
Poems and contests for the New Year for children 3-6 years old

Contests and poems for the New Year's party for children 3-6 years oldAll scenarios for holidays and New Year’s parties for children should be based on the active creative activity of the children themselves, otherwise it will simply be uninteresting for them. Any event can be accompanied by original assignments, contests, riddles and poetry reading – and a small participant, of course, should receive interesting prizes for his activity – even if something is not working out for him.

So, what contests and tasks can be offered to children from 3 to 6 years old at the New Year’s Eve?

The content of the article:

  1. New Year’s contests for children
  2. Merry New Year’s poems-riddles
  3. Children’s New Year’s poems for the game Confusion

New Year’s contests for children 3-6 years old

1. New Year’s competition “Magic Icicle”
The kids sit on the chairs in a circle, to the music they pass each other an icicle made of foil. The child, in whose hands the icicle will be, when the music stops, must tell a New Year’s rhyme or sing a song so as not to freeze.

The original script of the New Year’s party for children 5-6 years old in the senior group of kindergarten

2. New Year’s relay race “New Year’s garland”
Children are divided into two teams. The first members of both teams, upon a signal, run forward, run around the chair and return to the team. Now they take the hand of the second team members and run together, then three, and so on until all the players run around the chair in a long “garland” and return to the start. That “garland” won, which ran to the start first with its full complement.
New Year’s competition in kindergarten “Magic Bag”
Kids are divided into two teams (for example, “snowflakes” and “bunnies”). Paper carrots and snowflakes are scattered on the floor. Each team collects items to their music in their own bag or basket. Snowflakes are snowflakes and bunnies are carrots. The winner is the team that will collect all their items in the bag without mistakes and faster.

3. New Year’s competition “Snowball”
For this competition, you need to divide the kids into pairs. One participant from each pair is given a large empty bag, which must be kept open. The second participant receives several snowballs made of paper. Participants stand opposite each other. The distance must be the same for all players. At the signal from the presenter, the participants who received snowballs begin to throw them into the partner’s bag, whose task is to catch as many snowballs as possible. The winner is the pair that has caught the most snowballs in a given time. If there are many participants, then the kids can be divided into two teams. Then the team with the highest total amount of snowballs caught by all pairs wins.

4. New Year’s competition “Ice Stream”
Two children raise their hands to form an arch. The rest of the guys, split into pairs and holding hands, pass under the arch with the words: “The ice stream does not always let through, the first time it says goodbye, the second time it is forbidden, and the third time it freezes us.” On the last words, “arch” lowers his hands. The captured pair becomes “Ice Stream”.

An interesting scenario of a New Year’s party for children 3-4 years old in the younger group of a kindergarten

Children’s New Year’s poems with the last secret word

  • He is overgrown with a beard,
    He brought us all gifts.
    Loves small children
    Very kind Barmaley. (Father Frost)
  • She was invited to the holiday,
    They dressed up toys in balls.
    Not afraid of frost
    All in needles Birch. (Christmas tree)
  • She is beautiful like a star
    It sparkles clearly in the frost.
    Flew into the window wide open
    Snow white Chamomile. (Snowflake).
  • Santa Claus granddaughter came to visit us,
    Tinsel and garlands for the children.
    Loves white snow
    This is Grandma Yaga. (Snow Maiden)
  • She covered the trees with snow,
    I put ice on the river.
    Very happy kids
    That Heat came to visit us. (Winter)

Santa Claus for a child – when can you invite Santa Claus, and how not to scare the baby?

Children’s New Year’s poems for the game Confusion

Children listen to New Year’s poems – and, if they agree with the content of the rhyme, they shout “yes!” and clap their hands, and if they do not agree, then they shout “no!” and stamp their feet.

  • Our Santa Claus with a beard
    He is cunning and very angry.
  • Snow Maiden-beauty
    The kids really like it.
  • The snow is hot and edible
    It is delicious and incomparable.
  • Christmas tree with white bark
    Quietly stirring the foliage.
  • There is a million in a bag of gifts
    There is a real elephant sitting there.
  • The tree is decorated with toys
    Garland and even firecrackers.
  • In winter we play snowballs
    We get up on skis and skates.
  • Santa Claus has a bag of gifts,
    The guys will tell him their rhyme.
  • Our snowman does not melt
    It always happens in the summer.
  • Good in winter guys
    We row the snow with a shovel. website thanks you for your attention to the article! We will be very pleased if you share your feedback and tips in the comments below.

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