
Interview with age + model Anna Gunko about the aesthetics of age

Anna Gunko is a beautiful age + model with incredible energy and charisma. Now Anna is studying at the US International Agency (New York), a participant in photo shoots in Paris and Dubai.

We talked with Anna about the aesthetics of age: how a woman can carry herself in society, how to feel, look and how to enjoy her maturity.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: Anna, in your opinion, why is age-related photo modeling actively gaining popularity today? What prospects do you see in this area?

Anna: I think that the reasons are that the average life expectancy in the world has increased and women have the opportunity to look good at any age, lead an active lifestyle and an active social life.

In addition, the consumer has a demand for realistic content. And brands are responding to their desires. Now you can see models with different physiques, skin colors and characteristics. At the same time, appearance and age have ceased to be a reason for embarrassment, complexes and the inability to enjoy life.

Colady: What is the main mission of age-related photo modeling?

Anna: For women of elegant age, it allows them to give confidence, break stereotypes about age and attitudes towards him.

Unfortunately, over the years, a stereotype of a woman has developed in society, who, after reaching a certain age, turns into a grandmother in a headscarf and in a chintz robe. All she does is bake pancakes and knit socks. At the same time, there are a lot of young people around with dull eyes, haggard, and drooping shoulders.

Photo modeling will help dispel myths about the modeling business, help reveal the best feminine qualities, as well as change women both externally and internally, gain self-confidence, love and self-acceptance, and relieve complexes.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: What is your personal goal and mission?

Anna: The elegant age + has its own mature beauty, charm and charm. My goal is to reveal my creative potential, to show the true beauty of age. This is my way of self-discovery and self-expression.

Colady: You have a very inspiring story. They say that courage, activity and freedom are the attributes of youth. But you were able to change your destiny and, having finished your career as a civil servant, continued it within the framework of photo modeling. Tell us about this path: what prompted you to change, helped fight your fears, did you support you?

Anna: The history of my photo modeling began with children’s photo shoots, when my daughter studied at the ROSMODEL modeling agency during her school years. I liked trying on various looks for her, choosing clothes and accessories.

I also liked working with a creative team, taking part in its photo sessions. With age, my daughter did not want to continue this activity. But I developed an interest in photo modeling.

At the same time, my brain told me: “You can’t do this. You missed your opportunity and your train left. Now you are a wife, a mother of two children, a worker, and you no longer have free time “

So it was lost for several more years. But the soul asked for something else. And so in 2021, in my anniversary year, I allowed myself to change and become what I want. There was an opportunity to study at the school of models of an international modeling agency.

There is still a long period of study ahead, work on a creative diploma project and the implementation of an action plan, which will help in the future to gain the experience of a professional photo model. And, of course, it is inspiring that my whole family and my friends support me in my new direction!

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: Let’s talk about the aesthetics of age. In your opinion, does it exist and how is it manifested?

Anna: “We enter different ages of our life, like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.” – so the French writer F. La Rochefoucauld once said in his “Memoirs”.

And he is really right. Each age has its own characteristics, which we gradually study and try to understand.

I would like to add that there is an old garden and there is a new garden, but the difference is whether it is well-groomed or not.

And here the topic is already touched upon, how to look fresh and young at the age of 40, but not “look young” and avoid bad manners in style.

Sometimes women over 55 years old look the same age as their children. And at the same time they do not live a full life, but are simply “fixated” on their appearance.

At an elegant age, not only female attractiveness is already important, but also some kind of “content” when we see an adult lady not only beautiful, but wise. And this does not mean that a woman should look “clever” and boringly dressed.

At the same time, a lady of elegant age should also not look stupid, frivolous, ridiculous, tasteless, frank and “flashy”.

A well-designed wardrobe is the key to impeccable style that will help women look young and attractive. And best of all, when the lady’s style emphasizes her strengths.

Women of elegant age have an additional responsibility to maintain dignity, which is reflected both in appearance and in demeanor and self-presentation.

Here we are already talking about self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect. Since, where there is self-respect, a feeling of fear does not arise, in which women cling to the approval of others, beg for it, but rely on themselves. There are women who are not afraid to look their age, they are not ashamed of their wrinkles, because behind them lies a variety of experienced emotions.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: From your experience, what gifts does a woman acquire by the age of 40 and 50?

Anna: At a certain age, you no longer need to prove anything to others, including by your appearance. Her look, gestures, achievements and worldview will tell much more about a woman.

