), dye (on the tip of a knife), with cocoa butter (2 drops). Remove from heat, pour into a mold and make the next layer. At the very end, we put a couple of coffee grains on the upper uncured layer. When creating soap, you can add ground coffee or cinnamon to the mass. Note: do not forget to grease the mold with oil so that you can easily remove the soap from it later.
  • Heart wreath. The base is a sheet of white thin cardboard (30-40 cm in diameter). The task is to paste over it with hearts to create a voluminous wreath. We choose pastel colors – the most delicate, pink, white, light green. Or for contrast – white with red, burgundy. The size of the hearts is different for texture and volume.

heart valentine

  • Garland of hearts. The recipe is simple. To begin with, we prepare the hearts themselves – of different textures, sizes, colors. And we string them on threads. You can vertically (arrange, for example, a doorway) or horizontally (above the bed, under the ceiling, on the wall). Or you can make it even more original and attach the hearts on colored horizontal strings with small clothespins. Between Valentines, you can hang photos from life together, wishes for your half, cinema tickets (on a plane – on a trip, etc.).
  • Valentine’s card with photos. More precisely, one large Valentine’s Day mosaic in a frame. Such a surprise will be a great gift for a loved one (loved one), and it can be easily used as an element of the interior. We create a “pixel” heart inside the frame with the help of tiny joint photographs, after printing them on a printer and gluing them in the shape of a heart onto white embossed cardboard.

valentine with photo

  • Flowers-hearts from chupa-chups. Or Valentine’s cards for those with a sweet tooth. Cut out the petal hearts from white and pink paper and fix them instead of a pin with chupa chups (we make a hole with a hole punch). You can write congratulations, confessions and wishes on the petals. Or express feelings “alphabetically” on each petal – A-ambitious, B-disinterested, B-faithful, I-ideal, F-desired, L-beloved, M-courageous, etc.
  • Valentine’s cards with sweets. There should be a lot of such Valentines. We prepare in Photoshop templates of hearts with wishes (different colors), print, cut out. Next, we fasten the hearts with a stapler along the edge, leaving a small hole. Pour M & M’s sweets through it, and then “sew up” the hole with a stapler. If you don’t have a stapler, you can use a sewing machine or even sew the heart by hand with bright thread. The main thing is to choose strong paper. Most suitable for printing photographs.

Read also: 10 best gifts for Valentine’s Day for your girlfriend

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