In addition, over the years, a woman gains strength, experience, wisdom, self-sufficiency, as well as a developed taste and a sense of her own sexuality. She can enjoy her maturity and fellowship with the people she chooses.

Colady: What can you tell women who are afraid of getting old?

Anna: I wish women to love, accept their age and not be afraid of it.

Colady: Today, thankfully, we can enjoy the aesthetics of the age of many models. For example, Iris Apfel or Paulina Porizkova. Which older models inspire you especially?

Anna: From Russian – Valentina Yasen.

From foreign – May Mask,

These women are not afraid to look their age, they are not shy about wrinkles and are not obsessed with their appearance. They do what they love, communicate, while demonstrating that, in fact, every age can be incredible if you treat life with a positive attitude, perceive every new day as a gift of fate.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: Photos convey your strong energy and cheerfulness. Tell us what helps you stay in a good mood, not lose heart and not lose interest in life?

Anna: I always liked to feel beautiful, I liked to take care of myself. And as I said earlier, I think the main thing is a positive outlook on life, the ability to see the good in everything, the ability to seek positive meaning and worry less, because our emotions are reflected in our appearance.

Colady: You are a very beautiful young woman. Many readers would like to know how you maintain your beauty?

Anna: I have a big family, two children, two grandchildren, and I work full time. But I regularly visit a beautician, I adhere to a salon care plan that we develop together with a beautician for a long period, I really love massage.

There is no junk food in my diet, since 2013 I have not eaten meat. I also have sports in my life. In addition, I deliberately try to avoid negativity, I do not watch TV, in my free time I listen to useful and interesting information, including information on self-development.

Colady: Do you think every woman can become a fashion model? What does it take to get into a modeling agency when you are for “…”?

Anna: Photo modeling occupies its honorable niche, as it has no restrictions on height, age, but offers a variety of shooting options.

Women of different ages come to photo modeling, and at 45, 62, 74 years. Photo modeling does not reflect the true proportions of the body, so any woman can develop in it.

There are different areas of photo modeling and women should choose in which of them they can feel their uniqueness and develop. For example, there are areas such as:

  • Beauty is shooting for cosmetic companies, salons, jewelry brands;
  • Commercial is photography for catalogs, online stores, brochures and posters;
  • Fashion is shooting advertising of clothes, jewelry, accessories;
  • Image is shooting a photo model in a magazine and others.

When a woman has a strong confidence in her desire to become a model, then she should choose the right model school, and only after that a model agency.

In model schools, they teach the structure of the modeling business, the basics of the profession, explain what a fashion model should be able to do, talk about the trends of the current period. They will also teach the main skill of a photo model – photographing.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

Colady: Surely being a member of a modeling agency is your dream, not just your goal. What dream will you strive for next when this one comes true?

Anna: I would like to first point out that jewelry is an integral part of female beauty. It is difficult to find a woman who does not have a single piece of jewelry, and who is not interested in them.

Each woman’s jewelry preferences are different, but each woman, putting on her jewelry, seeks to emphasize her individuality, elegance, tenderness and beauty.

I have always been attracted by the beauty of stones and jewelry, especially if they are pieces of jewelry.

And my dream is to combine photo modeling and love of jewelry. In the future, I want to develop in this direction, to present jewelry, demonstrating their grace, beauty, as well as the skill of jewelers.

Colady: Anna, what is your philosophy of life? Touch our readers with your female wisdom and give advice

Anna: The main advice that I would like to give to a woman of elegant age is not to cling to the image that went to her 10-15-20 years ago, and also not to try to dress and paint as before. Everything changes: time, fashion and, of course, the woman herself, and therefore she must accept her changes with dignity.

Already in the clothes of an adult woman, a different price category should be visible than in the clothes of a girl. This is immediately noticeable in the quality of the fabric, cut and tailoring. After all, expensive clothes stand out not for their price, but for the fact that they are well-sewn and fit perfectly.

Besides, grooming is very important. This can be seen in minimal makeup on the face, a good structured haircut or long, but also well-groomed hair. A woman cannot be called a well-groomed woman if she has broken off, bitten nails, peeling varnish, regrown hair roots, wrinkled or washed clothes.

Of course, a woman of elegant age can already independently figure out the systems of typing appearance, but if not, then this problem can be solved with the help of a stylist.

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity:
Photo @anna_model_moscow

I wish all women to look elegant, stylish and self-sufficient !!!!

An interview with age + model Anna Gun'ko on the aesthetics of maturity: @anna_model_moscow

Photo: @bor_vas

Makeup & hair: @ritamaximum

Studio: @crossstudio

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